December 11, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

One of the loveliest vignettes I heard when I was up on Vancouver Island at the end of October doing a dinner program for the Canadian Free Speech League goes as follows: During the Second Great Holocaust Trial in 1988 when Ernst Zundel was fighting for his freedom and integrity, the judge decided to invoke "judicial notice" - a legal concept meaning that some "facts" are so patently "true" that they cannot be argued and defended. The earth is round. The capital of the United States is Washington. The sun is setting in the West. The "Holocaust", the judge in his wisdom decided, was such a "fact" in need of no examination. The only thing still left to argue was whether or not this fellow, Zundel, had maliciously "spread false news" or whether or not he was too dense to even tell the difference between what he considered "facts" and other people would call "lies" so as to keep a sterling conscience. Some choice on which to base the defense! It was a major blow before the trial even began. Ernst's legal team, at that time, decided that the trial was over. Doug Christie, his main attorney, advised Ernst at that point to simply sit it out and make it as short as possible to save himself unnecessary expenses. There was no way that Ernst could win his right to the expression of his skepticism if the "Holocaust" couldn't be challenged. Ernst said: "We will still go ahead. This is no longer for myself. The last trial was for publicity. This one will be for history. I will exonerate my country, Germany." The person who brought the charges initially in 1983, the Jewess Sabina Citron, had her expenses covered by the Canadian taxpayers - the Crown accommodated her and took over the Zundel prosecution. Ernst Zundel paid, out of his pocket, the huge expenses for a four-month trial, defending himself against the charge of having spread "false news". One of the major outcomes of that trial was, of course, the commissioning of the Leuchter Report leading to a highly dramatic and secretive mission - and, lo, the "Holocaust" became a "Half-a-caust" and hasn't yet stopped shrinking. A less-known outcome was a second look at World War II and and what it REALLY cost the "winners". This aspect is now recognized as an embedded by-product of the two Great Holocaust Trials of 1985 and 1988. Below are excerpts from a newsgroup thread sent to me by JB Campbell, one of my all-time favorite and vastly underrated writers. Bruce has a way of cutting through the mire of platitudes about that monstrous war and getting to the nitty gritty of "What Price Innocence?" Here's JB Campbell, slightly edited for brevity's sake:

