Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 8, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

A faithful ZGram reader wrote:

"Would you consider running a ZGram - perhaps on May 8 - about the efforts of the Wehrmacht to stave off Bolshevism? That those brave Landser are still being kicked around fifty years later is shameful.

Something ought to be done - even if it is merely a gesture - to show the (German) veterans (of World War II) who are still alive that there are many who do appreciate their sacrifices and who know that they fought a good fight, honorably and nobly, and against heavy odds."

I am glad to report that something is now being done - finally! In Germany! It started happening March 1.

Last night, I surfed some brand new German websites that have sprung up in the wake of the March 1 demonstration against the obscene exhibition of "Wehrmacht atrocities" now being promenaded before the world in an intensified effort and all-out assault to keep the German goys yoked to perpetual guilt.

I was amazed at what I found!

In contrast to what we are being told in the American media that has portrayed this march as a weak-wristed demonstration of old fogies - the senile remnants of the Hitler army being pelted with insults and eggs from a self-righteous Leftist mob - these German demonstrators on the Right are for the most part anything but old. They are a brand new crop of young, decisive German freedom fighters.

A week ago, these youngsters rallied from all over Germany to defend the honor of their fathers' and grandfathers' generation. It seems that 5,000 protesters made it to Munich, with many more being prevented from coming into the city by having their busses and vehicles stopped on the way to Munich by an ideologically misinformed, misused, order-taking state and federal border police.

It is quite clear from their websites that these youngsters have come across facts - new to them! - that the older generation has known all along but that the traitorous vassal regime has, for the most part, kept hidden from them - that the Bolshevik terror in Russia, Germany and elsewhere prior to Hitler Germany sprang straight from Jewish brains and was, in fact, an alien, imported and systematically cultivated, brutally perpetrated terror system with all its attendant atrocities. These Germans are now learning that Adolf Hitler's fighting forces, particularly on the Eastern front, reacted in RESPONSE to that Bolshevik terror because no other choice was left!

Now you can argue that Germans would claim such a thing because that would be in their interest. The argument is harder to dismiss when it comes from a lot of Jewish pens.

I am specifically speaking of a summary entitled "Verheimlichte Dokumente - Was den Deutschen verschwiegen wird" (Secret Documents - What Germans are Not Being Told) published in 1995 by FZ Verlag, which quotes a plethora of Jewish sources, one of the main ones being the Jewish historian and "witness to the times", Arno Lustiger.

This book reveals a ghastly involvement of Jewish collusion and complicity in the atrocities of World War II - AGAINST the Germans, not committed by the Germans - atrocities of the type that are routinely portrayed as having been perpetrated by nobody else but the Germans, when nothing could be farther from the truth!

This book makes the implicit point that since the Allies constantly carry on about "collective German guilt" - the in-your-face Goldhagen's book "Hitler's Willing Executioners" being a perfect example - so, by extension of sheer logic, one must start talking about Jewish guilt and the Jews' responsibility for the horrendous crimes of the Stalin regime in the Gulag Archipelago, the 1930's Soviet purges, the post World War atrocities etc.

Direct descendants of such monstrous people like Trotsky and Kaganovich, for instance, have settled comfortably in Israel. If Germans have to pay and pay and pay those massive reparations for the alleged misdeeds of Hitler, why then should Jewish torturers and mass murderers go free?

The book speaks of Leib Davidovitsch Bronstein alias Trotsky, the father of the Gulags and 'bullet-in-the neck" terror that lasted several decades; he was the one who, as early as 1918 in Soviet Russia, started the first concentration camps and built them up as extermination camps engaged in ethnic cleansing under the guise of class warfare. (Remember that the greater part of the elite of Russia was of Germanic, i.e., of Swedish, German and White Russian ethnic origin.) These camps were places of sadistic practices defying not just words but one's imagination! To mind comes a story I read some time ago where some guards, playing cards, gambled away a prisoner's leg - the person who lost chopped it off with an ax!

Similarly, Lasar Moissewitsch Kaganowitsch, known as the "wolf of the Kremlin", was the main power behind Stalin's throne and the authority responsible for sadistic Gulag conditions, as characterized by the Jewish-American publicist Stuart Kahan. Solzhenitsyn even lists the photographs of all the Stalin Gulag masters - virtually all Jewish!

This, too, is history - large segments of the Jewish population, not only in Russia, were as guilty as hell of the most hideous terrors, tortures and crimes wherever they exercised power - as Kurt Eisner did in Munich, Bela Kun in Hungary, and other Jews in a dozen other places! Read just one Jew's account of terror described in John Sack's book "An Eye for an Eye," which was even reported on by Sixty Minutes, the most-watched American television magazine.

We KNOW this - for many are bragging!

Take Arno Lustiger. A survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he published the title "The Fight for Life and Death - Jewish Resistance 1933 - 1945." In it, Lustiger attempts to set a monument ". . . to the forgotten (Jewish) heroes" and gives a lot of specific examples, of which I shall pick one:

For instance, he mentions the Jewish US General Maurice Rose who was killed as a soldier in regular battle in 1945 in the vicinity of Paderborn, Germany - a death that was advertised by Allied propagandists as the "werwolf murder", for which more than 100 German prisoners were sadistically murdered in retaliation - without any trial, without having been at the scene of the battle! They were simply picked at random from among other prisoners; their hands were tied behind their backs, and they were simply murdered. (The "werwolf" was a last-ditch effort by the Germans to stiffen resistance to Allied occupation. The Allies never tire telling you what wonderful heroes their "werwolf units" were - known as "Resistance" in France, "Partisans" in Russia.)

