November 28, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

A few days ago I was working on an article on the Militia movement and interviewed someone active in it. I asked him how strong he estimated the American Militia to be. He said that the number bandied about was 9 million. I have no way of knowing if he is right or wrong, but I am amazed at how many people know something about the Militia that didn't come via the regular press. After I came home, I checked on the very first newsletter that I edited for Ernst, which was in April of 1995. I knew that Ernst has strong negative feelings and has expressed them many times about these war games grown-up people like to play with guns and camouflage. I am quoting from this letter:

"The bomb blast in Oklahoma City is still on everybody's minds, and a never-ending stream of media hype, irresponsible speculation, guilt by association, smears and innuendoes fill the air waves in Canada and America. The forces of repression, censorship, gun control and those with the hidden agenda of a one-world New World Order dictatorship are having a field day. Sadly, what I warned against in a prophetic world-wide radio broadcast in February 1995 has come true. Those who want to curtail freedom, who want more state control - more censorship of free speech and of freely-chosen assembly, and who want to restrict the right to keep and bear arms - are exploiting the tragedy and unforgivable act of Oklahoma City to the fullest. Cynics and conspiracy buffs are painting chilling scenarios of rogue elements, possibly within state agencies, who might have deliberately set off this horrible blast to get legislation passed in Congress, which in calmer times would never have a chance to be passed into law. They point to historical precedents in American and European history. They mention the blowing up of the US warship "Maine" in Havana Harbor. They mention the sinking of the ammunition-carrying passenger ship "Lusitania" - with tragic consequences to America and Europe. Others recall the "Gulf of Tonkin" attack in more recent times. German haters claim that Hitler had Göring burn the Reichstag in order to have an excuse to drastically curtail German civil and human rights and to establish his dictatorship through his hastily passed, Draconian "Enabling Act" - an Emergency or War Measures Act which allowed for unchecked searches and seizures, suspension of civil rights, and the incarcerations of suspected individuals and groups (i.e., Marxists) merely because of their dissident viewpoints. There are voices being heard today, as a direct result of the as-yet-unsolved bombing in Oklahoma City, who advocate the same kind of legislation in many democratic states, including sadly even in America. In my broadcast in February, I warned Americans and Canadians, especially the gun lovers and those who have a penchant for wanting to play "weekend warrior" with camouflage suits roaming through the hills, preparing for "der Tag," - which seems to mean something different to each person involved in these activities. I beseeched my listening audience to be careful, to think about what they were doing, to purge all their associations and groups of unstable, unsavory, emotionally unbalanced elements. Guns and unstable people and guns and alcohol consumed during these "male-bonding parties" represent a tailor-made recipe for trouble - if not for disaster! I do not want to join the chorus of those who prejudge a case before all the evidence is in, for I remember well that at first it was claimed by every "expert" interviewed on TV that the explosion clearly was of the "Beirut type" - in other words, the work of radical Arabs. Lots of video clips were produced in conjunction with these unsubstantiated claims to point fingers and to create animosity against the Arabs. When a white, clean-cut, clean-shaven, blond, blue-eyed American suspect was fingered, the whole scenario changed. Now it was the turn of the next convenient favorite target groups of the liberal establishment in the media and in political circles! The "Neo-Nazis," "Skinheads," and, of course, the "Radical Right Militias" were now accused and immediately convicted by politicians, media pundits, and law enforcement types - all, of course, "experts," and none of whom wanted to wait until the investigations were completed. Whatever happened to the concept of "innocent until proven guilty"? That used to be the American way! I condemn the act of bombing in Oklahoma City by whoever perpetrated it for whatever reasons or excuses! Violence is not the answer to what ails our society. Truthful, factual information on which citizens can base sound decisions is the answer. Information is the key. Knowledge is power. Not bombs. Knowledge about corruption and treason in government and outside of government in the hands of an informed citizenry will more surely and more permanently change things for the better through political evolution than all the destruction of property and the loss of human life will accomplish through violent revolution. The past has taught us that revolutions are bloody and destructive. Much is destroyed that can never be recreated or rebuilt. Ask the Russian people. Ask the Iranians and Cubans. I appeal to all my friends to remain calm and not join in the feeding frenzy of loose, irresponsible talk or acts. Act as a moderating influence on your friends and neighbors. America was not built in one day; it won't self-destruct in one day! There is still lots of room and opportunity for peaceful, political reform and positive change."

(end of excerpt) Have a nice Thanksgiving - and remember your Thought for the Day, as summarized in "Target: Total Government" (The New American, Sep 16, 1996): "The essence of our republican form of government are few, clearly specified, and revocable, and exist only to protect the lives, liberties and property of the law-abiding." Ingrid


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