October 18, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I remember the shock I felt the first time I saw the posters that were littered by the thousands in downtown Toronto advocating assassinating Ernst Zundel by showing his face in the cross hairs of a rifle. I would be hard-pressed to compare these posters to anything nearly as vicious that a mob could get away with in what is still supposed to be a Western democracy that I have ever seen. Ernst told me in a phone call that night that some of his comrades had actually identified well-known members of the Marxist ARA, paint pot in hand, whereupon Ernst called Metro Police asking for their assistance and protection and pleaded with them to arrest the terrorists. Police chose not to check.

Now there is more.

Advocating an "all day PICKET with speakers, music and kosher barbecue," and describing themselves as representing "Immigrants and refugees, people of colour, disabled people, Jewish people, youth . . we're all being attacked but we're gonna fight back!" these Marxist, Anti-Racist-Action terrorists, still flushed and flush with the success of the $8,000 grant they received, courtesy of the tax payers of the province of Ontario through the Trillion Foundation, and another $8,000 thanks to the Metro Toronto Council, have put out thousands of additional terrorist posters in downtown Toronto yesterday.

Later in the day, I will try to put them up in our news section on the Zundelsite if they can be scanned and transmitted. For now, let me describe them for you:

In the style of a ransom note, these posters display such words as "drop dead", "politikill", "incorrect", "random killing" and "Rock against Harris" - words which could be interpreted as a death threat against Canadian Premier Harris whose picture is depicted next to Adolf Hitler's as well as the picture of former Governor of Alabama, George Wallace, who was paralyzed some years ago in an attempted assassination. The phrase ROCK AGAINST RACISM appear inside a five-pointed Soviet star. It does not take a great deal of imagination to interpret these words as a brazen death threat to Harris.

Another poster, distributed at the same time and places, targets the Zundel-Haus for all-day demonstrations on October 25, 1996 and an invitation to a "kosher barbecue." Some people knowledgeable of the ARA's frame of mind see in it a not-so-veiled threat or an invitation to another fire. As you may well remember, after the first arson happened following an ARA postering campaign, anonymous Jewish callers claimed responsibility for that fire - still unsolved, although the Metro Toronto Police were given strong leads and descriptions of the suspected arsonist, a punk who was paid $200 to douse the Zundel-Haus with a flammable liquid in the early hours of May 7 of last year.

One can only wonder about the warped ideological mindset that permits some of the Canadian politicians to squander scarce resources on financing what amounts to state sanctioned terrorism against viewpoints they don't like. On our news section, I will list these councillors' names and record of voting on these grants, along with their phone numbers , so you may call them and give them a piece of your mind.

Let me also remind you, please, that we need comrades to attend the Third National Conference of all ARA chapters, scheduled for today through Sunday in Columbus, Ohio, which I described in my ZGram on October 13 at http://www.webcom.com/ezundel/english/ZGRAM.3/961013.html For more information on this conference, call 614 - 424 - 9074.

We need their literature and, if possible, audio recordings of what is being said and planned. It could well be a matter of life or death - not just for Ernst and his comrades, but for your family and mine a few years down the road.


Thought for the Day:

"We have to condemn publicly the very idea that some people have the right to repress others. In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise a thousandfold in the future."

(Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn)

Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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