November 14, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

When I shipped the Louis Beam article two days ago - a rather wrenching article that urged all the races to unite to neutralize the common foe, I expected a few ZGram reader cancellations. Not one! So much for our so-called "racist hate mongering", as our opposition never fails to shriek at every opportunity! Our own race, however, never ceases being under attack - and we? We keep on taking it! One wonders why - and Kevin Strom, a popular radio talk show host who recently was kicked off a highly popular radio show called "Dissident Voices" that played on KXEL in Waterloo, Iowa, gives us at least a partial answer:

"There has never been a government on planet Earth that could receive unqualified endorsement from me, or probably from any reasonable man. But learning from history is important, and it is interesting to study various regimes from as objective an outlook as possible. This becomes very difficult when a government or its leader or its people have become demonized or turned into a metaphor for "evil." This demonization process is currently being used against Iraq, but in recent years it has also been used against Iran, Libya, and the Palestinians, among others. How can you discuss Iraq objectively when speaking to a group of morons wearing "I'd walk a mile to smoke a camel (picture of Arab on camel in gunsight)" T-shirts? Such individuals, many of whom probably could not locate Iraq on a map and were not even aware of that nation's existence prior to 1991, have allowed themselves to be whipped into a frenzy of hatred by mass media propaganda, which comes these days mainly from the appropriately-named "boob tube." Another heavily-demonized regime is the Old America, which I would define roughly as pre-1965 America, or Euro-America. (Exempt from demonization, of course, are New World Order change-agents like the Marxist profligate "Martin Luther" King and the unspeakable Franklin Roosevelt, who were doing their best to destroy the Old America and everything it stood for. They are not demonized, but are regarded as heroes if not saints!) Hardly a day goes by that the Red networks or the liepapers don't torment us with a documentary "proving" the evil "racism" and "oppression" that was omnipresent in what anyone over 40 can remember was a much freer, safer, more cultured, prosperous, and optimistic nation. The National Socialist regime in Germany between 1933 and 1945 has been demonized even more than the Old America, and has become a metaphor for "evil" used by almost all political factions in the insane asylum that still goes by the name "United States of America." Thus we have the looney CDR/Morris Dees left accusing militias of being dangerous "nazis," while some right-wing patriot groups accuse the Clintonistas and their enforcers of being "nazis," "fascist," "stormtroopers," et cetera. "Nazi" has become a word that one attaches to any form of government power, or rebellion against government power, that is thought to be illegitimate or that one disapproves of. For all practical purposes, the word has ceased to have any actual meaning. But like the word "witch" in the 16th century, the smear word "nazi" still has the power to instill fear of ostracism or punishment, so cowards of many political stripes do all sorts of mental and verbal gymnastics to avoid the feared appellation. The really interesting thing to note is that National Socialist Germany is not demonized by the establishment for its possible faults -- but rather for one of its virtues. After all, many regimes of today and yesterday have far less personal freedom than was allowed citizens there - far less press freedom, far more regimentation, far higher taxation, far more government regulation, far more hostility toward their own citizens, and all the rest of it -- and they are not demonized. The real reason, and in fact the only reason, National Socialist Germany is demonized is the same reason that the Old America is demonized: both had governments which favored the survival of the White race. This is a crime that the New World Order cannot forgive."

Again, as before, we make the Internet information offered below available as a public service in the spirit of free speech, with the legally necessary disclaimer that we neither endorse nor oppose what is being said or written. Kevin Strom's ideas can be found at his Occupied America Homepage: E-mail is: Ingrid

Thought for the Day: "A nation never falls but by suicide." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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