Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 20, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

The next three ZGrams will be excerpts from Ernst Zundel's October Power Letter - kind of a "Progress Report Card", although written BEFORE the beginning of the CHRC hearings that started last week.

Ernst is still deeply involved in defending himself in Canada at great costs in money and spirit for, among other things, MY daily ZGrams - things I wrote and posted in the United States as a United States citizen under the protection of the US Constitution and the recent Supreme Court decision that told all censors: "Paws off the Internet!"

Need I say I have never even been given the courtesy of having been directly notified by the Canadian censors parading as "Human Rights" advocates that this is even going on?

Here's Ernst:

"The on-again, off-again postal strike in Canada is now supposed to take place on the 15th of October 1997, which means that this newsletter better be on its way and in the hands of our supporters and friends as soon as possible, for there are important events unfolding, which will affect freedom-not only my freedom, but freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association and the freedoms supposedly guaranteed by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, especially Articles 18, 19 and 20, which state:

Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

Quite simply and in a nutshell regarding contents posted on the Zundelsite challenged by the Canadian Human Rights Commission:

The "community" is the Internet and the visitors to the Zundelsite. My belief is that the Holocaust is a lie. I once believed it was the truth; I changed my mind once I examined facts that did not support the official story of the Holocaust.

My association with the webmaster of the Zundelsite, Dr. Ingrid Rimland, is internationally protected!

Yet, perversely, in Canada this supposedly sacred Human Right is being violated in my case by the very body ostensibly created to safeguard human rights - namely the Canadian Human Rights Commission!-in its persecution of me via their prosecution for material they claim is "hateful".

This material appears on the USA-based website called by its friends "The Zundelsite."

I will spare you the various rulings, directives and reams and reams of paper issuing like a paper blizzard from the Human Rights Tribunal and the various lawyers, intervenors, lobbyists et al. In the language of the street, the Human Rights bureaucrats and their batteries of lawyers obviously are suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain. Volume is obviously to make up for substance!

The spectacle is disgusting! The waste of taxpayers' money is going to be grotesque. Forcing me to defend myself in this kind of proceeding is like state-sanctioned robbery of my money. It is irresponsible and a travesty of justice from the word go. The political nature of these proceedings are clear to anyone with an unbiased mind.

However, the simple truths and equally simple facts of this clear-cut case seem to elude the Commission, their investigators, the Tribunal members, and the Commission's lawyers-all of whom are university-trained, most of them in law. Most are lawyers who graduated from the finest law schools of the land!

I am always saddened when I see these latter-day Torquemadas and Pontius Pilates in their pin-striped suits, starched collars, well-coifed hairdos and Gucci shoes, putting on their officious airs and demeanor as they hold forth, obfuscating the obvious, perverting not only the letter of the law but also the law's spirit, as they attempt to stomp out my freedom to defend my people's honor by perfectly legal and democratic means. You would have to sit through a few hours of these proceedings to see what legal training has done to these people, whom the public naively believes are there to "safeguard human rights".

To me, the non-lawyer, it is quite obvious that most of these people have learned how to misinterpret the laws, to twist their responses and interpretations, to make legal safeguards of freedom into legal tyranny, and to deny those they have chosen as their victims their human rights in the process-the most basic of which is the right to defend ourselves when falsely accused, whether as an individual or as a group.

I spent the last month jetting across Canada, meeting people, seeking potential witnesses in the Tribunal hearings, talking to my attorneys, researchers and supporters, trying to raise the money for this enormously costly, money-draining exercise. For there is no doubt in my mind that this is at the crux of all this "persecution through prosecution" these Human Rights violators are engaged in! Make the targeted victim spend himself into bankruptcy is a surer way to stop him than throwing him in jail!

Stripped of all their hyperbole and rhetoric, the case is simple:

1. The Human Rights statutes, as presently worded, do not give the Canadian Human Rights Commission the power to control the Internet, which did not exist when the original censorship law was passed against what they like to call "Hate messages on a telephone hotline." The Internet, and the websites accessible via the Internet, are NOT telephones. Period! Thus the CHRC has no right in law to put me through these hearings! Their lawyers ought to grasp that simple fact!

2. The Zundelsite is located in the United States and enjoys the protection of the American Constitution and Bill of Rights guaranteeing freedom of speech. That's all there is to it! These lawyers must comprehend that! They have NO territorial jurisdiction!

3. I don't control the website in the legal sense, and I don't own it either, according to how the law defines ownership-simple facts those university-trained lawyers at the Human Rights Commission must know, unless they are willfully blind to the logic and realities of the case.

4. Ken McVey, the Nizkor Shabbes Goy, who fronts for this B'nai Brith front, told the assembled guests at a recent gathering of mostly Internet censors in Toronto (and I paraphrase here) that ". . . so you are going to drag Zundel through these lengthy hearings? In the end there is zipp you can do about that website, for it is located, run, operated in the USA where they don't give a fig about your laws . . . " (meaning Canadian laws.)

So even one of their own champions, a Gentile of course, told them plainly what the realities are-yet it does not bother them. They are hell-bent to "shut Zundel down!" as every one of these Zundel detractors have threatened for two decades-from the violent Jewish Defence League to the terrorist ARA to the boys in pin-striped suits inhabiting the spacious offices in the glittering sky scrapers, such as Maxwell Yalden, former head of the CHR Commission. He was the one who was behind the "shut Zundel down!" campaign, undoubtedly egged on by the likes of Harvey Goldberg, the Director of Policy and Planning of the Human Rights Commission.

I can tell you this: they left behind an embarrassing paper trail of biased and prejudicial statements. It will be interesting to see if it will convince a Canadian court, once the Commission lawyers are through perverting the course of justice by their stalling and delaying tactics, that the proceedings are biased and vexious and that the Commission even lacks jurisdiction!

My attorneys lodged a "Judicial Review" of the entire proceedings way back in December of 1996, long before the Tribunal Hearings began. Under normal circumstances that Judicial Review should have taken place months ago, but the Commission lawyers and the Attorney General's lawyers have managed to delay and postpone witness depositions, cross examinations, filings of papers, etc. by claiming not to be available at certain dates, and canceling fixed dates for cross-examinations at short notice etc., thus thwarting the spirit of the law by questionable tactics.

It will be interesting to see if there are still judges in other jurisdictions, meaning in real courts, not quasi courts, independent and courageous enough to call a spade a spade and to put an end to this abuse of the legal process."

Thought for the Day:

"Where law ends, tyranny begins."

(William Pitt the Elder, 1708-1788)

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