Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 31, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I have been working since long before dawn on the November Power Letter that is being shipped out of the Zundel-Haus each month - and thought I would ship you some excerpts. Here they are, Ernst Zundel speaking to his worldwide supporters in 41 countries:

* Dr. Robert Faurisson - convicted to a heavy fine!

A French court levied a 120,000 French Franc fine against Dr. Faurisson, Revisionist scholar par excellence, who said that he would rather go to jail than pay a fine. It seems clear that French authorities are fearful of turning Dr. Faurisson into a martyr for his cause.

Dr. Faurisson himself had this to say:

On October 23, a criminal court in Paris fined me for more than US $20,000 (twenty thousand US dollars). If I had been given the choice between fine and jail, I would have preferred jail.

This was not the case. The court decided something quite new: the judgment will be published in the "Journal officiel de la République française"; the text of the judgment specifies that I consider the Nazi gas chamber as an "imposture".

I cannot appeal that sentence since I know by experience that, in the court of appeal, it would be worse.

Next trial is for March 16. (1998) I shall be in court only for having sent to a weekly, who published it, a very short letter rectifying the definition given by this weekly of the word "revisionism".

Despite the fine, Dr. Faurisson is in good spirits and in a combative mood. We Revisionists and the world owe this one man more than any other living Revisionist scholar. I certainly will always remember the impact his trailblazing concepts had on me.

* Canada Customs goes censorship-crazy!

Patriotic booksellers, publishers and just ordinary Canadians, who buy books overseas or in the USA - titles which are not available in Canada - have reported a dramatic increase in the incidents of book, video and publications confiscated. I myself had three shipments seized this week alone. One book seized was the Jewish writer John Sacks' book, An Eye for an Eye, which deals with Jewish crimes and brutality against Germans in postwar Europe. Another shipment of 14 wooden crates of all-German-language books, which I inherited from an old lady who had passed away, were also held. They are now being "evaluated" by Customs "experts", many of whom have probably trouble reading, giving our dismal school system.

This is really ironic: Each and every book was bought in Germany over the last 40 years from mainstream German publishers! In Germany, the "hate laws" are much stricter than in Canada, making such chicanery and attempts at censorship pointless. These books have already undergone the far more stringent censorship of the Germans!

* How we finance our worldwide outreach program: The "Zündel Miracle" at work!

Many of you have asked: "How do you do it?"

The answer is really quite simple. We work almost like a church. The bulk of our money comes via donations from people who understand the serious nature of our work - many "little" people who agree with our ideas and care enough to help. (Bequests have helped some to finance special programs like TV, programs beamed via satellite over all of North America, from Mexico to the North Pole, from Hawaii to the Carribean - but our "bread and butter" are the many small regular donations that come from simple, caring people).

Volunteers make up the bulk of our helpers who do research, help type, clean and vacuum the premises. Others still do nothing but make photocopies of documents, all day long. They get to share the food donated to us by local people, from suckling pigs to elaborate dishes, delicious desserts etc. Still others just come in occasionally to stuff envelopes, wrap parcels, help me do the mail etc.

There are paid staff members, part timers, freelancers and independent contractors. I don't believe in going into debt. Thus, all our activities are carefully monitored for effectiveness and impact. Once a project does not really fulfill my expectations, it gets cancelled. This is the only way I have been able to sustain this campaign for so many years.

This year, we are struggling because of all the legal fees involved, the cost of flights, hotel bills etc. etc. incurred because of these Human Rights Tribunal Hearings. But we shall prevail. Mark my word! We will give these people some lessons they will remember. This struggle is not a one-way street, believe me! I guarantee you that before it's over, they will know that they have encountered the toughest adversary these hired guns of the Powerful will have ever met. I am not John Taylor or the Heritage Front. Their schemes and unethical, underhanded methods, their cheap tricks of conniving delays etc. will produce pyrrhic victories for them - for while we fight their attempted censorship, truths are told, and history is being unravelled and revised before our very eyes!

This is it, my friends! Life is good! The future looks bright! A nightmare is soon to be lifted from my being. The future beckons.

I thank you for all the many kindnesses you have extended to me. I especially appreciated the compassion and understanding you have shown me by your calls, your letters and, yes, your hugs and kisses. I went to a German function last Sunday and was moved to tears as I was showered with affection. It was balm for my troubled soul. Ordinary people understood. Normal people have good instincts.

I enjoyed the fellowship of my friends and left the place in good spirits, while the car cassette player played some of my favorite music consisting of a mixture of Christian hymns and National Socialist battle songs. An odd but healing mix! "

(Excerpted from the November 1997 Power Letter)

Thought for the Day:

"Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem . . . "


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