Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 10, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Here comes installment # 4 on what I call "Zundelgate" - the unraveling of how the Shadow Government uses thoroughly unsavory individual characters banding together as a mob to terrorize "politically incorrect" people not compliant or submissive to their goals.

This part of my series gives insight into the interwoven nature of these underground operations - operations often at the very mercy of the mental and emotional limitations of the people who are being used. As a reader commented just yesterday: "The Reds are reduced to sending mouse traps in the mail. Fear those who can send SWAT teams."

Below is yet another excerpt from the Search Warrant, describing how Thurston and Barbarash, the two suspects in the multiple parcel pipe bomb and mousetrap mailings, might have had their warped ego needs wrapped around yet another "liberation cause".

Take a person whose emotional needs revolve around "liberating cats" - and it does not take all that much to goad his criminal tendencies into fighting what he believes are "racists", "neo-Nazis, "fascists", or "white supremacists":

(Cst. POWERS) provided the following conclusions regarding Darren THURSTON's involvement with the group claiming responsibility for the pipe parcel bombs:

THURSTON is familiar with anti-fascist groups world wide through personal correspondence and information gathering. THURSTON organized local chapters of SHARP - Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice, and the AFL - Anti-Fascist League in Edmonton.

Comprehensive intelligence files were maintained by THURSTON on fascist organizations and their members which, when reviewed, showed the names and addresses of eight of the ten targets identified in the Anti-Fascist Militia communiqué to Reuters News Service in April 1995. These files were seized in 1992 at the time of THURSTON's arrest for the Breaking and Entering and Arson offenses that he committed and, as such, the information on those files is now dated....

There is a close link between the animal rights and anarchist anti-fascist causes. This would explain the connection between the seemingly unrelated targets of the four parcel bombs. THURSTON is closely involved in both causes and has been involved in extremist acts with the Animal Liberation Front and is strongly suspected of carrying out actions as part of the Animal Rights Militia.

THURSTON was on probation as a result of his temporary absence permit from Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre. ... During the period of probation, THURSTON was not allowed to leave the city of Edmonton. THURSTON maintained his association with other activists in British Columbia (...) His work is done by telephone, or through a computer modem from his mother's residence, which would allow him the opportunity to collaborate with associates in Vancouver where the parcel bombs are being sent from.

THURSTON has the interest, knowledge and experience to make explosives. Documents seized from THURSTON's residence in 1992 included a manual complete with diagrams, on how to construct a pipe bomb utilizing a mouse trap as the triggering device, and a battery source which is the same construction and set up of the four parcel bombs that have been received to date. Also from the Crime Analysis Section Intelligence files, THURSTON further earned the nickname the "Mad Bomber" while attending Harry Ainlay High School in Edmonton in the early 1980s. He was suspected, along with another youth from the school, of setting off a pipe bomb under an old bridge on the south side of Edmonton. Several of the intelligence files THURSTON maintained involved bombing incidents by terrorist groups worldwide.

THURSTON would be aware of altering group names to carry out extremist acts. A group or organization's name which utilizes passive protest methods would be changed slightly with the changing of words within the name or adding a last name. An example of this would be his use of the Animal Liberation Front "Support Group" to carry on certain group actions such as fund raising and public awareness campaigns, the Animal Liberation Front for carrying out minor extremist actions and finally the Animal Rights Militia for the serious actions. Involvement in the Anti-Fascist League may require a variation of the group name to the Anti-Fascist Militia to carry out the pipe bombing campaign. Also seized from THURSTON in 1992 were newsletters from other terrorist groups. In one of these newsletters, reference was made to "The Militant Direct Action" groups in West Germany etc. which may have been used to derive the MDATF which is claiming responsibility for these parcel bombs.

The MDATF logo has strong similarities to that used by the Red Army Faction in Germany, a group that THURSTON collected information about.
Seized computer files from THURSTON revealed references that THURSTON would like to send Terry LONG (an Aryan Nations member and white supremacist) a mail bomb. This information had been double encrypted in a computer disk of THURSTON'S and deciphered during the investigation. Terry LONG was one of the named recipients of the mousetrap warning letters sent by the Anti-Fascist Militia.

THURSTON maintains a close association with David Nathan BARBARASH, another known animal rights extremist and anti-fascist who resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, from where the mail bombs appear to have been sent. Their history of militant actions in support of their causes is well documented. (...) BARBARASH is also fully capable of using these parcel pipe bombs as a means to fight for his cause.

