Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 17, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Here is Part II of a six-part series of excerpts from Dr. Christoph Blocher's speeches on "Nazi Gold." Dr. Blocher is an influential Swiss businessman who is perceived as the populist voice in Switzerland speaking up against a financial power grab by the Jewish Lobby.

Please keep in mind that these are only excerpts. The first two parts of this six-part ZGram series are titled "Switzerland the Second World War: A Clarification."

Part III and IV are titled: "Switzerland and the Eizenstat Report."

Here Dr. Blocher continues:

". . . The Swiss people are becoming aware of politicians, members of the media and artists who are using the opportunity as a pretext for their own political causes. The entire affair is being used to relinquish sovereignty and neutrality, curtail constitutional law and transfer more power to the 'classe politique'. . . . "

". . . A gramophone record has been continually droning the message to the people that Switzerland must join the EU for all of the substantial economic advantages it would bring. But, with the high and rising unemployment in the European Union, the record has been audibly scratched, and for the Swiss it is worn out. An ever diminishing number of people believe in this proclaimed message of salvation. . . . "

". . . What is this actually all about? Rationally considered, it is in the end a question of financial demands from Switzerland even if the contrary is being said or the demands are being defined as something else.

What is not clear is what Switzerland should be paying for:

- is it a matter of aid for people who are in need?
- is it a matter of financial compensation for suffered injustices?
- is it a matter of Switzerland's settling its debts?
- is it a matter of reparation payments?
- is it a matter of the restitution of illegally acquired assets?
- is it a matter of hush money?
- is it a matter of averting threatened boycotts?
- is it a matter of so-called damage control?
- is it a matter of polishing our image?

What is it actually all about? Until now, this question has not been answered and I have the impression that it suits some people if the issue remains blurred. However, I believe that this question must be accurately clarified . . . "

". . . One must not be intimidated by accusations of anti-Semitism if demands from foreign Jewish organizations are rejected. Only a state which defends its legitimate concerns, and can defend them, is deserving of respect. Switzerland, even though a small country, must not bow to every bit of mud-slinging . . . "

". . . It is noteworthy that demands and accusations, in their present outrageousness, are only being leveled at Switzerland some fifty years after the war's end . . . "

". . . Demands made under threat of boycott must be rejected with utmost determination . . . Whoever averts boycotts by complying with demands, whoever gives in to blackmail, will be repeatedly exposed to blackmail and subject to new boycotts . . . "

". . . Payments would amount to a betrayal of our people.. . . "

". . . The Americans have "heroes" other than the celebrated member of parliament whose noble deed consisted of promising a certain amount of money to an official office somewhere which did not belong to her to begin with . . . "

". . . Another proposal at present is that a fund should be established out of gratitude for Switzerland's not being dragged into the whirlpool of war. For instance, this money could be given to surviving family members of the Holocaust victims. A fund out of gratitude based on pressure from without, quasi as an order to be thankful? . . . "

". . . What is concealed for the jurist behind the double meaning of the word "guilt" or "debt"? Which guilt or debts are (we talking about)? Who are the perpetrators? How high is the debt, and when is it satisfied? Should such payments amount to a recognition of guilt? . . ."

". . . Of even greater interest is the remark from the Jewish World Congress in New York that it amounts to a "first step" (according to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung). What is the meaning of "first step"? And where does it end? To suddenly establish a fund out of gratitude with government assets at a time of manifold claims and accusations is an exceptionally delicate matter, implausible and therefore unacceptable. . . . "

". . . Whatever the government decides to do, it should not be forgotten that those responsible are handing out money of the Swiss people and not their own . . . "

Thought for the Day:

"The Jew, whose lack of contact with your world had made him ineffective, becomes effective. The vial is uncorked, the genius is out. His enmity to your way of life was tacit before. Today, it is manifest and active. He cannot help himself: no more can you. It is futile to tell him: "Hands off." He is not his own master, but the servant of his life will."

(Maurice Samuel in "You Gentiles", p. 145)

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