September 16, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

If I may pat myself on the back, here is a gem of a letter that tells me that what we are doing bears fruit:

"The story begins about four years back in Sweden. A patriotic skinhead rock band called Ultima Thule was massively attacked in the media for being "racists". I had been listening to their music for a few months and did not consider them to be racists. I wasn't even a patriot back then, let alone racially conscious at all.

Well, this massive media onslaught on a band whose songs often, if not mostly, were oi/rock versions of old Swedish folk tunes had this effect on me: The propaganda was simply TOO INTENSE. Some part of my mind became so overloaded with Political Correctness propaganda that it short-circuited.

I started to THINK instead of just SWALLOWING. Of course, I have always considered myself to be free-thinking, but it is embarrassingly obvious to me now that back then I wasn't. I could think freely about most things, but NOT when it came to things that are considered taboo.

Anyway, I started thinking about nationalism and all that comes with it, and simply came to the conclusion that immigration from non-European countries was NOT a good thing, and that basically, ethnic homogeneity is a lot better than the media- celebrated "diversity".

The process of freeing my mind had started. The key to this was that I now distrusted the media. But there is a big "but" here: I was STILL trying to keep my opinions within the socially acceptable range.

I can think of a number of ways one can do this. I did it in a number of ways, anyway, of which the most important is trying to believe in democracy, avoid being "racist" and above all, "anti-Semitic".

"Denial" of the Holocaust was, of course, unthinkable. I dismissed the very thought with "there are TONS of evidence, one has to be an idiot to deny it". I said it without having seen any evidence at all. Which is pretty bloody much the act of an idiot.

I even tried to argue that I was not a racist because I had more in common with a black man who was born in Sweden than with a white American. I KNEW in my heart that this was a lie (unlike the Holocaust, which I really believed in and which made criticism of Jews unthinkable), but still (clung) on to the idea because I was afraid of being "racist", "prejudiced", "hateful" and all that nonsense.

These are just labels, WORDS, and to think that I was so afraid of them! I just can't believe that these words could hold the opinions, that I allowed myself to even ponder, in such a firm grip.

Well, this is how it went on for over three years. The last half year or so of this period I started to become less afraid of more "extreme" opinions. I thought it was ridiculous how they were being persecuted. I listened to some of the more "extreme" music, but I did not want to be associated with "nazis" or "racists".

Then I visited the Zündelsite. Just to see who these idiots really were. I looked. (What's this, now? Arguments? And good ones!)

I followed the link to Nizkor. Back to Zündelsite. (No, come on. This can't be!) Nizkor. Zündelsite. Nizkor. Zündelsite.

In the end, there was no way around it. I think - no, I KNOW - that this was one of the turning points, if not THE turning point of my life.

...and for that, I thank you with all my heart.

At present, I can think a lot more freely than before. Believe me, in the last few months I have been doing some very deep thinking on just who I am, where I stand in life and where to go from here.

And well, I have come to terms with the fact that I do belong among you after all. I still disagree with some points that most people in the Movement stand for. But that is because I have come to disagree because of my own THINKING, NOT because of some Politically Correct brainwashing telling me what to think. And by now I have also realized that this Movement is a place where you DO have the right to disagree. (Unlike some other movements.)

Now, there must be SOMETHING to learn from a young man's awakening, don't you think? I don't think that my story is anything like unique. I have read of a few people who have walked down the same path and eventually ended up with the same conclusions that I have. "I was just pro-Swedish/British/Danish (and so on) in the beginning, but then I realized that..." For me, the turning point can be dated to exactly whenever it was that I found the Zündelsite.

From there was simply no return, just a matter of time. For a larger number of people it may be that they realize that what is happening in their own neighborhoods is happening throughout their country, and finally they see that it's happening all over the World. Once you realize that the Holocaust is a lie, you are almost bound to realize that a lot of other things you've been taught may be lies as well.

I don't think that the truth should ever be oppressed by any political ambitions. But we have to make people realize just how much this lie has affected our lives and that it is NOT the only lie we have lived. . . "

See? That's why we say at the bottom of every single document we post with such unashamed pride: "We do not recruit; we convince."


Thought for the Day:

"If it be a duty to respect other men's rights, so also it is a duty to maintain our own."

(Herbert Spencer)

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