Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 5, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Today's ZGram was sent to me by a young Jew who is one of the increasing number of Jews now seeking out Ernst Zundel for additional insights and advice on the shifting national landscape and who have befriended Ernst in genuinely offered friendship and assistance.

I would like to bring a recent correspondence here in somewhat shortened form without comment:

"Frank Walus, a Pole, was 17 when the war broke out. He spent the whole war as a farm labourer for German farmers. Three farmers let him go because he was too sick and weak for the work.

Yet in 1978 he was charged in the US that he was a German Officer (no less) in charge of killing thousands of Jews in Poland. Eleven "eye witnesses" from Israel testified under oath, that they, after 40 years, recognized Frank Walus as the person who had killed thousands of Jews in Poland.

It was later proven that 11 Israeli Jews had lied; that the Jewish judge, Julius Hoffman, had acted corruptly in his conduct of the trial (but never been charged or disciplined); and that "Nazi Hunter, Simon Wiesenthal, had provided false information.

Also it was later proven that 9 out of the 11 "eye witnesses" weren't even in Poland at that time. One other noted fact: Frank Walus was 5'3". The witnesses described the German Officer as 6' tall, and yet said that it was Frank Walus.

The book about his trial is banned in Canada. Why?

Do you remember the John Demjanjuk trials in the US and Israel? Remember the false "eye witnesses?" The false documentation? None of the false witnesses were ever charged with perjury! Why not?

Dr. Arthur Koestler (a Jew), in his book "The Thirteenth Tribe" proves that Western Jewry originates from the Khazar Empire which renders the term Anti-Semite as a meaningless smear. "The Khazar Empire was converted to Judaism. Evidence indicates that the Khazars migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry." "The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated." The book is banned in Canada. Why?

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Dr. Antony C. Sutton clearly establishes the connections and the funding done by major Wall Street firms and other major American and western corporations. Some of the largest Wall Street firms and banks were (and still are) owned and/or controlled by Jews, such as Kuhn, Loeb and Company. The book is banned in Canada. Once again, why?

Is anyone afraid of the truth?

The above is just a very small sample of mounting evidence against the Holocaust and the Second World War as we and our children are being taught. We also did not get into the allies' atrocities such as systematically starving over 1 million German prisoners of war (in the book "Other Losses", the destruction of Dresden and the killing of more people, mostly women and children, in a single night than all of Britain's losses during the whole war!!! More people were killed in Dresden in one night than the combined losses in Hiroshima and Nagasaki!!! And this is only one city, in one night! Were any of the allied leaders and officers charged with war crimes? Did you also know that the allies had concentration camps for Jewish refugees from Germany in Canada and Australia? The German Jews were considered enemies and a threat!

Bet they did not teach that in school!

After reading the above, can you see a pattern here? Can you see a systematic suppression of information, banning books and evidence (including court cases), and perhaps the truth which will refute the "Holocaust" and the second world war the way some people want us to see it?

Why shouldn't we be able to independently and openly debate, discuss, audit and verify historical events, including the "holocaust?" It is a right given to us by the constitution (US and Canada).

For some "strange" reason, an objective historical, scientific and forensic audits and examinations of the alleged "holocaust" and the gas chambers, as well as the behaviour and conduct of the allies, the Jews and the Germans, is taboo and considered a crime in many countries. Some groups want it to become a crime in Canada. Why?

We independently audit and verify everything else (financial, personal identity, crimes etc.). Why not the "holocaust"?

Given all of the above, the famous question "Did Six Million Really Die?" is a very valid one. What do you think?

It appears to me that the rights of those who dare to question the official version of the holocaust (which they are absolutely entitled to, and which the Supreme Court of Canada reaffirmed in 1992 in the trial of Ernst Zundel) are being violated and trampled upon with impunity by some groups, government agencies and officials, and by the police (for not enforcing the supreme law and the Supreme Court of Canada decision), and they are harassed and being threatened with violence (which is a crime), once again without any action of those agencies who are supposed to protect, enforce and uphold the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND!

Why aren't those involved with the violations being charged?

People once believed that the earth was flat, and that it was the centre of the universe! Many people died and (were) tortured if they did not recant their findings, but that did not change the FACTS that we all know today.

The earth is not flat, and it is not the centre of the universe. An objective and complete audit and analysis of all the alleged DATA and FACTS (not just certain popular ones) about the holocaust will either verify the official version, alter it, or deny it. It makes no difference how popular the current official version of the holocaust is, and whether we believe it or not.

One last note: My grandparents, and my father's sisters (my aunts) are listed as victims of the Nazis. My grandparents (both sides) were never in a concentration camp and died as a result of the Allies indiscriminately bombing. Two of my father's sisters (my aunts) lived in the US when they passed away. One lived in New York, and the other in Florida.

Just another "overlooked" fact in the Holocaust numbers . . . "

Isn't life ironic? Much has been made of the fact that Ernst Zundel, a German, had to come to Canada to be de-programmed by a Frenchman, Adrien Arcand, a convinced and dedicated National Socialist. The above was sent to the Zundelsite by a man who was born in Israel but had to come to Canada to meet Ernst Zundel who set this Israeli free from the founding myths of the Israeli state - the so-called "Holocaust".


Thought for the Day:

"Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct."

(Former Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky, author of the best-selling "By Way of Deception")

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