Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

June 17, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

It's funny how many ways there are for people, once steeped in the Holocaust myth, to get rid of two generations' worth of disinformation about the Holocaust. A study is in order - how people free themselves.

I think that the moment of truth for me came when I heard it pointed out that it seemed extravagant for the thrifty Germans in the midst of universal rationing of fuel during the war - when German children froze to death! - to foolishly cart Jews into their concentration camps from every last corner of Europe.

Why would they do a thing like that - at great expense to them! - gas them in an elaborate genocidal enterprise, and then incinerate their bodies - when a 10 cent bullet on location could have done it? If genocide was on their mind, would that not have made sense?

If, on the other hand, expulsion was the aim, would concentration camps not have been logical - from an efficiency point of view?

Here are a few reader responses along the same lines:

· "As I am sometimes prone to do, I visited one of these 'super bookstores' to browse the latest in WWII and 'Holocaust' volumes. I did manage to pick up a paperback version of Danuta Czech's 'The Auschwitz Chronicle.'

"More importantly, they had a pricey coffee-table book - oversized and jam-packed with color pictures entitled, 'The Holocaust Museum in Washington.' This volume was put together by Weinberg and Elieli.

"It has very expensive photos of the museum from every conceivable angle - from the air, etc. etc. It also documents the photos, exhibits, films, etc. etc. that you see inside the museum.

"These photos are all done very nicely with no people in the way. The photographers must have been given the run of the museum.

"Well... I decided to get another look at the 'gas chamber door' of Majdanek. I went to the section which covered the Final Solution and . . . alas no door!

"They had photos of the replica of the model of the kremas. They have the bunk beds. They have the 'Arbeit macht Frei' sign.

"Where is the door?

"So I went to the beginning of the book. I turned each and every page of that sucker and no door.

"I went through it a second time. No door.

"So I turned to the index. I looked up "gas chamber door." No luck.

"I tried "gas chamber" - still no luck.

"Finally I tried "Maidanek." There are 3 references in the book. One reference actually mentions the door. It is one sentence long.

"It mentions the museum staff going to Maidanek and bringing back the "replica" of the original "gas chamber door." It doesn't even say the door is somehow implicated in the murder of thousands of humans.

"In this huge volume which covers every element of the (US Holocaust Memorial), the omission of the grand finale of the museum is extremely odd . . . "

· Another reader wrote:

"You and your family join a procession marching to the railroad station. You are guarded by SS men and local police. The train arrives - cattle cars. You hold your father's hand as you are forced into a car with 80 to 100 other people. The door slams and you hear the lock. About one-half hour later, the train begins to move.

"After two hours, people grow thirsty; there is no room even to sit down; one small opening in a corner of the car is the sole source of air. There are no windows.

"It is almost impossible to see because of the darkness. You gasp for breath. There is no toilet, only a bucket somewhere in the middle of the car. The heat grows unbearable. Your father's hand has slipped from yours and you cannot see your family members.

"People begin to groan and scream, babies cry. The train stops - but nothing happens. Other trains pass by in a different direction.

"Notice the contradiction above:

"They are forced into cattle cars, but the cattle cars have only one air hole!

"Now anyone who has seen a cattle car on a train (or even a truck, or a horse trailer), knows that these are open air cars with slats for siding instead of a solid side as with a box car.

"What happened to the famous "Germans treat their animals better than Jews" line? Any animal put in such a contraption would die of suffocation . . ."

· A third had had this to say:

"It has occurred to me that if one were to propose that Mr. Goldhagen is right, and we are all guilty of whatever fabrications they say about us, and, assume, for the sake of argument that their worst technicolor horrors are completely true . . .

(it follows. . . )

If every German is guilty of Lidice, then every Jew is guilty of Deir Yassin -

If we are guilty of the "concentration camps", then every Jew is guilty of the ones that Israel ran and is still running today -

If we were guilty of discrimination and hatred against the Jews, then every Jew is guilty of discrimination and hatred against the Palestinian people -

So I guess my questions to the Jews are:

"If concentration camps are so evil, WHY ARE YOU STILL RUNNING THEM?"

If it is a bad thing to torture your enemies-- WHY ARE YOU STILL DOING IT?

And if Hate Mongering is a crime... WHY AREN'T YOU IN JAIL?

· And, finally, the oxymoron that "genocide" is "proven" by survivors", was made by Father Quintos Barreiro, an Argentinian priest, during his homily on November 1, All Saints' Day, 1995.

Here's how the brave padre spoke:

"I don't believe in the death of six million Jews (in the Holocaust). I don't believe it because there wouldn't have been any left and there are a lot left ... The only untouchable in the modern world is the Jew ... I sincerely say that if nobody wants the Jews, there must be a reason for not wanting them.

"Look at the fact that despite the persecutions there are every day more of them everywhere. . . "

Just remember that the Holocaust is the only "crime of genocide" in history that is daily "proven" by survivors.


Thought for the Day:

"A man convinced against his will is not convinced."

(Peter Drucker)

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