Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 25, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Lots of welcome news!

· Up-front, a back-burner item deserving of a ZGram comment for future reference. It never hurts to document.

Last month - March 17, to be exact - while Ernst was in Vancouver attending yet another court date to keep the B'nai Brith folks and Sabina off his back in the upcoming Human Rights Tribunal hearings ( regarding ". . . shutting down the Zundelsite!"), the British Columbia based R.C.M.P. National Security law enforcement powers finally decided to interview him on the letter and razor-blade mouse trap, sent to him PRIOR to the fire and the bomb in 1995.

In other words, the Federal Police, dealing with National Security matters, finally bestirred itself, almost two years later, to look into this terrorism and bombing business! It seems that, tellingly, somebody in the state of Canada felt prodded to give police a little nudge after Ernst started to utilize United Nations channels to look into this matter - and where it might have originated.

· Along the same lines: In anticipation of a possible censorship hatchet job on the Zundelsite, courtesy of the Canadian taxpayers on behalf of B'nai Brith of Canada and the Holocaust Remembrance Association, no less than 20 Zundel mirrors, so far, have already appeared in cyberspace.

We list the following for you to keep on hand:

If you have server space and freedom-loving spirit, you too can be a cyberspace freedom fighter by putting up a full or partial mirror. You can also archive ZGrams by themselves. Mirrors have a disadvantage in that they are not current with ZGrams and such, as would be the original Zundelsite, but mirrors feature our most important "static" documents, and they will serve as safe havens for our important information, not readily found yet in ordinary libraries.

The announced date for the first hearings of the Human Rights Commission's "Zundel-Tribunal" is May 26. It will be interesting. A few days back, Ernst told me that, ". . . as per usual, our enemies are going to be in for some surprises they won't like."

· Several items pertaining to the vile exhibition about the allegedly barbaric behavior of the simple German soldier during WWII, a loathsome attempt to smear not only the living but also the dead:

1) The City of Gratz has said "Thanks but no thanks!" No exhibition there! If someone can get me the address of the mayor, we should all send him a letter congratulating him that he still has a spine and enough gumption to display some civil courage - a commodity sorely missing in postwar Germany and Austria.

2) Absent in the mayor of Leipzig who chose to cancel the citizens' demonstration against this anti-German vilification abomination, but accommodatingly permitted what definitely looks like a "Red" demonstration. (Remember, formerly Communist-dominated Central Germany, falsely called "East Germany" in the press, still has lots of Communist ideology aligned "non-Communist" members among its bureaucrats and apparatchiks!)

Here is his address, for you to give him a piece of your mind:

D-04109 Leipzig

(Just for your edification: "Rathaus" does NOT mean "House of Rats" - although that's what it could be! "Rat" in German means "Council" or "City Elders"! )

I understand that the mayor's decision is on judicial appeal, and there might be a demonstration after all. The date is May 1. The news about whom to contact for participation is still up on German websites, many of them student websites. That, too, has possibilities. Go to the Thule-Netz at and take it from there!

3) Related also to this exhibition: A reader notified me that a recent copy of "Der Brandenburger", 21. March 1997, states, in part:

"The traveling "War Crimes" exhibition has been criticized by academics who allege that it makes use of well-known doctored photographs from former Soviet archives and provides misleading and incomplete captions to many others. An Austrian military historian, Dr Hartmut Schustereit, has published a scholarly paper cataloging the many discrepancies alleged by photographic and military history experts to exist in the exhibition's materials."

4) In the same issue, there is yet more about this disgusting, masochistic enterprise at work:

"In a separate but related development highlighting the controversy over Germany's new historiography, last year's 'Conference on Medicine and Conscience' held in Nuremberg sponsored an address by pediatrician and amateur historian Horst Seithe, who proposed that the German Red Cross (DRK) be branded a 'paramilitary, criminal organization' which helped Hitler 'prosecute the Second World War'.

"This claim was echoed by the Nordbayrischer Tageszeitung, which in November published an editorial calling the German Red Cross '. . . the oil in Hitler's war machine. Its task was to prepare army medical personnel for duty at the front and train them to care for the wounded and nurse them back to health . . . It is certain that without the 'strategically valuable' German nurses, who were esteemed as 'Kamrad Frau', (sic) the butchery would have ended sooner.'"

It makes you wonder what the medical personnel of America, England, France and other Allies were doing? Truly the degree to which some "re-educated", brain-washed Germans have degenerated to the point of mental imbalance if not already mental illness, as evidenced in their behavior, is astounding. The power of psychiatric manipulations applied to entire nations is frightening. First the Soviet Union, now Germany, are laboratories for this New Science.