Let's talk about the "benefits of this country" that (a reader) and others put their lives on the line to buy us - assuming that he is a WWII vet. What were the benefits from our participation in the Second World War? Well, we got some pretty big ships. And some pretty fantastic airplanes. The ships and planes cost a lot to run, of course, but the taxpayers always take care of that. What else? Well, our bankers, from whom we borrowed the money for the ships and planes, became very rich. This is because it didn't actually cost them anything to lend us credit, but we had to pay them back with money we worked to earn. Of course, the war put everyone back to work, making ships and airplanes. Few people stop to remember that in the Depression, which ended on 7 Dec, 1941, there had been no money to buy anything. The bankers had by then repossessed many homes and farms and businesses. No one could get credit because "money was tight." But once the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, money wasn't tight anymore. There was all the money in world available for ships and airplanes--for Stalin! And Churchill! For MacArthur? No, no money for him and the men in the Philippines. The most MacArthur and Nimitz ever got was 20% of the total, and that was toward the end. Anyway, everybody got to work. Our women got to go to work in factories, making ships and airplanes. They were liberated from the tyranny of staying at home, and got to mingle with some interesting people. And we got rationing and shortages, so that Stalin and Churchill and our wonderful boys could have the very best equipment with which to destroy European culture and set up Communist dictatorships in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia. Our wonderful boys were also used to create Communist dictatorships in China, Korea and Vietnam. Did you know that Ho Chi Minh was a US intelligence agent during WWII? He was one of our wonderful boys in OSS! I guess I haven't really come up with any benefits which our wonderful boys actually bought us by putting their lives on the line. When you stop to think about it, what they actually did was serve our masters who wanted the political setup in Europe and Asia changed. They were expendable gladiators who killed and got killed. The fact is that WWII not only ruined Europe and Asia but the United States as well! The undeclared, no-win wars in Korea and Vietnam were merely extensions of WWII, with many of the same characters directing the action on both sides. And just as the Communists were the real victors in WWII, so they were in Korea and Vietnam. There must have been some benefits won for us by our wonderful boys, fighting Germans and Japanese . . . Freedom of speech? Assembly? The right to keep and bear arms? How about the "Four Freedoms?" Nope--they were for foreigners, and weren't worth the paper they were written on. If anything, our duped fighters in WWII were actually fighting for the downfall of the human race, by making the world safe for Communism. What (we) must learn is that it is not patriotic to fight overseas, because that always means you're being suckered by bankers and politicians. If a fellow didn't know the slimy background to Pearl Harbor, which few did, it was patriotic to fight the Japanese up to the point that they offered surrender terms, which they did do starting in July, 1942, after Midway. At that point, Congress should have demanded a peace treaty, ordered Roosevelt arrested, tried and hanged for treason for allowing 2,200 Americans to be slaughtered just to get his war against Germany started. Americans have many benefits - or used to. Now, most of the benefits are those that America gives to foreigners, such as our jobs. This is all because of our direction of WWII. But the benefits which we have enjoyed had been provided by patriots who defended the Declaration of Independence with blood and suffering, and by those hardheads who insisted that there be a Bill of Rights appended to the Constitution. Vets, don't keep kidding yourselves that by joining up or being drafted by Franklin Roosevelt that you did something "for our country." You were tricked and manipulated by the slimiest con-man in American history to make the world safe for Josef Stalin, Mao Tse-tung and Ho Chi Minh. You . . . apparently believe that the destruction of Germany justified the spread of Communism, the result of which was the slaughter of hundreds of millions of people in Europe, Russia and Asia. The callousness of people such as you is breathtaking. You say that Germany was a "dangerous enemy" and that Japan was "an overambitious third-world state." Third-World? Africa is Third-World. Japan built battleships and aircraft carriers. Dangerous Germany never attacked the US; Japan did, induced as it was by FDR's slimy provocations and his dangling of American live-bait in Pearl Harbor. It was the same trick that we pulled when Dean Acheson announced that South Korea was outside the US defense perimeter. It was the same trick we pulled when April Glaspie, our female ambassador to Iraq, assured Saddam Hussein that he could re-take Kuwait. When America wants a war, it is always instigated by trickery and lies. It always works. It is the ultimate "achievement of the possible." Considering that the German military found that crossing the English Channel with an invasion force (SEALION) was not possible, and considering that the German air force did not possess a long-range bomber, don't you think that the idea of a German nuclear bomb being dropped on Washington, DC is rather hysterical, along the lines of the German army marching up through Mexico? The answer to your question, "Would you have preferred a Nazi Reich from the Urals to the Sahara Desert?" is, yes. American interests, if not US interests, would have been served by a German victory. "US interests" is a euphemism for central bank interests, be they designed in London, Paris or New York. Instead, what we got was what you, and the "US interests," preferred: a Communist slaughterhouse from the Elbe all the way across to the Pacific Ocean. And that is the basic conflict of the Twentieth Century-- underfunded National Socialism struggling against overfunded International Socialism." (JB Campbell, 1996)

There is only one thing that this writer left out: That horrid war created Israel, displaced the Palestinians and put Israel on a permanent dole, to be financed from billions worth of Deutsche Mark from Germany and endless billions more from the US who prattles endlessly about "our only demcoratic ally". (I quote here a recent statistic from the Washington Report on Middle East Affair, October Issue, page 44: "Total 1996 grants, interest and loan guarantees for Israel: $5,505,300.000") Creating Israel was one of the disgusting but nonetheless real reason that war was fought at all! Ernst Zundel, in his 1988 Holocaust Trial, said much the same, all of it now preserved in the archives and documents preserved in the Canadian judicial system. You see why the Leuchter Report is so crucial? It was the first forensic document of substance examining the Lie. It was the document that justified the question: "Just WHO is spreading false news around here? And to WHOSE BENEFIT?" Whenever I open a catalog of what seems to be hundreds of small-time alternative presses, all fussing mightily about the danger of the New World Order now reaching out its tentacles for what is left of our folk, there is the Leuchter Report. Ernst Zundel holds the copyright. Most people never bother notifying him that they are reproducing, marketing and selling it. I said to Ernst the other day: "You paid some $60,000 to have it compiled in the first place! You ought to sue and to make sure you are getting your share! It is your property!" And Ernst: "That is not how I think! That is not who I am." Ingrid

Thought for the Day: "The next dreadful thing to a war lost is a war won." (Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, 1769-1852)


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