Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

September 30, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

From Australia we have this press release, dated yesterday:

Freedom of Speech endangered by Australia's organised Jewry

The Adelaide Institute website is threatened with closure if an action before the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission is successful.

The hearing begins on 30 September 1997 at 10 am in Court Room H, Family Court of Australia, 25 Grenfell Street, Adelaide. According to Jeremy Jones, executive vice-president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, the material on the website offends against the Racial Hatred Act.

Specifically, Jeremy Jones objects to material that questions the allegation that millions of people were killed in homicidal gas chambers at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during 1942-44.

Adelaide Institute claims that to date no proof exists to prove such allegations.

50 years after the end of World War II, there is still -

no order

no plan

no budget

no murder weapon

no body-autopsy

which would prove the gassing allegations.

On the contrary, The Rudolf Report, authored by industrial chemist Germar Rudolf, formerly of the Stuttgart Max Planck Institute, proves the impossibility of homicidal gassings at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Rudolf's work has not been refuted.

Similarly, The Lüftl Report by former president of the Austrian Chamber of Engineers, Walter Lüftl, proves the technical impossibility of homicidal
gassings at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Late last year Deborah Dwork and Robert Jan van Pelt in their book, "Auschwitz: From 1270 To The Present", stated that the alleged Auschwitz gas chamber shown to tourists for over 40 years is a fake.

We wish to research and discuss this matter in open forum and we have been willing to attend conciliation conferences at all stages of the complaint now before the HREOC. Jeremy Jones has refused to attend such conferences. Why? Was not the idea of establishing the HREOC guided by a desire to facilitate cheaper conciliation and mediation in order to take the pressure off the courts? 95 % of complaints before the HREOC are settled that way and only 5% go to full hearings.

We believe Jeremy Jones wants confrontation and we believe he is abusing the HREOC process by trying to get a judgement against us instead of talking with us. We believe this is persecution through prosecution. We shall be facing each other in Court Room H and we should be talking with each other and not about each other.

Historical research does not require an activation of the Racial Hatred Act because hatred has no place in such work.

Jeremy Jones claims to be offended by our historical research. Such a claim stifles freedom of speech and it is totally unproductive. For example, talking about female circumcision is offensive to many Moslems. Similarly, talking about historical events such as the Crusades is offensive to many Christians. Religious Jews feel offended when the anti-Gentilism of The Babylonian Talmud is discussed in open forum. We do not blame all the Jews for the crimes of Lenin and Stalin but we certainly blame the Bolshevik Jews who had the leading hand in the biggest Holocaust of all time.

Historical research requires a sifting of the historical facts from the hysterical facts. There is no place for taboo topics in historical and scientific research. Under no circumstance must truth be suppressed, no matter how hurt someone may feel. Truth is a moral virtue and although an old-fashioned concept, we passionately embrace it.

Dr Fredrick Toben, Director
David Brockschmidt, Associate

POBox 3300
Tel: 61 8 8331 0808
Fax: 61 8 8332 2908

Thought for the Day:

"In the future you will no longer gas up your car. You will holocaust
(tm) your car."

(A ZGram reader)

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