April 28, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Every once in a while, I like to run readers' responses without any additional comments - just to mirror "man-in-the-streets" feelings. This one was sent to Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times and forwarded to the Zundelsite. I will let it speak for itself.

"Dear Mr. Steinberg:

Read with interest your column re: "And all these years I thought I was Jewish".

I hope that you will not be offended by this letter.

Paragraph three of your article refers to those groups (who) periodically announce that the Holocaust did not happen and (who) inspire you to look up all those relatives who you thought had died in Poland.

For most his life my late friend Ronald A. Liebman was haunted by nightmares of his relatives walking unresistingly into gas chambers. It is tragic that he did not live two more years so that he could have discussed the issues that I am going to raise with you.

Until a month ago I was convinced that the standard story of NAZI persecution of Europes Jews was basically true. I had read Reitlinger, Hilberg, Davidowicz and had purchased the Schindler's List video and watched it three times.

You see, there was a trial in Canada of demi-Nazi by the name of Zundel. He had published a book called "Did Six Million Jews Really Die?" and Canada does not have first amendment rights in the same way as we do here. Transcripts of the trial are downloadable on the Web.

Hilberg and Browning were the Crown' s main expert witnesses about the "Holocaust" and its effort to have Mr. Zundel imprisoned. They were under oath and subject to penalties for perjury. They did not fare well under cross-examination.

There were many witnesses for Mr. Zundel also testifying under oath and subject to penalties for perjury. The standard version did not withstand cross-examination very well.

Everyone agreed that the German government persecuted Jews, interned Jews, and was responsible for the deaths of many Jews. Nobody denied that.

What became quite clear is that the existence of a Hitler order to exterminate the Jews of Europe is extremely dubious, that the evidence for the existence of homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz is questionable, and that idea of Jews marching like sheep into gas chambers may have been a nightmare that my late friend might not have had to endure for so many years. He might well have concluded that he had been lied to and made to feel miserably unnecessarily.

A look at the map of the Birkenau section of Auschwitz complex with all of the building labeled make it difficult to accept the idea that it was an extermination center. Oddly enough, the maps on the Web provided by Jewish groups tend to leave out labels and even buildings that don't "fit".

If one is trying to keep gas chambers a "state secret" they ought to be hidden from view, no?

Please find the location of the prisoners' sauna (!); the entire prisoners' hospital section (!), and the prisoners's sport stadium (!) in relation to the "gas chambers".

The standard story about the persecution of Jews in the Nazi Empire depends upon believing that Jews are exceptionally stupid. Polish Jews don't run away to Soviet occupied Poland in 1939; the Polish Jews in Soviet Occupied Poland don't run away in 1941 - they all sit tight and then walk like lambs to the slaughter. Meanwhile clever Zionist politicians can't find a radio to warn anybody about an extermination program that they must have been too dumb to notice.

The standard story also depends on German chappies being so dumb that they commit mass murders at murder factories without getting written orders to cover themselves even after the Allies have announced that they will punish war criminals and the German army has been defeated at Stalingrad.

Nobody knows how many Jews died or were murdered during those times. Persecution occured and murders were committed. Extermination of Jews like insects would be uniquely wicked if it occurred.

I am no longer convinced that any such policy was ordered by Hitler - a man who left a paper trail a mile wide linking him to other crimes but not to this one. I can't believe that he was afraid of getting a bad name in Jewish circles, do you?

Five megabytes of dowloaded data convinces me that there are more honest questions being asked that the supporters of the extermination theory of the persecution of Jews in Europe can honestly answer.

(Forwarded to the Zundelsite)

Thought for the Day:

"We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn, and the like, toward those who disagree with us."


Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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