November 29, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

In the weeks and months to come, you will hear a lot about "hate crimes" and "hate laws" from me because that is the virus that is now getting spread.

The Europeans and Canadians are quite familiar with this insidious plague, but they don't have what we in the US still have: The American Constitution and the Bill of Rights, two documents which have acted, so far, as barriers of protection for the people of this country.

When those two protective barriers are destroyed by the virus of "hate laws", it's over.

Quite a while ago I heard of a police officers' organization - as I recall it, originating in Phoenix, Arizona - that was formed to resist thought control within police departments in the United States. I believe it had 2,000 members. I did not keep this reference, and now I wish I had. I wonder how strong that movement is now.

Take just a peek at Canada where the following was published in the November issue of the Free Speech Monitor. The information was compiled by Paul Fromm, its editor, which I am bringing here in somewhat shortened form:

"Police Chiefs Publish Blueprint for Political Thought Police in Canada

In August, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police published 'Hate Crimes in Canada: In Your Back Yard'.

'A Resource Guide', they called it.

It is, in fact, a blueprint for a political thought police. The word 'hate' appears on nearly every page as a catch-all term of abuse.

The publication of this Orwellian and only semi-literate report received perfunctory notice in the national press. 'Hate Crimes Eroding Society, Chief Says,' was the headline of the Toronto Star (August 28, 1996) report. 'The hate movement has permeated Canadian society. (It) can be found in all communities, in neighbourhoods and in your own back yard.'

'Hate crime is an insidious cancer that can erode a society,' Halifax Police Chief Vince MacDonald, who chaired the committee that wrote the report, told about 175 other officers. Periods of economic recession, much like the current situation in Canada, trigger hate group activity, especially white supremacy. Leaders of the racist right heighten levels of xenophobia (the abject fear of strangers and foreigners) because it is their belief that the 'white race' is discriminated against the most in Canada.

(I)t is the hate groups' contention that their organizations personify the subconscious beliefs and feelings of the majority of Canadian people. (p.6) . . . 'Before hate propagandists Ernst Zundel and James Keegstra (anti-Semites) were charged, the law [Section 318/9] was misunderstood.' (p.17)

(Note here: Ernst Zundel was NEVER charged. They are libeling him.)

Secret computer hate networks are available to anyone who owns a computer, a modem and a phone line: the electronic hate network is open and uncontrolled. (p.30)

(End of first excerpt)

Writes Fromm: "We mustn't insist on precise meanings for words, but, if these networks are 'secret', how then, can they be 'available to anyone'"?

The Report goes on to say:

"Hate groups are presently operating in a public relations mode. They claim they do not hate anyone. The leaders of these groups are educated, articulate and possess excellent public speaking qualities. The propaganda is very offensive but in a lot of cases it would not contravene the hate propaganda criminal code [sic] section." (p.7)

"It is not always necessary for the responding officer to know if it is a hate crime; suspicion based on one or more of the following considerations is enough to submit a report of a hate crime: . . . the victim perceived the action of the offender to have been motivated by bias; ... there was no apparent provocation or motivation for the incident . . . " (p.16)

(End of second excerpt)

Comments Fromm:

"That we have a political police in the making, let there be no doubt. Police departments are exhorted to: 'Ensure that the appropriate police resources are allocated in order for an efficient police response to hate/bias motivated crimes and hate propaganda charges.' (p.10)

The report admits there can be 'non-criminal' act(s) of hate/bias, (like) distribution of material deemed offensive by a recipient, yet not within the preview [they probably mean purview ] of Section 319.'

Interestingly, there isn't the slightest recognition that the rights of people to dissent and criticize should also be protected. What do Canada's KGB-wannabes really want? . . . Ungrammatical and confused as it is, (this report) appears to hunger for the power to arrest and charge any member of a group if even ONE member of the group practises ANY "racist activity" , which, incidentally, is undefined and not necessarily against the law.

(This) Orwellian document states: 'An arresting officer is supported more by legislation that strikes out against racist activity rather than a specifically named 'hate group' . . . With such a legal definition, when ANYONE or ANY group of racists commences 'practising ANY racist activity, a prosecution could be levelled at ALL members of the group.'"

(End of Fromm comment. Emphasis added)

That is the scary part. Any member of a group can do you in. Big time! "Suspicion" is enough. The "victim" need only "perceive".

Not surprisingly, the report's major source is one of Canada's most dedicated minority censorship groups, to wit:

"Questions surrounding the validity of Canada's anti-hate laws, according to B'nai Brith Canada, have provided a 'perceived window of opportunity for racist groups to recruit and indoctrinate youth openly," the report faithfully parrots.

What did Lenin write? "We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn and the like, toward those who disagree with us."

Remember that Lenin was followed by Stalin.


Thought for the Day:

"A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."

(Joseph Stalin)

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