Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 18, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Not a few in our ranks have now been fuming for some time because it seems that the Talmudic revenge mode not only shows no signs of lessening, it grows with time and distance.

For instance, lately there has been fervent agitation to take war pensions away from very elderly Wehrmacht veterans who could not harm a butterfly. There have been vicious calls to punish former Red Cross girls who helped the German wounded. As we have learned these past few weeks with story after story, the simply German soldier is now slandered with that revolting public exhibition traveling all over Germany!

Just when we think that people are fed up and getting set to fling the scalawags out of their midst with their incessant agitation of "Never forgive!" and "Never forget!" there's more.

In fact, there is relief bestowed on us by our Aryan ancestors no doubt reposing in Valhalla to give us back a smile.

A tiny one - but, hey! A smile is still a smile!

This one is brought to you courtesy of a kind gentleman whose hospitality I had the pleasure of enjoying recently while on a speaking tour. Here is what he has planted on his website:

"Just recently a new kind of (a) so-called 'National-Socialist criminal' has been discovered in Germany. Up to now, German re-educators and self-destroyers were going after old and sick people, senile people - people in wheelchairs, people in hospitals and old age homes.

"Even tourists from foreign countries became part of that witch hunt and were jailed. The leader is always the controlled leftist news media who does not know the meaning of truth and justice.

"Now, we have reached a time where so-called war criminals become rarer. New ways have to be found to keep that hate in motion.

"Someone in Germany has discovered that there is an area with trees which have a National-Socialist odor. For that, those trees must be punished, and the only punishment that fits the crime is death. When it comes to trees, the death-penalty is still in force - but 'Greenpeace' was nowhere in sight!

"About 3 or 4 years ago an airplane flew over Berlin. Just outside the city there is a forest, located in the Brandenburg-Zernikow district. It was discovered that there was something not quite kosher down there.

"In the middle of the forest in an area of 100 m by 100 m, there was a tree design which had the shape of a swastika. What a sight it must have been for the German elite - to find something as terrible as that in the heart of Germany!

"It was investigated and turned out to be true - a natural swastika that had survived 58 years.

"The shape of 'Hammer and Sickle' or the 'Star of David' would probably have been acceptable. But a swastika?

"The trees were planted in 1938 by a Rudi Schmidt, who was the forester in that area. It is unknown why he planted the trees in that fashion. Rumors are, he wanted to please Marshall H. Goering.

"For over 50 years, while this part of Germany was under Communist rule, nobody seemed to be bothered by it, and rightly so - what crime can trees be guilty of?

"Now that the western wimps have taken over, things have to change. The German politicians have to show the world how dumb and self-destructive they really are.

"The German newspaper BILD wrote:

'After international protest (what international protest?) the forestry district Templin started to investigate and found it to be true.'

"The man in charge, Jom Hundertmark, proudly announced that several trees have already been cut down and the chain saws keep on running."

The moral of this story is captured in a Hindu proverb it gives me great joy to repeat: "When an elephant is in trouble, even a frog will kick him."


Thought for the Day:

"The distinguishing trait of people accustomed to good society is a calm, imperturbable quiet which pervades all their actions and habits, from the greatest to the least. They eat in quiet, move in quiet, and lose their wife, and even their money, in quiet; while low persons cannot take up either a spoon or an affront without making such an amazing noise about it."

(Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton)

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