Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 6, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Michael Hoffman II attended the first Great Holocaust Trial in 1985 as one of its major reporters. As a consequence, he became the first English language writer to write an Ernst Zundel biography with this trial as a backdrop. I think he is a magnificent writer and have often told him so.

Mike wrote the short essay below on a very emotional and touchy subject. Although Ernst does not believe in white Bantustans in America or white homelands or tribal reservations anywhere - and perhaps Mike doesn't either in its absolute form- this essay is too important not to be posted because it reflects the feelings of many:

"I unabashedly champion our great-grandparents' views on race: marry your own kind, live among your own and wish others well.

"Corresponding to that is the knowledge that much of our troubles are our own fault and due to treason practiced by our own blond-haired, blue-eyed, ruling kindred.

"For example, why hate Mexicans for taking over California? While young, virile white couples were busy acquiring cars, boats, stereos and VCRs, the Mexicans were busy acquiring large families. Our sickness has grown to such an extent that some elements of the white separatist movement have come to equate large families with a Third World mentality, when in fact, before circa 1930, white couples traditionally had huge families.

"Much of the pro-white movement is consumed by obsessions with the foibles of people of other races and oblivious to continuing deep problems in our own people.

"However, under no circumstances will I disavow my personal principles of white separatism in order, supposedly, to advance World War Two revisionism or any other cause. Because some people have debased the noble precepts of racial separation, does not void them. As a traditional person I am only doing as my ancestors did in wishing to be separate.

"We need to re-establish the 'happy medium.' Wanting to preserve one's own kind, especially the dwindling ranks of a race who only number approximately 8% of the world's population, is a matter of simple ecology. Robert Frost said that 'Good fences make for good neighbors.' My desire for the maintenance of racial boundaries is a means for making the world a happier, lovelier and more just place for everyone.

"However, contrary to the Hollywood propaganda, our ancestors did not make an idol of race. It was high on the list, but it was not supreme. The exalted position was reserved for truth and justice.

"I will not allow an innocent black man to be bullied by a crowd of whites, just because he is black. I will not gloss over the greed and pollution wrought by the corporate white mentality which would sell their own grandmothers for a multinational dollar.

"I am willing to confront without flinching, the fact that a type of Aryan Zionism has grievously plagued the people of the West as well as the Arabs. The Arab people's victimization at the hands of the Israelis and Aryan-Zionists is a heinous crime that must be exposed.

"Racial hatred and the grotesque rage it inspires--from vulgar polemics to violence--is a direct result of the coercive utopianism of the ruling system in Washington which uses Federal power and the FBI to compel disparate peoples to live together, while actively discriminating against working class whites.

"This essentially Bolshevik conceit can be seen in gender categories as well, where female recruits are forced on formerly all-male military academies like 'The Citadel.' The women are then faced with the same hazing every other male receives and they fold under the presure, demanding special privileges. It is this demand which increases the gap between men and women and blacks and whites.

"Yet, if we look closely, we will see that shameless white cowardice is at the root of this evil. How our people yearn for true leadership; leadership that defies intimidation and stands tall against the powers that be. This is the appeal of Ernst Zundel and we need many more like him. How our nation would have been electrified had the commanders at 'The Citadel' told the feminist Federal bureaucrats to 'go to hell,' when they ordered gender equity at that venerable institution. Instead, they cravenly decided that a principled, defiant stand would be 'too financially draining.' No wonder the Bible said that the love of money is the root of evil.

"This love of money is the curse of the affluent whites and in this regard I must say that Jewish people generally use their money for the advancement of their religion and nation whereas wealthy non-Jewish whites generally use their riches for the purchase of personal luxuries and monuments to their own egos.

"Had Pat Buchanan told Bob Dole to go to hell, instead of endorsing him as he did, he would have inspired and stiffened the resolve of millions. But he played politician at a time when we need a figure of romance and knighthood; for it is not game-playing that will save us at this late date, but the willingness to fight, against all odds, for a Divine Ideal in fidelity to the laws of God.

"Let those of us in the revisionist camp, separatists or not, take with a grain of salt the ever-escalating spate of Hollywood films portraying white Christian southerners as the veritable spawn of Satan. Each of us must be what we are in our esence and follow the call of our conscience and our blood. If we protest the demonization of the Germans we must also protest the dehumanization of rural whites in the American southland.

"Decency and civility must be our watchwords, lest we fall into the old trap of becoming what we oppose, but we cannot prevail in the titantic struggle in which we are engaged, unless we unalterably advocate the whole of our genuine spiritual and intellectual convictions.

"Without such a 'wholistic' movement we have no chance. I have been generally proud of World War Two Revisionism for encompassing within its ranks a vast range of individuals of many races and religions. This is as it should be, for Revisionism is nothing more or less than a school of dissident historiography. There should be no criteria for participation, other than a sincere dissatisfaction with the reigning dogma about the Second World War.

"I wish to LIVE among fellow white Christians, but I will WORK with whoever is truly seeking the truth, from Louis Farrakhan and Dr. Israel Shahak to Ernst Zundel and David Duke.

Michael Hoffman II

Thought for the Day:

"This is no country for fainthearted people: don't creep about diffidently; make up your mind; take your own course; and you shall find respect and furtherance."

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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