Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 29, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This is the second part of a two-part series on Allied conduct in defeated Germany. It is part of a radio broadcast put out by Kevin Strom of the "American Dissident Voices" fame, a National Alliance production. (

As I said yesterday and as I want to reiterate today, our reproducing an excerpt of this particular broadcast is not meant as an endorsement of the ADV program overall. I make this disclaimer because ". . . acting in concert" is the newest wrinkle our enemy employs in trying to stop the unstoppable - in silencing Revisionism.

However, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, and much of the information below was originally compiled by Dr. Austin App, one of the earliest Revisionist, from whose research I am now borrowing:

"Quite apart from any ethnic or ideological considerations, World War II was a war between, on the one side, the elitists who created Communism as a way-station on the road to their New World Order - and on the other, THOSE WHO OPPOSED THAT NEW WORLD ORDER.

It is a tragedy of millennial proportions that America and Britain were induced to fight on the side of Communism and Communism's masters.

Few today remember that in the 1940s, the Allies, who even then were calling their world-government-in-the-making the "United Nations," were pursuing a policy of unconditional surrender, which meant that the Germans would be obligated to accept an occupation government whose announced intentions, the infamous and genocidal Morgenthau Plan, would have reduced Germany to mediaeval conditions and cut her population by enforced starvation.

Go to a large library and check out Secretary Morgenthau's book, "Germany Is Our Problem", Harper and Brothers, 1945. You will note the use of the term "United Nations" on the front flyleaf and in the foreword by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

(Similarly), a prominent Jewish writer in America, Theodore Kaufman, had in 1941 written a book entitled "Germany Must Perish", which advocated the extermination of all Germans by sterilization.

Kaufman's book received favorable reviews in major American magazines and newspapers. Other books, such as Louis Nizer's "What To Do With Germany", also contributed to this atmosphere of strident anti-German hatred.

War propaganda and official policy combined to create an image of the German as sub-human and deserving of almost infinite punishment if not annihilation.

Churchill said to the Germans in January, 1945:

"We Allies are no monsters. This, at least, I can say, on behalf of the United Nations, to Germany. ...Peace, though based on unconditional surrender, will bring to Germany and Japan immense and immediate alleviation of suffering and agony."

Against that false claim the late Dr. Austin App proclaimed the truth:

* Those Allies who were "no monsters" literally raped more European women than had ever before been raped in the history of the world.

* They put Germany on a starvation-level diet.

* Under direct orders from Dwight Eisenhower, they killed more than a million German POWs. (Editorial note: See James Bacque, "Other Losses" describing how these soldiers died through administratively ordered neglect and starvation)

* They looted 12 million people of their homes, goods, food, and even clothes and drove them from their homelands.

* They took one-fourth of their farmland, they took their ships and their factories and their farm implements and then told them to live by farming.

* They abused and starved to death more German babies than there ever were Jews in Germany.

* They brought to their death five times as many Germans in one year of peace as died during five years of war.

* They raped and debauched hundreds of thousands of German, Austrian, and Hungarian girls and women from eight to eighty.

For the Americans and British, open rape was not as common as among the Soviet troops. The Soviets simply raped any female from eight years up and if a German man or woman killed a Russian soldier for anything, including rape, 50 Germans were killed for each incident, as reported in TIME magazine, June 11, 1945.

But for most of our boys, having that "wonderful time" depended a great deal on the "cooperation" of the German and Austrian women. From the starving and the homeless, of course, sexual "cooperation" could be bought for a few pennies or a mouthful of food. I don't think we ought to dignify this arrangement with any other than its true name of sexual slavery.

The "Christian Century" for December 5, 1945 reported "the American provost marshal, Lieutenant Colonel Gerald F. Beane, said that rape presents no problem for the military police because a bit of food, a bar of chocolate, or a bar of soap seem to make rape unnecessary. Think that over, if you want to understand the situation in Germany."

The "Weekly Review" of London, for October 25, 1945, described it thus: "Young girls, unattached, wander about and freely offer themselves for food or bed. ...very simply, they have one thing left to sell, and they sell it... a way of dying it may be worse than starvation, but it will put off dying for months -- or even years."

Dr. George N. Shuster, president of Hunter College, wrote in the "Catholic Digest" of December 1945 after a visit to the American Zone of occupation, "You have said it all when you say that Europe is now a place where woman has lost her perennial fight for decency because the indecent alone live."

By official policy, the Allies created conditions in which the only German mothers who could keep their young children alive were those who themselves or whose sisters became mistresses of the occupying troops.

Our own officials admittedly brought the Germans down to a total daily food intake less than that of an American breakfast, a level which leads to slow but sure death unless relieved.

According to testimony given in the United States Senate on July 17, 1945, when the colonial French troops under Eisenhower's command, presumably mostly Africans, entered the German city of Stuttgart, they herded German women into the subways and raped some two thousand of them.

In Stuttgart alone, troops under Eisenhower's command raped more women in one week than troops under German command raped in all of France for four entire years.

In fact, of all the major belligerents in World War II, the German troops had by far the smallest record of rape and looting. In fact, the German army's incidence of rape in all of Germany's occupied territories was even lower than that of American troops stationed on American soil!

According to the International News Service in London, January 31, 1946, when American soldier's wives were brought to Germany, they were given special authorization to wear military uniforms because "the GIs did not want their wives mistaken for Fraeuleins by other occupation troops."

A writer for the "New York World Telegram" January 21, 1945 stated "Americans look on the German women as loot, just like cameras and Lugers."

Dr. G. Stewart, in a health statement submitted to General Eisenhower, reported that in the first six months of American occupation, venereal disease jumped to twenty times its former level in Germany.

I want you imagine an orgy of rape like this happening in your country, in your neighborhood, to your family, to your wife, your sister, your daughter. I want you to imagine what it would feel like to be totally powerless to stop it from happening, completely unable to bring the criminals to justice.

And I want to ask you, were there ever any "war crimes" or "hate crimes" trials of these butchers and rapists and inciters to butchery and rape?

Ladies and gentlemen, you have been lied to by those who want to submerge us into their world government. The public schools, the major media, and the government are lying to you."

(Kevin Strom in "American Dissident Voices")

Thought for the Day:

"When it was seen that many of the wicked seemed quite untroubled by evil consciences. . . then the idea of future suffering was advanced."

(Lewis Browne)

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