· In the Arab Journal, April 24, 1997, there is a very interesting article that starts with:

"President Clinton is frustrated. Secretary of State Madeline Albright is upset. Her Zionist "brothers", who have hijacked the US Middle Eastern policy and taken the US president as a hostage, are disturbed. Things are no longer going their way and in accordance with their plans and wishes. The so-called new world order is in great chaos.

"The European Union refuses to follow the American lead. Even Russia, which as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union has become a client state, is telling Washington to get lost.

"Saudi Arabia, which America occupies, refuses to go along with US allegations and blame Iran and Syria for the explosions that took the lives of US soldiers in the desert kingdom. Turkey, which is still a member in the NATO alliance, is no longer a reliable ally.

"The Turkish government headed by Najmuddin Edrbakan, the leader of the Islamic Rafah party, signed a 23 billion dollar gas deal with Iran despite Washington's anger and objections. Turkey is determined to turn from West to East in its economic and foreign policies. Iran has not become an expansionist state as Washington had predicted, and is rapidly developing despite US sanctions . . . "

So you see? It is not as if there isn't progress in thwarting the Global Plantation!

· We have also had word of an amazing "repressed memory" phenomenon. With perfect timing, a man name Ed Silverberg has come up with the news that - after some 50+ years! - he "remembered" that he was Anne Frank's boyfriend while she was 13 years of age!

I am surprised nobody thought of this before! Mr. Silverberg "fled" before the Nazis could capture him - and there he is, resurfaced, to be gawked at by the entire world! One more "survivor" thus hops on the gravy train of Schmalz-and-Hype, having found the perfect host body to feed off - a dead Jewish heroine yet! His road to riches is assured.

· Another reader wrote that

". . . Israel, who milked the Germans now for almost 50 years for billions of dollars, (should be DMarks!) is now in the process of passing a law that will _prohibit_ them to pay reparations to the Palestinians."

The utter callousness and collective chutzpah of these people, when it comes to treatment of the victims of their occupation policies and war crimes, never ceases to amaze even casual observers. Is there anyone among my readership who could send me some information on this item for a ZGram?

· And, finally, a subtle but highly important additional insight into what is happening these days, to be glimpsed in an article by Pandora Clifford called "Hidden Nazi Art Works":

"THE REAL secret Germany keeps from the art market is: what happened to the "Official Art" painted in loyalty to the Fascist cause under Hitler from the Twenties to the Forties?

"Much was burnt or confiscated by the US military, but a quantity appears to have trickled back to the homeland through different channels where it is said to be stored in various museums.

"So why has it been suppressed by the Germans in Germany? These pictures may be visited only by people with a 'serious professional interest'.

"According to them, the subject matter is harmless: women at church, mothers suckling their babies, strong Aryan males tilling the soil.
"Many of these artists are technically accomplished: Adolf Wissel, the Austrian Julius Junghanns and Georg Kolbe - their innocent landscape exertions before 1930 have sold up to £6,000 on the market.

"It is our abhorrence of the regime and the Germans' sense of shame that have kept this art hidden. However, like Russian Art under Stalin, German Art under Hitler is an important historical phenomenon not to be passed over.

"Is it not time for Fascist Art to be displayed and re-evaluated? Or is it still too early?"

What? The American Army of Occupation, along with all other allies, burned and looted Nazi art?


For half a century, we were told only the "Nazis" did that!

I had lunch with a friend at the Los Angeles International Airport a couple of weeks ago, and he pulled out of his travel bag a simple calendar that featured reproductions of such art. He said to me: "You can BUY this stuff now. It is marketed, out in the open."

In fact, Ernst tells me, there are thousands of these canvasses stored in aircraft hangars in Denver, Colorado and other places. There was even a touring "Nazi Art Exhibition" in the 1980s in America, but it was so crammed by approving people of all walks of life that it was prematurely canceled - never to be heard of again!

Says Ernst: "There is beauty, cleanliness, virility and tenderness in those rare paintings. The people occupying America are afraid of the power of these images and aborted this propaganda exercise."

Here are the questions that I want to engrave in your hearts, to be asked without risk to yourself or your loved ones:

"We have been lied to about everything else. JFK. Watergate. Ruby Ridge. Waco. The Oklahoma City bombing. Could it not be we have been ALSO lied to about the person of Adolf Hitler? About who he was? What his goals and his plans were? What he accomplished - and what he didn't do, such as 'gas people in Auschwitz'? Why this leader of the people drew such enormous loyalty against such overwhelming odds?

And why the world's frantic, almost demonic response to this day?

Why his movement had to be crushed the way it was crushed - in the fires, flames and ashes of the West's greatest Christian civilization?"


Thought for the Day:

"Many of the same folks who can see through a professional wrestling match refuse to consider that in real life a "straw man" or phony enemy position may be established simply to be knocked down or to draw fire."

(William P. Hoar in "The Principle of Reversal")

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