August 9, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

A few weeks ago I got irritated with someone who was making a great fuss about keeping his "connection" to the Zundelsite a secret, and I wrote a ZGram to the effect that he couldn't ". . . play footsy with the Zundelsite while dining with the enemy". I suggested he better "fess up" to his views.

Ernst took his red pencil and crossed that out, telling me that many people had jobs to protect, families to feed, reputations to guard - and would I please remember my own less-than-bold experience at the barbecue where "friends" started heaping abuse on the Germans for what they had done to the Jews, and I didn't speak up, as I should have.

We've all been there.

I have thought a lot about it, and I believe that there are two main avenues to struggle out from under and straighten our spine. I believe the secret of strengthening the movement is in simplification. It is too cumbersome and technical, and much too unattractive, to argue pro and cons of Zyklon-B as having been the so-called genocidal weapon with which the Germans tried to finish off the Jews.

One way would be an intellectually irresistible slogan - "A race is a terrible thing to waste" comes to mind - or a powerful song, or a "Gone with the Wind" type novel that cuts through the clouds and the muddle with strong, flesh-and-blood characters living through vivid historical times. I know that this will happen before long-but in the meantime, what?

The second avenue is something all of us CAN do, and it is this: to rewrite our inner script to the effect that what we do is nothing to be hidden.

This is so basic to the Aryan nature that it bespeaks the depths of the intimidation that has been heaped on us that I would even have to spell it out. It is so ludicrously simple. We want the truth. We don't like being lied to. There's nothing wrong with wanting to stop genuflecting before a non-existent "crime".

One of my Renaissance Kids, a graduate student and teaching assistant at one of the Midwest universities, recently sent me the following, which I have rearranged and edited a bit by putting periods where he had commas to make it flow and stick:

". . . We all need to become better salesmen. Once we get the word out, the product will sell itself!

I'm not only talking on the Internet, but in practice, in our daily interactions with people.

I have very much felt like a "Generation X-er" for the past couple of years - politically sold out/lost, economically stagnant, socially disjointed and systematically lied to through my education.

I have said, since the time that I became politically cognizant, that people need to believe in something. They want to be a part of something bigger. They want to be with other people just like themselves.

We're getting just the opposite now in America.

But the great thing is, NOW I'm proud of who I am and of what I believe in. And I don't care who thinks otherwise. I'm not even afraid for my career.

I now openly talk about my beliefs with friends. I am making a difference - this is in large part thanks to you, the IHR and the Internet.

Ingrid, you wouldn't believe it. Through either the university or music lessons, which I give in order to help support myself in graduate school, I have met a lot of people - some of them pretty important in their own right.

I openly discuss politics with these people. I do not hide my admiration for the Third Reich nor refrain from admonishing FDR and NWO policies. I espouse Revisionist positions daily. I have posters smartly hung on the wall in my apartment.

The truth is, "the" people are fed up. They are smart enough to discern what and who the problem is. People don't run away screaming.

THEY AGREE WITH ME. Believe it or not.

Why? Ingrid, let me tell you. It's ALL in the presentation. All of it has to do with the fact that I am normal.

I'm a nice guy who is always polite to people and likes all the "right things." I listen to classical music, celtic music, alternative, classic rock, German folk music. I love Sinatra, big band music. I hate country. I work out. I run. I'm into sports - ice-hockey, swimming etc. etc.

I don't eat junk - most of the time. I like to shoot rifles, and sometimes play paintball with my buddies. I grade easy; my students love me. I go out drinking with friends. I paint; I go to museums; I appreciate good architecture. I go to movies. I wear polo; I'm a prep.

I support family values. I put in an appearance in church when I have to. I'm a good role model; I don't smoke; I've never even considered drugs. I enjoy the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. I'm confident. I socialize well. I'm creative. I get things done.

I'm loyal. I'm easy to get along with, yet not a pushover. I take care of my friends and they take care of me.

I am the enemies' worst nightmare. I am normal . . . "

This young man has hit the nail on the head. He is normal.

We are normal. We're not the fringe. We have nothing in common with the fringe. We are nice people who are fed up to here with murdering and thieving rabble.


Thought for the Day (worth repeating. . .)

"Who is more foolish: The child afraid of the dark, or the man afraid of the light?"

(Maurice Freehill)


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