Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 16, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

"What is being hidden from you is that France is in danger of disappearing . . . before the end of the century,'' the flamboyant and outspoken Jean-Marie Le Pen, the National Front leader of France, is reported to have said. "Chirac is asking you today to give you his consent to be an accomplice to this national suicide . . ."

With that as a backdrop, one of our main French correspondents (not a native of English) sent me the following translation, which ought to be of interest to all of us who are still slugging through the Holocaust - knowing all the while that what is now of paramount importance is NOT the demolition of the so-called "Holocaust" per se but the TRANSLATION to the masses of a much-larger threat squatting behind the shelter of the Holocaust.

That goal of our opposition, of course, is the destruction of nationalist sentiment and pride, rooted in the fear that Nationalism as a global ideology will take on a life of its own and grow into true splendor as a substantial threat to the New World Order now waiting in the wings.

That is the reason who Jean-Marie Le Pen continues to be frantically feared and fiercely demonized.

". . . Please find hereafter the text of a leaflet (it may be called a revisionist leaflet) that was distributed in the streets of Paris during the May 1st march of the National Front, titled "The TRUE reason why the NF is considered the Devil."

"Before telling the true reason why the NF is considered the devil, we must point out that the NF is today the only nationalist party in France who dares oppose the coming of a One World Order which all the other political authorities either seek for or are subjected to. Setting up a One-worldism means putting the whole world under the rule of an arrogant universalist capitalist caste who vowed to put the entire earth under their yoke, some of them with the intent of accomplish(ing) Heaven knows what religious message. With this in mind, the people of this caste:

- under the pretense of economical liberalism, have made it compulsory for the European countries to open their borders wide, thereby letting all the starving Third-World people in, and wrecking the national economy of those countries;

- under the pretense of tolerance and respect of others, do their best to destroy the ethnical characteristics of the European people by furthering race-mixing in order to foster a single human race, however taking care of not mixing their own selves;

- carefully destroy in our population anything which is likely to get people united together (family, religion, army, sports, culture - in every sense of the word-, etc.); thereby splitting up our society into individuals ("ruling by dividing") in order to make it a conglomerate of disorientated beings, with no common reference points nor roots, and because tomorrow a racially-uniform and disorientated society will easily follow those who will bring them bread and games ("panem et circenses"!).

Therefore, everyone understands that the forcing of a One-world ruling on a uniform and obedient multitude is the aim of the opponents to nationalism and in particular that of the opponents to the National Front.

But why such a particular aggressiveness against the NF?

Simply because the NF is the only political party which does not bow to the arrogance of those great capitalists and, most of all, because the NF wrote in its program that it would REPEAL THE FABIUS-GAYSSOT LAW!

How has the Fabius-Gayssot law anything to do with One-worldism?

Well, it is quite simple.

The Fabius-Gayssot law of July 13, 1990, forbids any Frenchman to question the official version of certain facts of WWII which have been raised to the status of taboos. In his preface to "L'Affaire Carpentras" (of Roberto, Roy, Peltier), Jean-Marie Le Pen says so clearly: "That is why the communists (...) have put forward and imposed the Fabius-Gayssot law which was passed at its first reading on May 14, 1990, a law which was completely useless because of the already existing Pleven law of 1972, except for one point: it makes it an offence to contest the crime against humanity like revisionists do".

Now, by introducing right after the war certain dogmas which have been, since, increasingly kept alive in the media (films, TV, books, newspapers, etc.) and exploited by the influential politicians to the extent that they have become a near certainty in our people's soul, NATIONALISM, the sole rival of ONE-WORLDISM, is considered to be absolute evil, the supreme danger!

But if tomorrow, the NF being in power, the Fabius-Gayssot law is repealed and freedom of speech is restored, then it will become possible to ORGANIZE A PUBLIC DEBATE on that period of the story of our country, and it is not quite sure that such a debate will turn to the advantage of those who have been refusing it for eighteen years!

So there it is, the true reason why the NF is considered Devil!

By blowing up the taboo ( by "breaking open the locks", Alain Finkielkraut confessed!), the NF might ensure that NATIONALISM WINS ACCLAIM again; if the NF succeeds, all nationalists from all countries will unite and we shall get rid of One-worldism and its (promoters): leaving the quantitative world in which we are presently trying to survive, we shall go back to the qualitative world. Everyone of us will regain our pride and help the destitute to regain theirs, whether at home or in the Third-World."

Think about it! The Fabius-Gayssot law, now seven years old, is the specific law that makes it a crime in France to doubt the Holocaust! Sophisticated Holocaust skeptics know this and understand this - that we are talking about political dogma; we are no longer arguing the facts.

They're there - for anyone who cares to check. They can be verified!

If it appears we are still caught in detail, disproving this and that, it's simply because there is still this dogmatic inertia lodged in the brainwashed masses the moment you question the Myth of Six Million and offer to shed scientific inquiry instead of our children's future on alien crooks in a perpetual mode of whining endlessly about the Holocaust.


Thought for the Day:
"You cannot control billions of people with tanks in the streets and soldiers at the door. You can only do it . . . by programming the mass consciousness into believing that what you want to do is a good idea or the only option."

(David Icke in ". . . and the truth shall set you free")

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