Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 5, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

For all the trials and tribulations in my kaleidoscopic life, making friends and being liked has seldom been my problem. Until I became known as a "Nazi" on the Internet, I could count my "enemies" on the fingers of one hand.

Therefore, it was a shock to me to be so torched by defamation - and it was not until I realized that defamation and character assassination are ancient psychological warfare tactics honed to perfection within the last few decades that I began to shrug them off and pay them no attention.

With that as a preface, I want to bring you more of Jacob Thorkelson, Congressman from Montana on the eve of the Second World War, who experienced almost six decades ago what I am now experiencing. It give you food for thought:

"MR. Speaker, . . . SHORTLY after May 1 (1939) a silent campaign began in Washington and at home in which the informants have whispered defamation of me in the following manner:

"I understand he is connected with Nazi organizations and he is a protege of Father Coughlin. Have you heard about it?"

And so forth.

Of course, no one had heard about it, and I was not aware of it until informed by an employee in the House and by letters I received from interested friends.

It seems strange, indeed, that anyone who rises in opposition to the New Deal (Ingrid says: read "New World Order" here!) and in defense of the Republic is labeled a "Nazi" by the Socialists and Communists, but not by anyone else.

The injustice of this propaganda and its possible destruction of character is a matter to which these assassins give little thought. Such infamous attacks cannot be stopped after they are once started, but must, instead, like forest fires, burn themselves out.

However, selecting me as a victim for this character destruction is a wasted effort, for that has been tried before by others, and they have failed.

Ever since my advent in politics my character has been assailed by self-admitted Communists, who also claim to be staunch supporters of the New Deal and the President, but, contrary to the recent episode, they have expressed themselves in the open.

As a Member of the House of Representatives, I have at times discussed Congress, the Executive, and the Supreme Court, and in such discussions, I believe, confined myself to just criticisms. During this same period I have not neglected to criticize the Socialists and socialism in its various phases and activities, yet, outside of a few quips by certain writers, my activities have gone unnoticed.

In this article I discussed the invisible government. This government is now composed of the money power - I want to be charitable - and a group with socialistic philosophy. Both of these groups are largely composed of European casualties, which are now being dumped in our lap.

The United States is selected as an exhibition ground for the golden calf and its wailing devotees. The power which rules is money, for it buys and controls newspapers, cinema, and broadcasting. This power is working in close cooperation with its associates in the administration.

To assure success in this rape on the Republic, Members in Congress are induced to introduce legislation which restricts and censors broadcasting to all, except the dupes of the invisible government. We, the suckers, who must pay the bill, are treated with specially prepared fireside chats ad nauseam.

The security of this group in the invisible government is a little uncertain, for we are not far removed from the days of the vigilantes, and there are many hardheaded Americans who still believe in constitutional government, and might for that reason take the law into their own hands, as they have done before.

To soothe the masses and to amuse them, business is held up to ridicule and declared incompetent to handle its own affairs. It is no different than the dim past, when the populace in the coliseum viewed unequal combat in the arena. The people then applauded the lion; they now applaud the jackass. (...)

After having received a communistic May Day circular . . . it dawned upon me why anyone who criticizes socialism and communism and the New Deal is called Fascist and Nazi.

As a matter of fact, it is quite plain to me that anyone who supports our republican form of government, as proclaimed in the Constitution, is persona non grata to the Socialists and the Communists, for they are, as we know, bent upon destruction of constitutional government as it has been enjoyed by our people for 145 years.


For any working man to think that he can benefit by supporting these international pack rats is the height of optimism. If allowed to go on, it can only end in destroying labor and industry as well.


The question now to be decided by the American people is whether or not the United States is to be controlled by the invisible government, supported by the Communist International, or whether it is to be controlled by Congress as proclaimed in the Constitution and supported by patriotic citizens. In this question, each and every citizen should display a keen interest, and I include everyone within that group who still believes in the fundamental principles of out Government, and in the rights and liberties of the people.

If there is any question as to the intention of the administration, the statement I have just quoted . . . should be sufficient evidence that we are facing a life and death struggle at home. Socialism and communism are entrenched within the Federal Government in all departments and the dupes of this philosophy will be found in key positions. (...)

If any Federal investigation bureau is short of work, let it investigate socialism and communism. These may be found first in the Federal Government in Washington, and second, in practically every city in the United States. It is not hard to get a lead, because such subversive organizations publish their own papers and give the addresses so that anyone may find them. (...)

I now challenge those who labeled me a Nazi to state where I am wrong, in taking this stand, and I hope those who accused me will accept this challenge. (...)

(T)he question may be asked: What is fascism? The only place I have seen this mentioned is in communistic publications. It is a term used in all communistic papers, obviously to cover up their own activities.

Fascism, as I understand it, exists in Italy, a country which is ruled by a king and a dictator. The Government itself is socialistic. The most absolute form of dictatorship and one rarely mentioned by those interested in the admission of refugees is in Russia, and the dictator is Joseph Stalin.

It is he who has placed hundreds before the firing squad; it is he who has banished hundreds to Siberia; it is Stalin who has denied the Christian religion in Russia and closed Christian churches, and it is Stalin who with the utmost indifference has lined those who have helped him against the wall at dawn before the firing squad.

He is the dictator in Russia, a country in which socialism and communism are supreme. It is his philosophy of government which is rampant in the United States, gradually but insidiously destroying our own republican form of government. Why is it that those who favor war in Europe and favor immigration from Europe are not afraid of his kind of dictatorship? Let those who complain answer this question.

We have reached the point where we should deny admittance to all who persist in adhering to their own philosophies, for they only reproduce their own kind, and for that reason will always be the same, today, tomorrow, and a thousand years hence. They have always been and will always be a separate and unassimilable people by their own choice.

The question now before the American people, and I mean the real American patriots, is, Shall we save the Government of the United States and perpetuate the American Nation, or shall we, in complete apathy, wait to be annihilated by the invisible government?"


Two Thoughts for the Day - for good measure:

"Since the present has already been stolen, we must secure the future for our progeny."


"What is happening now will determine how my children will live in the next millenium.

( Culled from a mountain of ZGram letters supportive of what we are doing here at the Zundelsite)

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