Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 10, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

In the Nuremberg Trials, the prosecutors and judges declared that the "forcible deportation or expulsion" of people from their homelands in order to turn such territories over to others, is a war crime - and who orders it is a war criminal.

While in the summer and fall of 1945 the Allies were preparing to hang the German leadership for having ordered such forcible expulsions, on August 2, 1945, in the Potsdam Agreement, President H. S. Truman, along with C. R. Clement of Britain and J. V. Stalin of the Soviets, ordered

". . . that the transfer to Germany of German populations or elements thereof, remaining in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, will have to be undertaken."

Remember it says "transfer" - which sounds civilized, orderly and benign enough. What it was, in fact, was a murderous journey beset by rapists, robbers and murderers!


Five years later, Professor Austin J. App, a scholar who had always been an ardent champion for fair play towards all races, creeds and nationalities, and who had lost two jobs because of criticism of discrimination against Americal Japanese and Negroes, put out a little pamphlet titled: "Action on a War Crime: Are you against Racial Discrimination?"

Below is some of the text:

"If you are, then do you know that UNNRA (the United Nations Refugee Administration) to which you as an American taxpayer contributed $2.700,000,000, was empowered to help victims of war and invasion everywhere of every race, creed or color EXCEPT victims who had German blood in them?

"If you are, then do you know that IRO (International Refugee Organization) intended with your tax money to "help relocate refugees and displaced persons" brazenly specifies in Annex I of its constituion that "persons of German ethnic origin", no matter where they are or what their condition, "whether German nationals or members of German minorities who have been or may be transferred" shall be excluded from IRO assistance?

"Do you think this sort of racial discrimination should continue? If you don't, tell it to the world, your neighbors, your Congressman, and President Truman - and send them this pamphlet: "Action on a War Crime."

"We presume that the American people do not want to hang their own war criminals as they hanged alleged German and Japanese war criminals.

"The same restitution laws and principles invoked to indemnify Jews for property lost because of Nazi action must literally and exactly be applied to make restitution to the expellees for losses through Allied expulsions.

"That is the action required of the American people for the war crime President Truman, in their name, committed at Potsdam. May God grant that the American people will thus belatedly but grandly rise to their duty. If we will not hang our war criminals, let them at least make them undo as much of the frightful consequences of their crimes as possible."

What was Professor App talking about? Chances are the average American has not the faintest inkling. Here is what was done as the result of the "Potsdam Agreement:

· From Czechoslovakia alone the Allies ordered more people "forcibly deported" than the whole population of Norway, more than the population of (Ireland), more than five times as many people as there were Jews in Germany at Hitler's accession, more than four times the number of Arabs the Israeli expelled from Palestine, more than the whole population of Maryland and the District of Columbia combined -

· In his Potsdam dictate, President Truman, along with Atlee and Stalin, ordered 3,500,000 Sudetens "forcibly deported" - more people than live in New Hampshire or in Arizona, or in New Mexico, or in Utah, twice as many as live in Delaware.

· The Christ-hating government of Yugoslavia, under the umbrella of the Potsdam Agreement, rushed to deport forcibly 600,000 racially German Yugoslavs - and totally rob them

· The Jewish and Bolshevik governments of Rumania similarly proceeded to expel and totally rob is 700,000 citizens of German ethnic origin.

· But the most staggering expulsion crime, claiming protection under President Truman's Potsdam dictate, is that by the Jewish and Bolshevik governments of Poland against the population of the East German provinces put under Polish administration by the Potsdam edict. From what represents almost one-forth of German territory, as ancient and respected as Ohio is American, the Christ-less gangster bosses of Poland totally robbed and forcibly deported the whole population of certainly over 10 million people.

This is the equivalent of the whole population of Pennsylvania, more than the whole population of Belgium (which the "Nazis" did not "forcibly deport") about equal to the population of Canada or of the Union of South Africa, far more than the whole population of Australia, equivalent before the Sudeten expulsion of Czechoslovakia (which the "Nazis" did not "forcibly deport") about three times the population of Denmark (which the "Nazis" likewise did not "forcibly deport") - for bad as the "Nazis" may have been, they were certainly not the expulsionist beasts the victors turned out to be.

Not only were these expulsions from East Germany the most large-scale atrocity ever committed in the annals of history against the vanquished, but it was also one of the most brutal and murderous.

Churchill, belatedly repentant, once asked, "Enormous numbers are uncounted for. Where have they gone, and what is their fate?"

That is a question not fully answered to this day. According to a German disclosure,

· ". . . of the fourteen million Germans, forcibly expelled from the territories east of the Oder and Neisse . . . more than three million people were done to death or are lost without a trace." (Passauer Neue Presse, Zweierlei Recht, No. 113, 1949)

The App pamphlet continues:

"The Potsdam expulsion crime is not only the incomparably most enormous expulsion crime in history, it is also in some ways a new crime.

"The most theatrical thing President Truman and his government have so far done about their Potsdam expulsion crime has been self-righteously to persecute and hang Germans who committed in a small way what they were committing in a big way.

That was a cheap but effective way of smoke-screening their enormous crime from the American people a little while longer.

Worst of all, the Potsdamites have not once clearly re-enunciated the Atlantic Charter to the effect that no German territory may be stolen, that no Germans such as the Sudetens may be deprived of their rights of self-determination, and that all forcibly deported Germans must be given back their homes and homelands."

Whereas the Nuremberg prosecution invoked the death penalty on Germans for having "forcibly deported" thousands of people, President Truman and Stalin and Atlee did it to millions.

While all this was going on, the Truman hirelings went to the American people and, according to this pamphlet,

". . . wheedled and threatened them to accept the (Displaced Persons) Law which specifically excluded the Potsdam Displaced Christians specified as "Persons of German ethnic origin" in the IRO constitution. When the legislators amended the law so as to require a certain percentage of farm workers, and when that was found to limit somewhat the unrestricted immigration of Displaced Jews, they set up a fearful screech that the legislators were discriminating against the Jews . . . "

So you see - it's all in the eye of the beholder. Stalin once said that the death of an individual is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic.


Thought for the Day:

"I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing is Liberty, then give me death. I can't see how Americans can sink this low. It is semitic, and I am sure of it."

(American General Patton in "Letter to Beatrice", August 27, 1945 )

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