Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 27, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

In this, my last, fund-raising letter, I want to talk some more about where I intend to put all my creative energies - and where I hope you will.

Before I do so, however, I want to let you know that now I know for SURE that I will be able to carry on the ZGrams on a daily basis, as I always have, at least through the rest of this year - even if and when I take myself on the road with "Lebensraum". After all, there are such things as laptops.

I know from your responses this past week that I will have a platform of support from which I will be able to operate effectively, and I intend to build on that support in weeks and months to come. I believe that the crisis has passed - and as has happened in the past in similar predicaments, it has helped me to anchor myself more firmly to where I really want to go.

Today I will tell you the general outline of my approach from yet another angle. I believe that what David Irving calls "Our Traditional Enemy" has just about run out of cards, but one card he still holds is the race card.

It is a dangerous card for us, and therefore I want to tell you clearly where I stand. In my mind, my stand is a moral as well as a strategic stand - and I want you to understand the implications fully.

My heart hurts when I have a member of another race come to me, hat in hand, and say: "You sound so sensible. I don't know why, but I agree with everything you say. The only thing that worries me is that you are a racist. If worst should come to worst, would you count me as Aryan? What will you do with those who aren't Aryan? I must admit, it bothers me! I want no part of it!"

Folks, that's not where it's at! Those people are my brothers. My argument is not with them. I have no need to hurt them. My argument is with those entities whose monetary interests will set us against one another to fight another war which could well be a global civil war. I want no part of that.

I look upon race in two ways: From a nature point of view, and from an operational point of view.

First, nature.

Let me use "family" to illustrate a point.

I have a family. I am so blessed to have been born into that culturally advanced, sophisticated family. I love my family over any other family in the world. I think it is the greatest.

My family deserves the best I have to give - and then some. I want to honor it, protect it, work for it - if need be, die for it. I want to use this lifetime with all that is the very best in me on behalf of my family, so that those who come after me will build on what was dear to me and sacred to my struggle.

Long after I am gone, I want those members of my family who will come after me to look back on my life and honor me as I will honor those who came before me. I claim that as my right and will not have it any other way. My family comes first.

But there are other families. Because I love my family, does it now follow automatically that I hate someone else's family?

Of course not!

Let other folks protect their families, and strive to do the best for them, and work with all their might to get the best for them. That is their right - as long as it is done with honesty and not at my expense. I will not take that right from them by "hate laws" and other judicial monstrosities.

If I take back my rights and openly avow my pride in my own family- and if I pride myself in being fair, a trait built into my Aryan race - would I deny my global neighbors those same fair opportunities?

Of course not!

I have a homestead that belongs to me and my own progeny. I built it with my sweat my way, and I want to keep it my way. I set the rules in my own home, and I won't have my rules written for me by alien intruders.

I will have guests and neighbors I will treat with all respect and courtesy, but they will not dictate to me how I will keep my kitchen and how I cook my meals. They will not move a pack of freeloaders to raid my cupboards and my drawers and help themselves to what belongs to me.

In turn, I promise that I will not claim their home as mine. I will not rifle through their drawers. I won't dictate to them their lifestyle. I won't infest their brains and hearts with what I think is right. There won't be any "hate laws".

That's where I see the danger coming to my own family and kin, and to my global neighbors' families and kin. So far, horrendous wars have been fought on the physical plane. Now finally our enemies have just about run out of fools to make their children cannon fodder - and now that war has moved into the spiritual and intellectual realm, and we must have our wits about us and not permit ourselves to once again be pitted brother against brother.

A second way of looking at the looming "race card" is by considering the principles of the Olympics, where years of rigorous, uncompromising training eventually will lead to honor for one's country and one's kin - and, ultimately, glory.

When you think of "Olympics", what springs to mind? Equality? Or Excellence? And is it not a fact that you can't have that excellence without it being a direct result of competition?

If our movement wins, we will have competition. We'll have a world where many, many countries and many, many races compete against one another - fairly, honestly, and for the betterment of all.

We WILL have excellence. It will bring forth the best in all of us. If we subtract out competition between the various races, we do so at our peril.

Two decades ago, I tried to do my dissertation on that theme. Don't waste your time reading it - I am not proud of it, but it gave me a start in thinking long and hard. As all too often happens with these critters called dissertations, the politics of college life and liberal shenanigans in various departmental echelons made mine end up a politically correct hodgepodge of jargonese - I hang my head in shame!

However, even then, politically oblivious as I was, I had the right scent in my nostrils.

At that time, I was still an educator for young children and their teachers, and the gist of my statistical design for my doctoral thesis was this - here stripped to its barest essentials:

". . . Competition is a crucially important factor in bringing out the best in all of us, particularly children. Don't give me that baloney that everything is relative, and that we cannot really measure outcome.

It is better to be clean than dirty. It is better to be smart than dumb. It is better to be strong than weak. It is better to be healthy than diseased. It is better to be law-abiding than to be criminal.