"The Jews were pioneers of the Partisan movement," you read in Lustiger's book. He tells us how these murderers were supported by Jewish civilians back in the USA. At a time when you could feed a family of four for a week with five dollars, donations in the amount of $45 million were collected from the Jewish community for the "brave anti-fascist fighters" of Stalin, even though Bolshevism, according to the Jewish-Russian publicist Jewgenia Albaz ("Secret Empire of the KGB") had, by then, claimed 66 million murders - ELEVEN TIMES the falsely claimed number of Jewish victims Hitler is claimed to have slaughtered!

Are not American Jews, therefore, responsible for the atrocities of these gangs of cutthroats as well? Or is there one set of rules for Germans and another one for Jews? The world also ought to remember that the Soviet Union refused to follow the rules of the Geneva Convention or the Hague Convention of land warfare - such as that soldiers ought to be in uniform. Thus, the Germans often fought unruly mobs of gangsters, bandits and barbarians in civilian clothes who were frequently liquored up with vodka before they were sent into battle.

Even in the west, Jews dominated within the Partisan, underground movement. For example, speaking of the French underground Resistance called FTP-MOI, Lustiger mentions that three out of five key people were Jews, described as "special units with special orders"; six of the ten key people in the underground media were Jews; three of four members in key technical advisory capacity were Jews; and six of seven members were Jews in a "medical advisory capacity".

Furthermore, we learn that in the First Combat Group, 17 of the 45 of the members were Jewish; in the Second Combat Group, all of them were Jews; in the Third Combat Group, one of eleven members was identified as a Jew; and in the Fourth Combat Group responsible for derailment of German trains, nine of 10 members were Jews. These same Jews howl and whine when the German military units struck back at entire communities and rounded them up as a group - since the group was the manpower pool for the Partisan units in the East as well as the West. What did the US soldiers do in Vietnam? They, too, uprooted and relocated entire villages and regions in camp-like compounds when they were faced with the same problem and had to deal with it.

As one specific example, Lustiger summarizes the actions of the FTP-MOI Resistance group in Paris alone:

31 derailments of trains

11 traitors executed (Usually without a trial or a chance for a defense or plea. Simply murdered!)

40 leading Nazi officials and officers executed. (Remember here that when the US General Maurice Rose died in battle, 100 Germans paid the price. By the same logic 4,000 French hostages or, more logically still, Jewish Frenchmen should have been executed!)

29 German-occupied hotels attacked with time bombs. 7 German Army headquarters attacked with grenades. 33 hotels and restaurants frequented by German Army personnel attacked with grenades. (How does Israel react against car bombings? When an Israeli diplomat was wounded in London in 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon, leveled Beirut, and killed tens of thousands of people.)

Lustiger elevates and praises as "Jewish resistance fighter" the Soviet general Simon Kriwoschejo, who was hailed by the Western media as the "Conqueror of Berlin". What really happened in Berlin in terms of mass murder orgies and gang rapes of hundreds of thousands of German women and girls has been left out by Arno Lustiger - important information that is censored by every Allied propagandist in the East as well as the West.

"An entire generation of German Jews fought on every front against Fascism," writes another Jewish historian, Arnold Paucker, who proudly contributed to Lustiger's book. He is citing important statistics. He says that in an Allied Army of 1,445 million soldiers, the Jews comprised "a substantial number". "To these," the book states, "you have to add those thousands of Jewish partisans and resistance fighters in the east and west of Europe." There were one half million Jewish soldiers in the US Army of Roosevelt and the Red Army of Stalin alone. 190,000 Jewish soldiers were in the Polish Army; 62,000 in the British Army, 48,000 in French uniforms. 30,000 Jews came from the Palestinian area and fought against the Germans; even from distant Canada came 16,000, and from Australia came an additional 3,000.

These Jews were German enemies.

Their German descendants are now asked to "come to terms" with those incredibly atrocious times and are threatened with arrest at legal demonstrations when they rightfully say: "We have been tormented enough! We won't be any longer kicked around by Allied, Jewish or German Marxists! We have had our fill with hate propagandists. Enough is enough! Goldhagen, Wiesel, Spielberg be damned! Let them come to terms with their people's murderous past - history will take care of the rest!"

One of the demonstrators' slogans of March 1, 1997 in Munich said this: "They fought for you. They died for you. Now they are being vilified by you!"

Thus speaks the young nationalist Right in Germany on March 1 of 1997 in the first open demonstration and defiance against the Allied-imposed, forced re-education of the conquered German people in more than 50 years. Another one is scheduled for May 1. Their slogans said this, and much more - which I am not allowed to put on our website.

These are the slogans seen on German national TV - all on behalf of those who were young then; who bled their youth into the soil of Europe for freedom as they understood it.

These youngsters of today are finally beginning to perceive that German soldiers of that bloody war were heroes in the truest sense who fought a righteous fight against the terror of the New World Order now grinning at them in their midst and clawing at their windows.


"You might have thought that the Politburo has moved from Moscow to Brussels."

(Quote from one of the nationalist websites.)

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