October 7, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This morning, let me brighten your day with the happy news of yet another thoroughly bushwhacked exterminationist, followed by a few updates on revisionist ammunition, which is getting ever more prolific and ingenious.

First, the Talmudic gyration in the wake of admitted defeat, a description of which was sent to us out of France:

"It has to be now admitted finally that there is no proof, no evidence whatsoever that the Nazi gas chambers ever existed, claims French "historian and novelist" Jacques Baynac.

Extremely hostile to revisionists and especially to Robert Faurisson (with whom he had a dispute in October 1980) and a friend of exterminationist historian Nadine Fresco, with whom he published a few years ago an article in Le Monde against R. Faurisson, J. Baynac now seems desperate. In a long article published in two issues of a Swiss newspaper ("Le Nouveau Quotidien", September 2, p.16, and September 3, p.14), he draws the conclusion that obviously no one can bring any proof that the Nazi gas chambers ever existed. The strange solution he advocates is to try instead to find the proof that the non-existence of the so-called gas chambers is impossible!

The article is bursting with hard criticisms against the historians, the lawyers, the journalists who, in his opinion, have been, for so many years, accumulating so many methodological and tactical errors that today, as a result, the revisionists appear, on the scientific plane, as the winners.

A major blunder, he thinks, was to trust and to use Jean-Claude Pressac. In France, according to the Fabius-Gayssot law (13 July 1990), inspired by Great Rabbi René-Samuel Sirat, it is a criminal offense to dispute the existence of "crimes against humanity" as defined and sentenced by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1945-1946, or by any French or international court.

As a matter of fact, this means that, in Voltaire's country, anyone who questions the Holy Jewish Trinity of the alleged genocide, the alleged Nazi gas chamber and the alleged 6 million, is liable to a prison sentence (1 month to 1 year), to a fine (2,000F to 300,000F) and other possible penalties.

But, as we see now, the trouble is that none of those judges did care for any evidence of the Nazi gas chambers.

Therefore, how should anyone in France be sentenced for not believing something which obviously was not proven (to) those judges?"

To "shift the camera", let me conclude with this small, thought-provoking item which was sent to me by a German reader:

"There has been an article in the "Zeitschrift des Bundes Deutscher Steuerzahler" (Magazine of the German Taxpayer's Association) about a survey among (about 50, I believe) members of the German Parliament.

Each member was shown a piece of paper with the number "2,000,000,000,000". No one could name this number! (It is "zwei Billionen", or "two trillion" in English, respectively.)

Almost nobody had any idea what this number could mean! After being told, almost everybody still doubted that this is, in fact, the approximate monetary total debt load of the German state!"

(Ernst added here: Federal state. States-, municipal- and corporate debt. The German state pays DM 190 million in interest payments each day!)

Here's what I want to know: How is that kind of crippling monetary burden possible in one of the most disciplined and industrious countries in the world? Is it any wonder that Hitler tried to free the German people from the stranglehold of International Banksters with his prophetic policy of breaking the "Zinsknechtschaft" - translated, Interest-Slavery?

There will be more in future ZGrams about this topic - but very briefly, here: THAT policy of Adolf Hitler's was the real reason why the established Old Order of Bankers went to war against him. The world cared little about the fate of the Jews - that only supplied the excuse and world-wide, well organized lobby and the boycott agitators. World War II was not about this so-called "Hitler Anti-Semitism" - it was about the loss of interest, obtained without labor.

That is why, to this day, anyone is quashed who exposes this parasite paradise. Inundated as we are to this day with threats and exhortations to Hug the Holocaust - or else! - how many of us know the underlying cause?


Thought for the Day:

"If you would know what the Lord God thinks of money, you have only to look at those to whom he gives it."

(Maurice Baring)

Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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