That absolutes can be enhanced by competition shall be my bottom line which I intend to prove. I take it as an absolute that there are differences between scholastic aptitudes. Applied to education as a whole, it is destructive to take a hatchet to what nature has built into children - that some are more gifted than others.

Let's say a gifted child, if nurtured right, has a theoretical "ceiling" of 100 units of potential. Let's say a not-so-gifted child has a theoretical "ceiling" of 50 units of potential.

The pedagogical goal should be to make both bright and slow reach their potential - right? We should not fuss and worry about the "gap" between them in potential and keep that "gap" just as invisible as possible - we should strive for the "ceiling" for both.

If we do not allow our gifted kids to honestly compete against each other, and earn rewards for what is best in them, they will only reach 40 units of potential. They will thus have been cheated out of 60 units of potential.

In that same system, our not-so-gifted children, with competition surgically removed, will reach only 20 units of potential. They are short 30 units of potential.

Society, in general, has been deprived of 90 units of potential ALL children could have contributed in their own way - but didn't.

In an egalitarian system, the difference between the bright and slow is 20 units of potential. That gap between the bright and not-so-bright is visible but not enough to upset anyone. To hell with theoretical potential - what are Warm Fuzzies for?!

On the other hand, in my visionary school, competition is a useful factor built into the pedagogical fabric. My capable children are not merely allowed but encouraged to shine, and my slowpokes are allowed to model themselves after those whom nature endowed with stronger gifts than they have.

In my system, bright children reach a potential of 80 units, and slow children reach a potential of 40 units.

The difference between slow and bright has now become pronounced on one hand. On the other hand, society is now ahead 60 units of potential. The bright are ahead 40 units of potential, and the slow are ahead 20 units of potential.

Now you tell me - isn't EVERYBODY better off?. . . "

That was the crux of my dissertation design. The "independent variable" was scholastic competition that legitimized the gap between the bright and slow. I considered competition a useful pedagogical tool - still do! You take it out. You pay the bill. It is as plain as that.

Without the competition factor, you wouldn't have the Olympic games - that spectacularly magnificent display of how the best, the strongest, and the finest EARN their gold.

No freeloaders in the Olympics!

We need an Olympic model in the global competition between the races. It needs to be a model that has respect and courtesy and fairness built right in - but that allows the best to shine and reap rewards. Our little planet will be the richer for it!

We need to unleash potential between the races - because by quashing differences between the races, we stunt potential for ALL races, and thus we sabotage ourselves, and them, by sabotaging nature.

When you think "Zundelsite" and our enemies start shrieking "Racist!", think "family". And think "Olympics." We are part of the Nationalist movement. Don't think of the Nationalist movement in general - now flaring all over the world in ways that must put the fear of the Lord into our enemies for their freeloading ways - as something that needs "hate laws" to be contained and stifled!

Nobody but nobody needs to fear us who is willing to put his shoulder to the wheel and shove! I say that all races are more than welcome to an honest competition - because, in our Aryan world, the concept of fairness is sacred!

One final word - to come back to my intellectual tool - my trilogy called "Lebensraum". This trilogy will illustrate these concepts, and many others, in human, flesh-and-blood terms. It will bring me enemies - and allies.

By far, our biggest problem, at this point, is Aryan cowardice. My goodness gracious - whatever happened to the spirit of the Vikings, the Goths, the American pioneering spirit, the British - and, yes, the Germans and their former dynamism? What happened to that "Erbgut" - that inherited gene pool of innovation, conquest and self-confidence that is supposed to course in our veins?

It is disgraceful that so many of the members of the Aryan race are still unwilling to stand up and say: "You count me in! This is my struggle, too!"

I have thought deeply about the implications of this sad, depressing, socially engineered reality: how our enemies have hijacked the Aryan spirit of courage and made us crawl on our bellies in the dust by making us believe that we were "racial criminals."

My trilogy will change that. My books will be available at a fair price - three separate paperbacks at standard paperback prices. In addition, however, there will in time be a beautifully bound, beautifully illustrated one-volume "Heirloom Edition" if all goes well with the first print run.

And in a hundred years from now, those "Heirloom Editions" will sit on someone's coffee table, and you and I will be two ancestors deserving of respect.

I invite you to join in our effort to bring back honor to our race - to honor those who came before us, and to create a better world for those who will come after us.


___ Yes, I would like to contribute $___ on a monthly basis to keep the ZGrams going. Please let me know particulars.

___ Yes, I would like to make a one-time contribution of $____ to help bridge the financial and organizational gap. Give me an address to send my donation.

___ Yes, I am interested and am considering support, but would prefer to wait and find out more - but I promise I will make a decision on or before August 31.

___ No, keep your ZGrams to yourself. I would rather spend my money on ____________. ( . . . for you to fill in the blank creatively)

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