Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 12, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I hate like the dickens having to do this just as it is getting interesting, but I have to interrupt my "Zundelgate" series - while there are two more to go! But something unexpected has come up - I have no choice.

I take this opportunity, therefore to send you a Press Release, July 3, from "down under." I often hear that "Revisionism is not making any inroads. . . " - are you kidding? All over this globe!

Here's one - unpleasant for the person charged with heresy - but just take a look at the charges, and the in-depth documentary plowing these charges will necessitate!

Here it is, without any further ado:

"The Director of Adelaide Institute, Dr Fredrick Toben, advises that Mr Jeremy Jones, Executive vice-president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, has taken Adelaide Institute to the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

In his complaint to the Commission, Mr Jones claims that material appearing on Adelaide Institute's Internet site ( constitutes:

1. malicious anti-Jewish propaganda,
2. denies the existence of the Holocaust,
3. blames Jewish people for the actions of Stalin, and
4. threatens violence against Jewish people.

The hearing is set to commence before Commissioner McEvoy at Adelaide on 29 September 1997.

Dr Toben said he has an extensive list of witnesses which the Commissioner has to approve. He will be calling over 30 witnesses, many from overseas.

(List deleted)

"The hearing is important," says Dr Toben, "because an adverse finding could categorise historical revisionism as 'race-hate'. This would have a disastrous effect on our freedom of academic research and freedom of speech generally.

All thinking persons revise their points of view as new information comes to hand. If we have the chilling effects of a law designed to stifle open debate, then we lose that freedom.

For example, in 1994 Canadian Columnist Doug Collins wrote a piece headed 'Swindler's List' in which he criticises Jewish influence in Hollywood. Canadian Jewish groups objected to this and took the matter to the British Columbia Human Rights Commission. The case, which ended a couple of days ago in Vancouver has cost over $200,000.'

Dr Toben welcomed the recent United States Supreme Court decision which struck down as unconstitutional President Clinton's attempt to censor the Internet.

'Under the guise of protecting children from pornographic exposure on the Internet, we know that the aim of that Clinton legislation was to silence dissent and get control of the free flow of information on the net.'

Dr Toben also said, 'It is a pity that Australia does not have a First Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech, and our race hate legislation is designed to do anything but encourage a free flow of information.'"

So we will have another Revisionist show trial, this time in Australia - with brand new evidence, hot from Russia, where some of our most illustrious Revisionists, I understand, have recently gone to do some excavations in the dusty files of Beria - euphemistically speaking, at that.

Meanwhile, it might be as long as a week until I can get back to the conclusion of Zundelgate ZGrams - but I will be around, and I will keep you posted, as always!

Meanwhile, have yourself a happy summer weekend!


Thought for the Day:

"There is a great deal more at stake in Jerusalem than Middle East Politics."

(Shirl McArthur and Richard H. Curtiss, SRMER, Vol. XVI, p. 21)

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