August 28, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Of course few topics are dearer to Ernst Zundel than the topic of rehabilitating World War II as a legitimate crusade against the Evil of all Evils: in olden days called "Communism" and now re-packaged and re-marketed as the global New World Order.

In one of my all-time favorite booklets, "The Wolf and The Sheep," (available for $7 plus postage at VPC, PO Box 997, Lynchburg, Virginia 24505) the author writes:

"The wolves know how to manage the sheep with their wolf-howl. They've had enough practice. They knew what would happen ... if the sheep caught the smell of wolves making a kill. A sheep stampede could result! It has happened before. The German sheep caught the smell of blood as the wolves killed Russian sheep and they stampeded. It took the combined efforts of all the wolf-packs in the world to get them under control again. . . Wolves already have their problems with other wolves; they don't need the flock stampeding off somewhere. The next stampede could take a hundred years to bring under control. Perhaps never."

I know that many people feel that way. I have in the past been chided as being too much of a "Nazi" and too little of a "Nazi" - depending on who made the charge - but my own inner truth is that I can take or leave the undiluted 1930s ideology. I feel the same way about "Democracy". I feel that way about Religion. Despite my work for Ernst, I don't have strong political impulses. My inner gyroscope has more to do with a deep need for intellectual honesty - regardless of where it might lead. I DO have strong feelings, however, when it comes to World War II as having been legitimate from the German point of view. In every fiber of my being, I KNOW it was legitimate. The mob rule that I knew that was called Communism planted children's heads in saucers on the window sills of my ancestral home.

Let me tell you right now that that is coming to America, unless there is a willingness to face the New World Order for what it is designed to be and willingness to understand that we must neutralize the NWO manipulators -- the same folks, not too incidentally, who were behind a lot of wars, including recent ones we saw on our television screens as pretty fireworks.

Below are two of my ZGram readers expressing this same sentiment, referring to some previously published letters:

Letter writer # 1 has this to say, indicative of many:

I read many of your articles with great interest, and some astonishment. I am a 41 yr old computer type who has, over the last 25 years or so read a great deal of WWII, mostly from a military and political point of view.

Much of the material I first started reading dealt with "The great Crusade" by the Allies to liberate Europe and save it from the Nazi scourge. Most of it had been written by the victors soon after the end of the war.

Soon however I tired of the incessent chest thumping and back- slapping and began to look for other source material. It wasen't until the 70's that I began to find and read a few books written by German authors.

Then in the 80's, as if by magic, hundreds of previously unknown or unpublished works began to appear. Books that closely examined and questioned the supposed military prowess of the allies and the political motivations of the allied leaders.

To my surprise these books were not written by Germans but by Americans and Brits - books by people like Prof. Sydnor of Longwood College, Virgina, and the Brit author Max Hastings, just to name two.

What has come out of all this in the last 10 years or so is a new slant on the "truth" about WWII - serious studies, just now made available to the general public, showing the incredibly poor performance of the mighty US and British Armies against the greatly weakened German Army, (see esp. works by James F. Dunnigan and Max Hastings).

Also shown is the brutally underhanded fashion in which the trials, not only at Nuremburg, but also other trials, specifically, the "Malmedy" trials held at Dachau, (see esp. "The Devils Adjutant" by British Major General Michael Reynolds), were held.

Here the Allied "fairness" was shown to be torture, illegal "confessions" and mind warfare that would have made Stalin proud - . . . historical facts that greatly tarnish the propaganda image of Allied "greatness".

I do not know what they were celebrateing in 1995 - victory over Nazi Germany, or that they were able to get away with the massive set of lies they managed to foist upon the rest of the world?

I do not know if what you say about the holocaust is correct or not, but I will say I have learned enough over the years to start seriously questioning what I have read in the past. . ."

Letter writer # 2 feels even more strongly about the distorted image of what that desperate war the Germans fought was really all about:

"What a disappointing selection of letters. How typically American, dejected and alienated the writers are. If they only knew the truth of their government's actions they would kill themselves.

The truth must be shoved down their throats. The weak will choke but the tougher ones will gain strength from it in time.

The truth about WWII which must be told is that we were the military partners of the Soviet Union. That America under Roosevelt was a Communist country in complete service to Stalin. That billions of our tax dollars were spent, while we were kept in destitution by the Depression, to destroy Germany and prop up Stalin for the next two generations. That the US Army was used to run Operation Keelhaul and round up millions of Stalin's enemies for extermination.

And that our wonderful boys slaughtered more millions of Germans after the war than the millions they slaughtered during the war. . .

Maybe we need to reassess our tactics. Instead of waging a defensive action, i.e., that the Holocaust wasn't as bad as you've heard, maybe we should go on the offensive.

Maybe we should be saying, The Holocaust, which is a fraud, is an alibi for the US-Soviet genocide of the German people and all peoples under Communist control.

Why is there not more interest in James Bacque's revelations? Why not put the Jewish Allies on the defensive and scream about our slaughter of the helpless? . . .

There is no question that Holocaust Revisionism is crucial to regaining some control over our lives, but it is not enough. It must be a part of an overall accusation, an indictment of the Jewish Allies for America's role in the deliberate genocide of the German people and all peoples under Communist control.

Americans cannot be allowed to escape their responsibility for the terrifying deaths of millions of friendly people and the terrifying existence of billions of friendly people under the control of our Communist allies.

This 20th Century house of shrieking horror has been run by Jews and enforced by Americans! We can come to terms with this only by accepting responsibility for it, whenever we were born.

The charges must be made, the guilty must be punished, even if in absentia.

Let us taper off on the ameliorating of Jewish suffering and pound the table about the true suffering of the victims of American foreign policy!"

I conclude with your Thought for the Day by G.K. Chesteron: "My country right or wrong is a thing no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying: 'My mother, drunk or sober.'"


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