Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

June 2, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

It turns out that I spoke too early, praising Canadian major print media for reporting fairly and impartially about the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal hearings.

A Mr. Mark Bonokoski, editor of the Ottawa Sun, who has vilified and character-assassinated Ernst since 1977 in every piece he has written about him, corrected me by delivering himself of the following yesterday in an editorial titled "The high price of free speech":

"Here we are, on the eve of a democratic election, and one of the prices of that democracy is being argued before the federal Human Rights Commission.

"There is little doubt in my mind that one of the more odious creatures on this planet is Ernst Zundel, the Toronto Nazi sympathizer who has spent his entire adult life spreading hatred against Jews and denying the historical accuracy of the Holocaust.

"The man is a nasty piece of work, and about as vile as vile can be.

"This can hardly be argued. (...)

"Defending Zundel, as might be expected, is British Columbia-based lawyer Doug Christie, well known for representing clients who normally leave a slick behind them when they walk in and out of court.

"It's his role in life. (...)

"And, if that doesn't make things complicated enough, the creator and web master of the "Zundelsite" is not even Ernst Zundel. It's a similarly sick individual named Ingrid Rimland, an American citizen living and working out of Carlsbad, Calif."

Of course this piece speaks for itself, and thus no more about it shall be said except that Mr. Bonokosky has just practiced medicine without a licence, and that his intemperate tone reveals a hatred which is chilling. I want to juxtapose his writing merely with an e-mail that I received from one of my regular readers who found his way to us via the Nizkor links "exposing" us as "haters":

"I wanted to share a little event that took place on the New York subway recently and my thoughts about that incident.

"Just last week on the subway from downtown to midtown Manhattan, after work, I found myself in a very crowded car. It was so crowded I was standing in the aisle, pressing the palm of one hand against the ceiling of the car to keep myself from being thrown about. A pretty young girl was standing just in front of and facing me. Just behind me was her boyfriend or husband. They were German tourists and were speaking their native language.

"The girl seemed very sweet and shy. The boy she was with was very polite and a little shy, too. I think he wanted to be next to his girl, but I couldn't move an inch either way. Then came a Jewess barging through to get to the only empty seat.

"She heard the girl speaking German--at least I can hardly imagine that she didn't pick up on that fact. So, very rudely, she "ordered" this sweet German girl to move out of her way. Her voice was so sharp and demeaning. I looked back at the boy and again at the German girl. They both seemed nonplused by the Jewess' hostility.

"I was thinking of this later, and how my experience with German tourists in New York has always shown them to be "real" people--not the "Goldhagen monsters" that we are constantly presented with through the media.

"We have both a human responsibility and particularly an American responsibility to counter this defamation of the German people. Each of us as individuals can and should assume this responsibility. We don't need to wait for an official edict from the media, nor from our subverted government.

"There is an old concept which is regularly expressed in one form or another--often in platitudes; it is the notion that if one would help himself, he should seek to help others first. Many Americans see that our government has been subverted and we would love to do something about it.

"There are other nations as well, which are struggling to preserve their national identity. We should speak openly and positively about those grassroots organizations, such as Le Pen's Front National, John Tyndall's British Nationalist Party, Pauline Hanson's One Nation and others.

"We have to be brave enough to speak openly and positively about Ernst Zundel's struggle for truth and the liberation of the German people from Zionist defamation and tyranny.

"We have to reach people--the man on the street--who do not have an Internet account. This can be much more powerful than all the media, all the Goldhagens, all the Spielbergs. That personal revelation of the revisionists' message will make a greater impression on the mind of the man in the street than all of the prop-masters combined.

"I know this is true, because I've witnessed it. I've seen the intense interest that people will take when they hear anyone speaking counter to the "official" dogma. In recent polls, the media comes off poorly. A large and growing percentage of people don't trust the media to present information accurately and objectively.

"The holohoax is the hammer by which nationalism is crushed, the sickle which cuts out the proud heart of our Western civilization. We fought WWII for that purpose. Toward this end, we Americans--to paraphrase General George S. Patton--destroyed a great people. If we would help to restore our own nation, we must help to restore the German people--to liberate them from this terrible burden of false guilt. "

(Submission to the Zundelsite)

Thought for the Day:

"Courage is walking naked through a cannibal village."

(Author unknown)

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