Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 26, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

The Zundel-Haus producers sent me a video of a parking lot interview I did during the first so-called Canadian "Human Rights" Tribunal hearings challenging the contents of the Zundelsite as "hate".

Watching that video, I gave myself an unabashed pat on the shoulder, and I said to myself: "Gee whiz, I really come across as gentle and soft-spoken."

Why am I telling you this, other than to brag on myself? Partly because this ZGram is an obituary of sorts to one Mr. Jamie McCarthy of Nizkor, brash as they come, who has announced his retirement from Nizkor and has concomitantly, I assume, abandoned what must be one of the shrillest, slimiest, most unsavory places in cyberspace, called alt.revisionism.

Before I do so, however, still in the self-promotion mode, I might as well unload this letter, which came to me from Finland, and which I bring unedited because I think it's touching from a non-English speaker:

"Thank you for replying me so quick, it was pleasure to hear from you! I found your Web-site by "net search" and by using it I was able to get information on you in other sites, too, such as Nizkor stating racists etc.

It's so embarrassing; to me it seems that those people can only label everyone who they don't like - and their favourite words must be racist, nazi and holocaust denier. . . Why should I waste my time by reading their propaganda because I can see it everyday in television and papers anyway?!

The last thing I read was "Zundel-Haus" and the TV-document, "Profession: Neo-Nazi" of Ernst Zundel, mentioned in it was also shown over here in Finland some years ago and I have to say, alas, that back then I believed everything what they told in the document.

But now the things have changed and I have become more critical and skeptic what we are exposed by the media.

It is such a honour to be in contact every now and then with two of the leading revisionists, you and David Irving, because I order all his books from the author himself and he sometimes even write me a few words.

In my opinion Irving is the leading revisionist historian although he is not a "holocaust" historian, but he really impress me with his ability to interpret all the documents and diaries. At the moment I am reading his "Nuremberg: The Last Battle" which is not only detailed study but it has so many gorgeous photographs as well.

Sometimes I wonder how much time you spend daily with ZGrams, e-mail and other related material. Therefore, if one use word brave of Ernst, I think it is fair to say (you) are brave, too!

When you one time wrote in ZGrams that some people are threatening you I became very anxious, yes I really did! One of the worst nightmares I could ever imagine could be an announcement that Ingrid Rimland is killed by a leftist thug.

I mean, if there wouldn't be ZGrams anymore I would feel like something important is missing in my life, so the thing only I can say now is that God bless you and safe you from the enemy!

It is always disgusting to read such comments that you and Ernst are just turning younger people into neo-nazis. Well, I am myself 26 and I believe that everyone reading ZGrams or Zundelsite has his own brains and can think himself and most important of all; be independent . . . !"

So. Now you know. Now I am going more from the colloquial into the formal mode by quoting one of my favorite authors, represented by Granata Communications:

"One of the most transparent fallacies of the racial egalitarians is the idea that race hatred is the product of ignorance and misunderstanding.

Reasoning from this fallacy, the egalitarians conclude that "understanding" will promote brotherhood and harmony.

In fact, "understanding" will no more promote harmony between the races than understanding will motivate the Rolling Stones to frequent Carnegie Hall.

Human beings and their divisions are like the chemical elements. some of them may successfully combine, others may not. These distinctions inhere in the nature of things and cannot be argued away."

So back to the loop regarding Jamie McCarthy - we truly had different molecules which we never managed to mix:

The way I originally became involved with Nizkor as an opposition page and the whole bunch of Nizkorites as ideological antagonist was an Australian interview that Jamie gave two years ago-an interview which I don't have at my fingertips right now from which to quote verbatim, but where he said, in the recognizable tribal vernacular, something to the effect that he, McVay and other fellow Nizkorites were going to have a little fun with Ernst Zundel and "kick ass."

That about summed it up. That was the whole idea - and, lo, it didn't work!

It absolutely enraged me that this young, cheeky, utterly unprincipled simpleton, a two-faced city slicker of the deepest dye and probably a member of the Tribe, had the audacity and chutzpah to think he could take on somebody of the caliber and substance of Ernst Zundel-a man who has devoted every waking moment of his life and millions of his own and his supporters' money to what he calls the Noble Cause.

That's when I said: "Now I'm in business! Now there are two of us!"

Yesterday, I read that Jamie has announced retirement from Nizkor, citing personal financial woes, deciding to devote his energies to making lots of money. Might banking be his next step-right up the politically correct ladder?

I learned a lot from Jamie - chiefly the tactics of the enemy: the smears, the endless shrieks about the evil "Nazis", the here's-one-in-your-face rudeness, intimidation by demonization and demoralization, hairsplitting sophistry-and on and on and on.

It gives me great personal pleasure to see Jamie McCarthy depart. The Net will be more inviting without him.


Thought for the Day:

"Laughter is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one place."

(Josh Billings)

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