February 7, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

· My thanks to all who wrote, commiserating with me about the canceled Trinity College booking. Please realize that these things are personally painful and professionally unfair, but they are gold for our cause because they become part of the record about the ways and means of keeping the Holocaust brownies a little longer in the cookie jar.

I have already consulted with two top Revisionist attorneys and am presently drafting a formal response. There is a Revisionist precedent that was won in the courts already to handsome cash and Revisionist glory - a precedent that was FAR LESS SERIOUS than a cancellation of my lecture which was widely advertised.

Besides, we always watch these little "Holocaust barometers" - assorted website traffic being one. I have this altogether dormant personal website as a backup in case I get kicked off the Zundelsite by what Doug Collins has defined as "nincompoopery" and "censorship dressed up as political morality". My little website sits there as a little cyber orphan in the deepest dark of cyberspace. Normally, it gets only 3 to 10 hits per day. In the wake of this lecture cancellation, it had 590!


Here is a sampling, spliced together from two separate submissions:

". . . The CBC's answer to CNN's 'Crossfire' is a show called 'Faceoff.' Tonight [Feb. 6], the issue it debated was the deportation of alleged Nazi war criminals in Canada.

Barbara Jackman, an immigration lawyer and counsel for one of the men the government is seeking to deport, Joseph Nemsilla, talked circles round the Jewish lawyer, David Matas, senior counsel for B'nai Brith Canada.

The latter was a study in frustration and contradiction. By the end of the show Matas was looking like a human pretzel.

Something very definitely IS HAPPENING; and I think it's being coordinated. Holocaustomania is running rampant with bloody cleaver flashing.

Today the entire Ann Landers column was devoted to--get this!--the Finns and the Holocaust: 'Finland saved all its Jews from Nazis,'

The headline says it all.

Yesterday, on Jane Hawtin Live, a Larry King Live-like TV talkshow which airs on WTN (the Women's Television Network), films critics Brian Johnson of Macleans's and Susan Cole, a feminist, joined host Jane Hawtin in a discussion of (among other things) whether Hollywood could conceivably have made a film of Ernst Zundel similar to the one it made celebrating First Amendment champion and porn king Larry Flynt.

Brian Johnson said that no topic should be taboo.

Apparently, there's been even more legal skullduggery uncovered in the case of three elderly emigres who've been in the cross-hairs of Canada's ragged Justice Department for the past few years as suspected Nazi war criminals.

The judge handling their deportation case has been dismissed for improper conduct--for touching base with government lawyers in private. The Feb. 6th Calgary Herald ['Second judge cut from war crimes cases,' Stephen Bindman] contained some revealing comments from Canadian Jewish Congress mouthpiece, Bernie Farber, venting his frustration:

'Here we go again,' said Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress. 'I wish I could say I'm really surprised this has happened, but I'm not. Time and again when it's come to the issues of war criminals, the judiciary in this country has failed the Canadian people. Some of the decisions that have come down are simply Alice in Wonderland. The fact that some of the most important war crimes cases in the history of Canada are going to come before the Federal Court leaves us really shuddering . . . '

Speaking of 'shuddering,' in Canada, it looks as if the Holocaust volcano - all that recent media hoopla here and abroad - is about to give birth to a judicial mouse . . . "

(end of report)


Thies is the author of an early Revisionist pamphlet titled "Die Auschwitz Luege" (The Auschwitz Lie) in the early 1970s who was a witness in both Zundel Holocaust Trials. He is a former German agronomist who did extensive research work in Auschwitz on obtaining natural rubber from common European plants like dandelions.

As many Revisionist old-timers know, Thies is one of the first pioneers of Revisionism - and one of the most tragic victims of rampant Holocaustomania. For his courageous work, he has been hounded from country to country in Europe for years - much like the fox before the pack of yapping canines with vengeful spittle flying.

Thies has lived in exile in Denmark, Switzerland and recently in Spain because he refused to perjure himself. The German courts, as a matter of practice, force you to believe in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, based on "Offenkundigkeit" - in other words, through judicial notice - which makes it a "fact" which does not have to be proven by the state.

They do, however, demand of the accused and of witnesses to tell the truth - with one hand on the Bible.

Thies Christophersen was thus caught in this net of Kafkaesque abnormality. Forced to tell the truth as he knew it, and in order not to be charged and convicted of perjury, he knew he had to tell the court that he investigated Auschwitz during his war time stay there, and saw or found no gas chambers.

That viewpoint is illegal in the Germany of today and comes with a five year sentence.

He could thus only save himself by an act of perjury - which ALSO carries a several penalty - or he could go into exile.

He decided to go into exile.

He offered the German courts years ago to return to stand trial IF the courts would allow him to bring witnesses who could render expert testimony and examine samples from the so-called "gas chambers".

The German Government said nyet!

The German courts today do not allow forensic, scientific or even eye witness testimony concerning "The Auschwitz Lie" - the booklet that got Thies in such trouble.

Thus Thies fled the persecution and vowed to remain a non-perjury, honest witness in exile! He is now terminally ill with kidney cancer and decided to go home to Germany to die near where he was born.

Yesterday the German radio has spread the news that he has been arrested in Kiel. Another sign how "heroically" the current German government fights on behalf of the "revision" of its own Allied-imposed version of alleged German "History"!

Thies Christophersen, now old and in much pain, is an heroic man and an important "Zeit- und Augenzeuge" as we say in German - an eye witness to his time. Now he will die with honor - in prison if need be! - exposing his detractors as crooks.


". . . About Elie Wiesel, I think it would be a good idea to always remind people (about) Elie Wiesel's behaviour at the end of the war. As you well know, Elie Wiesel was in Auschwitz with his father when the Germans decided to (evacuate) the camp because the Red Army was (approaching).

Since he had been operated on (one of his feet), Elie Wiesel couldn't walk very easily and was given the choice by the Germans to stay in the camp's hospital (with his father dressed up as a nurse) or to flee with them (Wiesel himself wrote all this).

You know what he did: he left with the Germans!

So, when talking about Elie Wiesel, one should always ask one question, just one:

'Mr Elie Wiesel, please tell us why you decided to leave Auschwitz with your exterminators instead of staying there waiting for your liberators to come?'. . . "


An Associated Press release dated February 6 reports that Alabama Governor, Fob James, has promised full defiance of an attempt by the American Civil Liberties Union to remove prayer and the Ten Commandments from an Alabama courtroom.

The Governor told a Baptist gathering Wednesday he would use state troopers and the National Guard to stop anyone trying to remove prayer and a religious display from Circuit Judge Roy Moore's courtroom.

"The only way those Ten Commandments and prayer would be stripped from that courtroom is with the force of arms," said the good Governor.

Drop him a note and cheer him on for showing he still has a spine.

I have been working on this project for several weeks, and I am telling you - that is some summary! That is sheer burro work this man has done on behalf of his Folk and his Cause. There is Ernst Zundel in court room after courtroom just packed with Zionists and humming like a hornets' hive with malice- a German peasant of the deepest dye, fist on the Canadian Bible - swearing by God and all the angels in the universe that NOTHING BUT NOTHING will stop him from telling truth in history as he has found it after long and painful as well as costly study! There have been shivers after shivers on my spine.

We who are close to Ernst are privileged.


Thought for the Day:

"There is something archetypal about Ernst Zundel; like an elemental force, he cascades ever onward - upbeat, optimistic, relentless. There is something strained, contrived or unnatural about the coming destruction of Babylon the Great."

(Michael A. Hoffman II,
Zundel biographer)

Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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