Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 5, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This is the last ZGram (for now. . .) on the concept of "collective guilt" as one of several smart vehicles to keep the state of Israel in undeserved, ill-gotten wealth.

As I said in a previous ZGram, "re-education" for the induction of collective guilt was first expounded by the American attorney and author Louis Nizer who in 1943/44 wrote a book "What To Do With Germany" that was widely distributed and hailed by the press and which had the generous endorsement of such personages as Harry S. Truman, Henry A. Wallace, the Nobel Prize laureate Sigrid Undset, and many others.

Nizer, who was Jewish, must have been a disciple of Sigmund Freud, for it was Freudian dialectic that provided the philosophical basis for the mind-altering of an entire nation. Freud was steeped in the talmudic tradition and thought process, and so it was a short way from the eye-for-an-eye "justice" of the Talmud to the un-Christian and un-Western application of Allied victors' "law" that was the foundation whereupon the post-WWII treatment of Germany and the resulting "peace" were grafted.

It is amazing to see how quickly soldiers of the victorious Western armies forgot all age-old European traditions of decency, fairness, honor and chivalry once Germany lay prostrate. Never before in history, not even after the truly devastating Thirty Years War, had there been such uncivilized behavior resulting in a prolonged, continuing hunt for alleged war criminals DECADES after the cessation of hostilities. What we have experienced in this regard since 1945 - not only in Europe but all over the world wherever the Jewish Lobby holds sway - is nothing but the victory of Talmudic concepts over the once-prevailing Christian, Western "Weltanschauung"!

The entire concept of "re-education" would not have worked, had it not been for the idea of "collective guilt" that the victors had so cleverly imposed upon the entire German people. In the annals of history, it was (and is) an entirely new concept.

Before World War II, when a country lost a war, sometimes individual leaders were punished and humiliated, but never an entire people - and after World War II, not merely the wartime generation, BUT GENERATIONS AFTER THEM - generations that had nothing to do with that war are to this day tormented, "guilted" and held in mental subjugation! Descendants of the men who bled their life into the soil of Europe now lick the boot that kicks them!

A German writer, Georg Franz-Willing, had this to say about the concept of "collective guilt":

"Neither Christian nor Germanic concepts of justice know the term "collective guilt", since guilt can only be individual. However, the idea of collective guilt can be found in the Old Testament, and must therefore be regarded as an atavistic regression to the system of justice practiced by ancient Jewry."

Not only ancient Jewry! Pronay and Wilson, describing Hollywood, give us a glimpse of how guilt feelings were injected into modern history - and how they work today:

"Warner Brothers entered the picture in a story compounded of one part Army bureaucratic ineptitude and nine parts of Hollywood chutzpah.

What happened is of interest in and of itself, but also because it shows how an official (US Army) documentary film advocating collective guilt and nonfraternization could hit the commercial circuit in America and Britain long after both policies have been abandoned officially.

In early 1945, Warner decided to have his shorts department prepare a film warning viewers that fascism could still lead to some future war.

Warner jotted down a few ideas for what he suggested calling "the Ghosts of Berchtesgarden".

Hitler and Hirohito, along with their top aides, sit in a projection room looking happily at footage of the destruction of Poland.

"Have screen go dark and big head close-ups," Warner suggested. "Have Protestant, Jew and Catholic represented. . . At the very finish, show soldiers of Allied Nations saying, '. . . we have fought to stop this, and you at home owe it to us to see that it will not happen again. . . .

The big problem. . was creating a 'docu-drama' when fact was needed to be communicated. At first he called for a Nazi doctor to take blood from a Russian child. He argued the collective guilt of the German people without a profound knowledge of German history: '. . . the inbred German lust for power has ever been thus. . . since Frederick the Great in 1888. . . ' (sic). His narration conclude(d) by claiming that '. . . already Axis military cliques are secretly preparing again to dominate the world'.

Trying to decide what to say about the Jews proved especially ticklish.

His original draft included two references. A 'Jewish man' says he is 'the wanderer in exile' who 'died in the gutter of the ghetto in Warsaw'. Then a 'mother' testifies as to the 'abomination of Buchenwald's notorious concentration camp, who saw the Nazis when they jeered and killed my son.'

Script B, April 18, 1945 cuts the mother, and frees the Jewish man from any connection with Warsaw.

Script D substitutes Ohrdruf for Buchenwald.

Script E makes no changes about the Jews but calls for one shot of a dead sailor to be a Negro.

The revised final script F, of June 4, adds two full mimeographed pages using footage from the concentration camps, and extended narration discussing human (remains used as) fertilizer, shots of "warehouses' of (old) shoes, and terms the Nazi camps '. . . in every phase of their depraved fury a rotten record of ruthlessness. . . .

On June 8, (four writers) recommended that "all stages scenes" be eliminated. They suggested relating Hitler's fascism to domestic fascism inside America: 'anti-Semitism, anti-Negro prejudice, anti-labour legislation, anti-foreign born and anti-Catholic sentiment.'
. . .
During July, the four scriptwriters and producer Jerry Wald spent time re-writing the script, now in fact adding a strong ending about domestic fascism. . ."

Domestic fascism? Please note the time frame. We are still talking summer 1945 !

Last week, a ZGram reader did a Lexis/Nexis search on current news reporting (since January 1997). Of the 14,868 stories on Germany, 3,524 of them mentioned the words: "nazi", "neo-nazi" or "right-wing extremist" - which is almost one-fourth of the stories !

I reprint the Warner segment above as an example of the creation and realization of but one anti-German hate film to illustrate what the Germans were (and are) up against when it comes to their image as painted via Hollywood. Who does not think of the recent Spielberg movie "Schindler's List" that was produced around the same theme in just about the same way and for which identical methods of production and subterfuge were used to show alleged German atrocities allegedly committed. "Schindler's List" is touted as a docu-drama. The creator of "Schindler's List" fiendishly used only black-and-white film and many viewers, even now, believe they see actual wartime footage - even the hand-held cameras are jiggled to create a "documentary" effect.

It cannot be said often enough that, to this day, and in the furtherance of continuing "re-education", Germans are not allowed to expose the innumerable, incongruous Allied lies pertaining to the German wartime conduct of their leaders or their soldiers - only now the Allies have a generation of brainwashed German educators (journalists, teachers, TV personalities, authors, historians and politicians) doing their dirty work for them.

If a German publicly questions any of the unfounded and unproved Allied allegations spread by these mind-warped, mind-warping people - even the most illogical ones - he may be sentenced to up to five years in prison simply for contrasting craven propaganda lies with scientifically provable facts!

So you see, the wailing of "Never again!" does not at all pertain to things that happened in the past. It is aimed at the future. It is to keep the offspring of the German soldiers of an heroically fought war in numb, perpetual slavery so that the State of Israel can continue to exist as a base of operation for all kinds of activities - from stealing American secrets to selling their technology to America's own enemies to tormenting their Arab neighbors. It is to keep the racket going, to assure a false "victim" status to the originators and perpetrators of lies and hate, and to assure that the money for reparations keeps flowing.


Where would they be without their "Holocaust"? In the stetls of Eastern Europe, wearing caftans and believing in their ancient superstitions - instead of next to the United Nations quarters in New York?


Thought for the Day:

"The Israelis charge that when Jordan occupied East Jerusalem, Jewish graves were 'desecrated'. I sometimes wonder what happened to the 15,000 Muslim graves that were there in my time, but not now."

(Andrew Killgore in "Vignettes from Jerusalem the Golden")

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