Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 15, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

We often get offers from readers who are eager to volunteer in some fashion and who get angry with us for not using their goodwill and harnessing them to the struggle.

The problem is one of logistics. We simply don't have the time to guide and monitor volunteers, and there is also a legal problem in that if they do things under our guidance, we could be held responsible.

Right now it's "Each One Teach One" because the information outreach is THE most crucial task at hand, and people have to find their niche where they fit in and where their talents can be most usefully applied. Now is the time to be creative.

If nothing else, everybody can find a piece of paper and a pencil and write a Letter to the Editor. Mention the word "Revisionism." Mention that the "Six Million" is shrinking even as we speak. Mention that what we are engaged in is an intellectual struggle. Say that there are people being jailed for trying to inspect their history.

Ask, to borrow from Christopher Blocher who battles the "Nazi gold" stranglehold in Switzerland,

". . . since when it has been common practice in a free democracy for the state, meaning the government or parliament, to reappraise its own history? Official court scribes and poets exist only in absolute monarchies, although dictators of both the left and the right have been known to commission official versions of national history. But in this country, in a democratic constitutional nation, it is uncommon and inconceivable that the state should write its own history."

I even have a sample Letter to the Editor for you one of my readers wrote for me. I urge you to adapt it to your own voice. Here is what you can say:

"Most Americans are vaguely aware that there exist Holocaust Revisionists - those who deny the 'gassing' of six million Jews. Beyond this, they 'know' only that Revisionists are neo-Nazis in disguise.

Who but neo-Nazis could deny the existence of German concentration camps, the presence of crematoria and Zyklon B, the horrible scenes of emaciated corpses found in these camps at war's end?

All good questions. But all beside the point.

Revisionists deny none of these things. What they deny is the extermination program and existence of execution chambers.

How, then, do Revisionists explain the corpses, the Zyklon B and the crematoria?

The German Jewish policy was one of deportation from Europe. When war broke out, Jews were used for labor to aid the German war effort. Many thousands of Jews died in these labor camps. The principal cause of death was typhus.

To disinfect the lice-ridden clothing carrying the typhus, the Germans used Zyklon B, inert hydrogen cyanide gas. The gas was used as a life-saving device, not as a means of mass murder.

The alleged "gas chambers" were actually underground morgues for safely storing diseased bodies. Crematory ovens were the safest means of destroying infected corpses.

'Holocaust survivor' propaganda misrepresents these facts. It creates a legend of mass murder by taking facts out of context and embellishing them with wartime propaganda.

Holocaust Revisionism places the facts in their true lights. Revisionism replaces propaganda, partisanship and entrenched legend with dispassionate analysis.

Revisionists ask no one to take their arguments on faith. They ask only that their arguments be heard, compared with orthodox accounts of German Jewish policy, and be calculated honestly on their merits."

This is merely a sample letter. Adapt it to your own voice and SHIP IT.


Thought for the Day:

"It is possible to stand up to the (Jewish Lobby). It is possible to do what you know is right without being destroyed. They have much power, but it is power which they are obliged to keep concealed. They understand that they are playing a very risky and tricky game. They know that there are more of us than of them."

(With credits to whoever sent me this)

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