August 13, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

It's housekeeping time, and I am trying to catch up. I always feel guilty when I abandon my poetic musings and settle down to "scrubbing the threshold", as my Oma would say, but I do need help, and you need update information that is of practical significance.

First of all, those of you who speak German, magic is happening on the Internet. I know I have mentioned some of these new political baby sites before, but we have so many ZGram newcomers, the information is worth repeating.

There is the "Thule-Netz",; a web page called "Aufbruch",; the Austrian "Burgerforum" and others.

They all have links to additional websites and information about organizations, some of them youth organizations. Additionally, there is a brand new page that Yvonne, Dr. Faurisson's sister, describes as follows:

"Our dear friend Ahmed Rami has just given me a wonderful piece of news: a nice 21 year old Italian boy, who is converted to Islam and speaks fluent Arabic, has just opened an islamo-revisionist site on the web, where you may right now find, for instance, Dr. Faurisson's article about the Jewish militias, and plenty more to read.

Also, do not miss the 'Politically Incorrect' - E-Zine for Nationalists: I personally think it is a spectacular site!

Please note that we are not officially endorsing these sites - we are simply making this information available as a public service. It is important for us to stress this point, for obvious legal reasons. We are also making you aware that there is Nizkor ( to whom we link on EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT - whose publicly stated raison d'etre is to contradict what we are all about.

Be SURE to go look and compare!

I am constantly asked what our work is really all about, and I keep telling them: Outreach, outreach, outreach! We've got to educate ourselves in what other countries and other peoples and races are doing in consolidating and articulating the UNIVERSAL PROBLEM that is confronting all of us.

Reading up on the uncensored news - unmanaged and unmanipulated by our media spin doctors - is one fine way to go. Contrary to what even some people within our movement would like me to say, I have to tell you that this is absolutely NOT a "white supremacist" movement, regardless of how it is painted. This is a global re-assertion of racial families of every stripe who have a right to their unique ethnicity. We have been undermined and all too often pitted against one another to serve to interests of our common foe.


Thought for the Day:

"Wishes don't wash dishes"


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