Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 26, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Here is the perfect condensation of these past two weeks' "lessons" to copy
and hand to a friend - or a foe:

"The argument of Holocaust 'true believers' falls into three categories:
1) Testimonies of 'survivors' who obviously did not die in the Holocaust,
2) perjured testimony (obtained under torture) and forged affidavits at the
Nuremberg Trial, 3) the "everybody knows it happened" argument.

The inadequacy of this proof is obvious. Survival does not prove
extermination. Genuine evidence presented at a genuine trial still has not
been produced. "Everybody knows" is what "everybody" has been told. Truth
is acquired by disputing, not swallowing sacrosanct theories.

Holocaust true believers have not been able to accurately account for the
following: 1) The postwar migration of hundreds of thousands of Jews to
Palestine; 2) the incorporation of huge, undisclosed numbers of Jews into
the territory of the USSR during WWII; 3) the migration of innumerable
Jews to the US and Latin America during and following WWII, camouflaged as
Eastern European nationals after the official category, "Jew", had been
dropped by the US immigration authorities.

Holocausters pretend there is a mystery as to what actually happened to the
Jews. There is not. Neither is there any mystery as to what was really
going on in the German concentration camps. Suppressed German documents
have clearly established that the death total in Germany's camps was in the
hundreds of thousands, not millions. It is equally well established that
the main cause of death was typhus. Zyklon B was used liberally in the
camps as a delousing agent for controlling typhus. Crematory ovens had no
sinister purpose. They served only as a sanitory method of disposing of

All Holocaust arguments ultimately revolve around photographs of
typhus-emaciated corpses, crematory ovens and exaggerated or false
testimony and confessions presented to a kangaroo court. Beyond these
stage props, the true believers have little or nothing to offer. An
occasional speech by Himmler or a cryptic remark by Goebbels is thrown in
only to confuse the issue.

But there is no issue. The German records themselves, the aerial
reconnaissance photos of the US Air Force, the independent forensic testing
of "gas chambers" by four researchers settled the arguments - or should

Is the Holocaust being kept alive out of deference to the real and alleged
victims of Adolf Hitler? Or has it been converted into a sacred myth and a
new religion for monetary gain?

Does the Holocaust pay? For millions of survivors and for the state of
Israel it pays very well. It is no exaggeration to say that almost the
entire infrastructure of Israel was made in Germany and the US. Close to
100 billion (Deutsche) Mark and $100 billion will have been paid to Jews
worldwide and to the Zionist state by the end of this century. Hollywood
can truthfully say: "There's no business like Shoah business."

The Holocaust has cost the German people funds necessary for the rebuilding
of their country, has stained their national honor and has left them with a
monumental guilt complex. It has cost the Palestinian Arabs their country,
stolen from them as atonement for a crime supposedly committed by someone

The American people are also victims of the Holocaust. Naive, generous and
trusting to a fault, they have been permanently poisoned into hating racial
cousins overseas.

The same Jewish civil rights organizations which oppose any admission of
Christianity into the schools demand mandatory Holocaust education for a
purported event they characterize as a "near successful assault on God's
chosen people." (Abraham Foxman, National ADL)"

(From Instauration: April 1996, p 121)

Thought for the Day:

"Who is powerful enough to dictate in these closing years of the twentieth century what shall be heard or not heard, spoken or not spoken, written or not written? Certainly it is not the Christians who merely, like sheep, ask for a bleating of equal time."

(From: "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order"
by Ben Weintraub)

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