Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 7, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This ZGram is a special message from Ernst Zündel out of the Zundel-Haus on the eve of yet another anniversary tomorrow:

The 8th of May 1945 will be remembered by many people around the world in many different ways. Germans-at least those still of sound mind and moral character-will not celebrate, for to the Germans it was a massive military defeat unprecedented in the annals of history - a national catastrophe of epic proportions.

The vast majority of German people in 1945 did not feel they were being "liberated." They knew they were being conquered by fire and sword-by merciless bombings and by a brutalized soldiery (mostly but not exclusively Soviet) who acted every bit as conquerors and not as liberators. Millions of men, women and children were beaten, starved, robbed, raped and ruined! Who would have called that "Liberation"?

Ask the 700,000 Frenchmen who paid the price for "collaboration" for fighting for a European rather than a Jewish, American or Soviet Europe! Ask the hundreds of thousands of Belgians and Dutch people who ended up being beaten, starved and tortured in concentration camps and prisons in their own countries, robbed of their human rights and dignity-not during the war but after the war was over!

No, let's get it straight once and for all! Occupation governments did not bring freedom but repression, unemployment, persecution, internment, starvation, imprisonment and enslavement to millions of Europeans.

Here are a few examples and voices, taken from the new David Irving title: "Nuremberg: The Last Battle":

· Judge Jackson (anticipating the Nuremberg Trials): ". . . some of that evidence, such as confessions, might have been obtained in such a manner that (I) as an American could hardly vouch for it . . . "

· Stimson: ". . . it is semitism gone wild for vengeance and, if it is ultimately carried out (I can't believe that it will be) it as sure as fate will lay the seeds for another war in the next generation . . . "

· Morgenthau: (quoted) ". . . wanted to put 18 or 20 million Germans out of work, and he wanted able-bodied Germans transported to Central Africa as slave labor on 'some big TVA project'. . . "

· Roosevelt: ". . . You either have to castrate the German people or you have got to treat them in such a manner so they can't go on reproducing people who want to continue the way they have in the past . . . "

· Churchill (to the Foreign Office): ". . . Both President Roosevelt and Marshal Stalin. . . wished to cut Germany into smaller pieces than I had in mind. Stalin spoke of very large executions of over 50,000 of the staffs and military experts. . . The atmosphere was jovial, but also grim. He certainly said he would require 4,000,000 German males to work for an indefinite period to rebuild Russia . . . "

· Ralph Bard, a US Navy officer (as described in narration) ". . . The Russians . . . had seriously aired a proposal to deport to the Soviet Union millions of ordinary Germans - people who had not belonged to any of the organizations - sterilizing the men, and breeding the women with Russians . . . "

· Lord Halifax (in a telegram): "Whom do we shoot or hang?"

And was it done? Yes. Lots of it.

Genocide by other means was the plan. Millions were deported. Millions were raped, tortured, starved. Millions could not breed again because they had become physical or emotional wrecks - Germany has one of the lowest birth rates in the world today.

Irving describes the scenario in an almost casual paragraph:

"One of the least palatable aspects of the coming trials was that there would be few crimes listed in the indictment of the German war criminals, as finally drawn up in October 1945, of which one or other of the four prosecuting powers was not itself guilty. In the cause of defeating Hitler, civilian populations had been-and were still being-burned and blasted, murdered, brutalized, intimidated, deported and enslaved; aggressive wars had been launched, neutral countries had been occupied by pretext and deceit, and the unalterable paragraphs of the international conventions on the treatment of prisoners-of-war were still being flagrantly violated."

We Germans of the wartime generation know and remember what happened to us-old and young, male or female, National Socialists or just plain Germans in and out of uniform. So, forgive us if we mourn our tragedy and our dead in dignity and silence. The traitors and the stooges the Allies installed in East and West at bayonet point will cheer, and like obedient, well-trained dogs jump through the hoops for you-they are our Benedict Arnolds! They are the trash all tragedies flush out from the recesses of a people who have suffered the tragedy of total defeat. They are the opportunists who will cheer every new master-and play the requested tune because they get paid in food, in money, in power, in privileges, titles and positions! They are the Ulbrichts, Brandts, Honnekers and Kohls-the Weiszäckers and Herzogs! Let our enemies enjoy their prattle. These people are their creations.

We, the German majority, will on this day, May 8th, keep our thoughts and our grief and sorrow to ourselves, in the sure knowledge that the reactionary new-old order of 1945 is decaying and dying in front of our very eyes, and that a new age is dawning-and that we will help to bring it about. We will be helping to shape the True World Order with the ideas and concepts born in the minds of that magnificent generation of the 1930s and 1940s. They did not suffer in vain.

Ernst Zündel

Thought for the Day:

"It is already late, and the lights are soon going out. When our friends come round to see you on the evening after my death that shall be my funeral parade.
On a gun-carriage rests my coffin and all the German soldiers are marching with me-those that have died in battle out in front and the still living bringing up the rear."

(General Alfred Jodl, one of Europe's most brilliant military men of his generation, two days before his execution by hanging, in his last letter to his wife)

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