Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 13, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This month we got out the Zundel-Haus "Germania" and "Power" letters early, which makes my work easier because I can lift little excerpts for the edification and enthusiasm of a brand new stable of Holocaust Debunking 101 readers - of whom there are more and more, as word is spreading of our efforts.

I was re-doing some of my earlier ZGrams and preparing them for archiving when I came across an interesting statistic: At the end of March of 1996, we had at least 282,051 documents accessed. (We didn't chart our traffic the early months of operation. . .) At the end of July 1997, our count is 1,591,576. That is more than a 500% increase. We must be doing something interesting.

Here is one of Ernst's Power letter excerpts pertaining to the so-called "Nazi Gold," subtitled "Sharks in a Feeding Frenzy":

The Swiss "Nazi Gold" controversy is really almost bordering on the comical these days. Everybody is accusing everybody else of having laundered "Nazi Gold". I have literally thousands of clippings from all over the world about this issue.

I can only compare the Zionists' behavior in this matter to a bunch of hungry sharks during a feeding frenzy-utterly blind to their surroundings and the consequences of their behavior as they chomp, tear, bite, rip and dash hither and yon in their excitement of having smelled blood. I always enjoy the newscasts, where ever more grotesque claims are made about ever greater tonnage of gold allegedly smelted by the Nazis from the gold teeth of Jewish victims. Somebody even discovered a set of gold trinkets along with gold dentures recently in a vault, where it had been allegedly kept since the early 1940s!

Not all the Revisionist scholars in the world combined, not all our Internet websites, satellite TV shows or Public Access programs could have so damaged the Zionists' cause and reputations and revealed their true, rapacious natures under their normally genteel, smiling, mask-like faces, as the Nazi Gold scam has! The World Jewish Congress recently put out a promotional piece of such unbridled hate and arrogance against Germany, I can only rub my hands in glee!

The backlash is definitely building!

Now, often I sit back and watch. Writers, reporters, investigators and Zionist leaders are falling all over themselves writing the most incredible pieces about all that "looted" and "laundered" Nazi-Jewish gold that even the average Joe Six-pack eventually says to himself: "Wow! Where did those Jews get all that money in the first place?"

So much of what the Holocaust Mafia does lately is simply stupidly counterproductive-as, for example, taking on and insulting the millions of members of the Catholic faith. The Vatican Bank was accused of harboring Croatian Fascist gold-a rumor which turned out to be just that, a rumor. The Dutch are searching for Nazi Gold. So are the Swedes, where the sainted Wallenberg family seems to have been involved in the transactions. The Danes, the Portuguese, the French! The British are combing their files and books, and so is Italy, the country that found some jewelry, coins etc. in some vaults where it had allegedly rested since the early 1940s!

Good old squeaky-clean Canada apparently "laundered" tons-some claim as much as 21 tons of Nazi-Jewish gold! Wow! These pre-WWII Jews must have been rich beyond all people's wildest dreams-while the rest of the world was still struggling out of the Depression! Even the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is supposedly implicated in having "laundered" Nazi Gold!

Do these people know no limits? Apparently not.

The Swiss populist leader, Christopher Blocher, a man worth almost $500 million and, hence, a personality to be reckoned with, gave an interview to Business Week on 14 July 1997 in which he once again called the whole Nazi-Gold thing an extortion scheme. He bravely called a spade a spade and said it was "extortion against Switzerland".

In this article, the shrill helper of Edgar Bronfman of the World Jewish Congress, New York Senator D'Amato, is called a "Handlanger" of Wall Street bankers by Mr. Blocher. The Yiddish equivalent of that word is a schlepp.

This article makes clear that D'Amato functions as a schlepp for Wall Street-a lowly errand boy for the rich and powerful who bought him years ago by huge election contributions-lock, stock and barrel. Some people have talked about that for years. The New York Times in 1986 published the list of contributors to D'Amato electoral campaign, which reads like a Who's Who on Wall Street: J. J. Rothschild, Solomon Brothers, Shearson Lehman, David Rockefeller and others.

Maybe there is some truth in the rumors that Jewish banking interests want to muscle the largely Gentile-Swiss bankers out of global banking, using the well-oiled, ruthless Holocaust Mafia to do the trick for them-a lesson that will not be lost on some mighty big non-Jewish egos and interests!

Will they hold still to having the Holocaust Mafia act as a hit squad against powerful individuals and their venerable institutions? I doubt it.

What the Swiss experienced in a mild form was precisely what Hitler's government experienced after he came to power in 1933. There were virulent global headlines, exaggerations, half-truths, lies and outright concocted stories of totally untrue events such as torture etc., coupled with a global boycott of Germany. Adolf Hitler's government was nearly toppled by that onslaught. Only the deal he struck with Zionist Jews with the Havara or Transfer Agreement saved him from ignoble defeat.

Even Hitler in the end had to buy his way out-just like the Swiss now, and precisely as Germany's postwar government did in the 1950s, when Adenauer bought his way out of Allied imposed financial isolation by agreeing to reparations to Israel and Jewish groups to save his regime.

As it turned out, ironically, what Hitler did yielded only temporary relief. He was forced into a war just the same.

It will be interesting to see how long the nations of the world will allow these gangster methods to go on. The Swiss Nazi Gold story has revealed to even the dumbest of the goys what's up. I predict that the Swiss public will turn down the "6 Billion Dollar" pay-off scheme, and I predict furthermore that wealthy private Swiss interests will buy themselves freedom to live and to work by paying extortion and protection money, like Adenauer did and the Germans still do. By now the loot amounts of over DM100 Billion.

Not bad for a story based on a lie."

(Excerpts from Power Letter/August 1997)

Thought for the Day:

"Here we are sitting in a shower of gold, with nothing to hold up but a pitchfork."

(Jules Bertillon)

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