Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 11, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Yesterday I wrote about the Allied genocidal policies behind what was euphemistically called "transfer" - that is, the expulsion of millions of people of German extraction living in the Eastern parts of Europe - many on German homesteads that were centuries old, some of them built before America was even discovered. Talk about ethnic cleansing!

Today I will give you some glimpses of how these policies translated via excerpts from a book - copyright 1947! - entitled "Gruesome Harvest." As you read these small excerpts below, just for a moment imagine American Indians driving the White population of America back to Europe in the same way!

From the Introduction:

"In 1947, when the Morgenthau Plan for killing off the German race was still official US-Allied policy, someone in Chicago had the Christianity to write and to cause to be published a book entitled 'Gruesome Harvest: The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People Of Germany.'

'Gruesome Harvest' has the honor of being the first book that tried to blast the conspiracy of silence which the victors clamped on the greatest atrocity in European history: the expulsion and total robbery and partial rape and murder of (millions) of Oder-Neisse and Sudeten Germans . . . "

From page 12:

". . . Imagine trying to force half the people of the United States (into a territory no larger than Michigan, Indiana and Ohio) with their cities, factories, railways and other production facilities demolished . . . Diplomacy which creates such powder kegs is singularly lacking in statesmanship and humanity. It makes sense only in terms of Soviet design . . . "

As per Dr. Lawrence Meyer, executive secretary of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, traveling through devastated Germany:

". . . A large barge is slowly being towed across the Oder River. In it, lying on straw, are 300 children ranging from 2 to 14 years of age. There is hardly a sign of life in the whole group. Their hollow eyes, their swollen bellies, knees and feet are telltale signs of starvation. These are merely the vanguard of hundreds of thousands - millions of homeless, shattered, hungry, sick, helpless, hopeless human beings fleeing westwards . . . "

According to New York Daily News Correspondent Donald Mackenzie:

". . . In the windswept courtyards of the Stettiner Bahnhof, a cohort of German refugees, part of 12,ooo,ooo and 19,ooo,ooo dispossessed in East Prussia and Silesia, sat in groups under a driving rain and told the story of their miserable pilgrimage, during which more than 25% died by the roadside and the remainder were so starved they scarcely had strength to walk. . . "

Senator Eastland of Mississippi, quoting from a letter smuggled out of Breslau, September 1945:

". . . In unending succession were girls, women and nuns violated. . . Not merely in secret, in hidden corners, but in the sight of everybody, even in churches, in the streets and in public places were nuns, women and even eight-year-old girls attacked again and again. Mothers were violated before the eyes of their children; girls in the presence of their brothers; nuns, in the sight of pupils, were outraged again and again to their very death and even as corpses . . . "

Dorothy Thompson, a noted US correspondent, reported:

". . . In Berlin, in August 1945, out of 2,866 children born, 1148 died, and it was summer, and the food more plentiful than now. . . From Vienna, a reliable source reports that . . . infant mortality is approaching 100 per cent. . . "

From page 62:

". . . Months after the war had ended and the conquerors had assumed complete control of (the) German government and therefore responsibility for the German people and their future, the Bishop of Chichester, quoting a noted German pastor, said:

'. . . Thousands of bodies are hanging in the trees in the woods around Berlin and nobody bothers to cut them down. Thousands of corpses are carried into the sea by the Oder and Elbe rivers - one doesn't notice it any longer. Thousands and thousands are starving on the highways . . . children are roaming the highways alone, their parents, shot, dead, lost. . . '"

I was there at the time, as a small child, some 40 kilometers from Berlin. I still have many memories. I will now share with you two of these memories that are particularly gruesome.

One is of a young woman, perhaps a girl, who lay in a corn field, dead, with the sharpened flag pole of a swastika rammed up her body between her legs with such force that it stuck out of her belly near her ribcage. I don't know if that is how she died, or if it was done after her death.

The other memory is of a young German soldier whose entire body, except for his head, was flattened by a panzer like a pancake. Nobody buried him because there were so many dead there was nobody left to do the job, what with thousands and thousands of bodies.

In that part of Germany, the war came to an end in the last week of April, when the air was still cool - even chill. I remember this corpse, which I saw many times, as being black with flies that would always lift in a cloud when we as children, roaming the woods for mushrooms, passed by. My guess is that, by then, we must have been deep into summer.

On page 88 - 90 of "Gruesome Harvest", the American author, Ralph Franklin Keeling, says this:

"We thought we were coming to Germany as liberators to free the German people from dictatorship, to teach them the errors of their ways, and to give them the benefits of our form of democracy and free enterprise. Actually we accepted at Potsdam a program which negated all of our principles, which could sell our form of democracy only in reverse.

"The Potsdam Plan was made to order for Soviet Russia . . . Its very execution requires totalitarianism of the kind the Soviets are accustomed to, of the kind which, when the Nazis were practicing it, so outraged us that we fought a half trillion dollar war to eradicate it from the earth.

"We have said it is democratic to make the Germans conduct their own purge, which is tantamount to accepting the Russian purges as democratic. But those purges were at least Russian affairs. The German purge machinery is operated by Communists and radical Marxist Socialists placed in office by an alien dictatorship . . .

"Our military government is anything but democratic, except in the Russian sense. It is headed by well-trained military men, competent to carry out military tasks and orders received from Washington and prepared by . . behind-the-scenes operators . . . "

Armies are hardly ever democratic; they are, at best. autocratic. What reigned in Germany were despotic conquerors backed by brute force who had the power of life or death over anyone. Some of them are, to this day, bragging about their deeds on the Net - and I could name you some.

In a chapter titled "Facts We Must Face", we read the following conclusion:

"We cannot accomplish our purpose when so many of our own ideas are false, and especially when the Germans know from direct experience that they are false . . . Too much of what we try to make them believe the Germans know to be untrue. Our reeducation program should begin at home. If we could only overcome the effects of our own illusions born of propaganda and ignorance arising from lack of intimate knowledge of European affairs, if we could only possess ourselves of the facts and then face them courageously, we not only could reeducate the Germans, but could eliminate many erroneous and tragically dangerous features of our German program.

"We must realize that there is something seriously wrong with nations, as with people, who cannot stand criticism, who try to place themselves beyond reproach, and that something is equally wrong with people who truckle to them. . . "


Thought for the Day:

"A Jewish hospital existed (in Berlin) throughout the war, including during the last hours of the Reich."

(Hans Schmidt in "Jailed in 'democratic' Germany, p. 227)

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