In the first communiqué to the media, (the one received by the Montreal Gazette on June 26, 1995), the MDATF stated they were "fighting in solidarity with 'several other extremist groups.' Many of the groups listed were not well known in Canada and only someone deeply involved in the cause would know of their existence. THURSTON had files of information on five of the eight named solidarity groups, including RED ARMY FACTION, MACHETOROS, RARA, ROTE ZORA, and FALN.

A similarity can be seen in the communiqué (#3) concerning the MACKENZIE INSTITUTE parcel pipe bomb and an Animal Rights Movement (ARM) communiqué sent to the press in 1990. Both state their solidarity with the native rights groups. (...)

In THURSTON's residence, the police found a Chinese AK-47 assault rifle, 7.62 ca., that had a loaded clip in the gun. They found a fully loaded 9 mm. semi-automatic handgun, as well as ammunition for each of the weapons - 128 rounds of 7.62, and 150 rounds of 9 mm. ammunition. THURSTON was also found to have two "training" hand grenades. He also had police scanners.

The RED ARMY FACTION is a left wing, highly structured group with the aim of overthrowing the German government regardless of the loss of human life. It claims to be Marxist-Leninist. Other targets include businessmen and military bases and officials from Germany and the U.S.A. Tactics include bombing, fire bombing and murder.

The MACHETOROS is a Puerto Rican separatist group believed to be linked to the Cuban government. It is considered to be the most violent group in Puerto Rico. They target certain kinds of establishments in the U.S.A. with improvised bombs and military weapons, particularly police and the military. court houses and electric power stations.

The ROTE ZORA is the name used by Revolutionary Cells when claiming responsibility for attacks linked to feminist issues. Revolutionary Cells's ideology is left-wing populist and anti-imperialist. It is loosely structured and has been active only in Germany.

RARA is known as the Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action and is known only to be active in the Netherlands. It has targeted companies with links to South Africa using firebombing and vandalism. It is based in the Dutch anarchist community.

The FALN, the Armed Forces of National Liberation, is a Spanish-speaking Puerto Rican separatist group with the goal of the full independence of Puerto Rico. Their targets were chosen to ensure maximum publicity. A campaign in the mid 1970s escalated with the use of high explosive devices, often incorporating propane tanks, electronically detonated using clockwork delay systems. Bombs were hidden in non-descript containers, i.e. handbags, boxes, gym bags.

The JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, formed in England in 1993, is a militant offshoot of the Animal Liberation Front, which was formed in England in 1976. The ALF has a policy of non-violent direct action and liberation, while the more violent actions are carried out by the Justice Department or the Animal Rights Militia, another militant ALF offshoot. In England, the Justice Department has claimed responsibility for a large number of letters containing armed mousetraps and for parcel bombs. Targets include hunters, farmers, animal researchers, breeders and meat producers. The JUSTICE DEPARTMENT in North America, specifically in Canada, is believed to have its roots in the ALF and to have similar goals and ideology.

(end of Search Warrant excerpt)

So here you have two violent thugs, still on the loose, known to have connections to all kinds of violent factions in the underground - and not one word about their connection to the very group, the ARA, that was suspected all along in the Zundel-Haus fire and parcel pipe bomb assassination attempt! Right in the Toronto Police Department's back yard!

All kinds of terrorist groups, with whom Thurston and Barbarash cavorted, are named and described as well as analyzed by police, making the omission of the militant Anti-Racist-Action connection very odd - to say the very least! This Toronto-based, Canada- and America-wide Anti-Racist Action group, with whom Thurston officially merged on July 3, 1996 is not seen fit to be mentioned or analyzed?


As I said in yesterday's concluding ZGram paragraph - a paragraph that bears repeating:

Could it be that the ARA was not mentioned because the very people who have harassed, beset, vilified, charged and otherwise made Ernst Zundel's life as miserable as they could possibly make it - namely Sabina Citron, the Canadian Simon Wiesenthal Centre, and B'nai Brith of Canada - HAVE OPENLY ENDORSED AND BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH THE TORONTO CHAPTER OF THE ARA, by getting them grants, by sponsoring their workshop, by stating that they have an ". . . amiable relationship with the ARA, despite their 'tactics'"?

Lots more to come! Meanwhile, here is your Thought for the Day, as taken from Protocol 9 of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion":

"Anti-semitism is the means by which we control our lesser brethren."


P.S. Please note that I note here for my protection that "The Protocols", as this document is called in the vernacular, was declared a "forgery" by various Jewish spokespeople and in a questionable legal proceeding in Bern, Switzerland, during the 1930s.

So, my quesiton is: "Where is the original?" A "forgery" can only be done against an existing "original" - otherwise Monopoly money would be real money?

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