December 29, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Today's ZGram was written for me by an Internet friend in Japan who has been supplying me with valuable information of what happens in that part of the world. Of course one of the things that IS happening, not just in Japan but wherever you look, is a fortification of the notion (which I bought for the longest time!) that World War II was fought to get rid of the innocent Jews.

Here is what this British-born writer sent:

"When I was a lad growing up in the city of Plymouth, my mother and I had to spend many an hour in fear under the stairs while the Luftwaffe bombed seven bells of the proverbial out of the city, and after the all clear we would return to bed fully clothed, waiting for the next raid.

We would listen to the news of the Allies fighting the Germans, of victories and sometimes defeats, in all parts of the world. And do you know all along we had the conviction that the war was being fought to protect the world from Hitler, but nowadays it seems we were all wrong, we had been lead astray, up the garden path or anywhere else you'd put us.

Two years ago, as I settled down to 'celebrate' the end of the war here in Japan, expecting to see maybe something like "The Longest Day" or "The Eagle has Landed" or "Rommel" - maybe even an Anglo-German documentary with old solders reminiscing on their shared experiences.

But no, what did we get? The Diary of Ann Frank, Schindlers List, Good Morning Mr. Hitler etc. And it continues.

In The Weekly Telegraph British News paper I read - kept in context - the following:-

(end of paper excerpts)

"Recently," writes my Japanese correspondent, "I have noticed more and more PEPPERING of articles like this with references to Jews, nothing whatsoever to do with the subject. Is someone trying to rewrite history? That World War Two was between Germany and the Jews, and that Stalingrad, Tripoli, Dresden, The Blitz and all the rest were just small events happening on the side lines? Have you noticed that Christmas is also being hi-jacked? We are supposed to say Happy Holidays now instead of Merry Christmas."

Well, even a week ago I would not have had an adequate explanation of the above except maybe: "What do you expect? The mainstream media is packed and controlled." But in a recent fax aside, Ernst mentioned that his old Jewish friend, the late historian Josef (Ginz)Burg, author of many important books and booklets ("Schuld and Schicksal", "Majdanek in alle Ewigkeit" etc. ) told him that news bureaus are set up all over the world to do a "Jewish spin" on every important wire story.

As an example, Burg told Ernst that when it was found by researchers that Interferon could stop or even cure cancer, there was a story within weeks all over major papers that rabbis in Israel were asked to collect all the cut-off foreskins of circumcised baby boys - because, the story had it, these foreskins had a very high Interferon content, thus making Israel the source for an effective natural, not synthetic, cancer treatment.

Makes you wonder why they got rid of a natural preventative source against cancer to begin with - doesn't it? Now you know something, I bet, you DIDN'T know last week! :)

So often I get chided for concentrating much too much on information outreach and not enough on "rallying the troops" - but what good do "troops" do if the informational foundation of WHERE it's coming from, and HOW it's coming down the chute, is lacking?


Thought for the Day:

Definition of Social Engineering: "The science of playing one faction against the other and stepping in the middle as mediator."

(Richard G. Swartzbaugh)

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