September 10, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

One of the advantages of "Documentation by Duress," - namely being hauled before a judge to answer to the heinous crime of "Holocaust Denial" - is that the evidence collected thereby can then be used as legal sorties against the very ones who want to silence us.

This is now happening not just to Ernst, who in retaliation has finally initiated several libel suits against the lapdog media and institutions and organizations who have defamed HIS name, but more and more to other folks around the world who draw on hard, cold proof of fraud, graft, trickery, entrapment, intimidation and extortion - and sometimes even murder - when it comes to the "Holocaust."

I was glad to be told that this is true of David Irving who certainly has had his share of Holocaust-inspired terror and harassment. Here's what he shared at a recent lecture in Southern California, sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review:

"David Irving delivered fireworks with great humor, saying he has grown tired of turning the other cheek.

'It's all over with open season on David Irving,'"he announced. Big Cheese Lipstadt, should she show up in Britain, will be served a warrent to appear in court to respond to some 50 detailed charges of 'Verleumdnung' - false statements, claims, character assassination, wilful lies etc, the whole enchilada.

Similar procedures (have been) initiated against the four biggest book store chains which refused to sell his 'dirt' (his term) but featured Lipstadt Holocaust Denial bull. The whole chain of event which lead to the cancellation of the American edition of his "Goebbels" (title) was told in detail and a most entertaining fashion."

So if you have a chance to hear David Irving in person, don't miss it. For further information, e-mail to Here are two more lectures to add to the previous itinerary I sent out:

September 20th 7 P.M. New Jersey Richard 201 697 1011
September 21st 3 P.M. New Hampshire Ken 603 547 2208

That is the MEDIA-DOCUMENTED record of the ARA, the group that was recently given several taxpayers' grants - to wit, $8,000 from the Trillium Foundation and $8,000 from the Metro Toronto Council. According to an enthusiastic speech by Dr. Karen Mock, who sang the praises of the ARA as she endorsed their grant application in a passionate speech before Metro Council, B'nai Brith has a "good working relationship" with this bunch of hooligan punks.

Much more revealing yet, it was the ARA, CSIS agents say clearly on a tape Ernst has in his possession, that torched the Zundel-Haus in May of 1995!

Can you imagine what will come out of a court case that will unravel such a seamy story - and may expose just who was willing to pay $200 to get a drug-besotten punk to strike the match to try to kill Ernst and some members of his staff in the resulting fire on May 7, 1995 - fifty years to the day that World War II came to an end?

This war has never stopped. Only the weapons changed.


Thought for the Day:

"The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power."

(Daniel Webster)


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