July 8, 1996


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

You are entitled to an update on what is happening regarding electronic attacks on the more prominent Revisionist sites.

I held back for a few days - partly because I was mildly chided for saying more than I should have, openly. It is a constant weighing between saying too much and saying too little, especially knowing that we have not a few subversive enemies on our list - how can I tell, except by repeat correspondence? - and knowing that, in all likelihood, every word we write gets stashed away somewhere in good old KGB style to be used in attempts to hurt us later.

Here's what I know and feel I can safely say: Two prime Revisionist sites have now been cancelled without warning (the Freedom Site in Canada and CODOH International in the United States); Adelaide Institute and another site unfamiliar to me in Australia are under "investigation" at the request of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and a fifth one in Hawaii seems to be under moderate siege.

Additionally, last night the Zundelsite received some rather unpleasant electronic bombardment. Somebody put us on some 70+ automatic listserves, many of them belonging to sexually aberrant groups and some of them coming from prestigious universities - which means that, once they start shooting automatically, we will be deluged with e-mail and chances are our mail box will be flooded. We will not be able to receive our regular readership mail.

It also means that our computer whizzes will be tied up for hours cancelling these listserves - something I would not even know how to do! This situation is analogous to a postman dumping ALL his fourth class junk mail of the entire town at your doorsteps. You have to do the clean-up. You need an iron broom!

(A similar attack was launched some time ago - of which I was blissfully ignorant until several weeks after the fact. Somebody had the bright idea of shipping tons of smutty pictures. They all went into my Eudara "attachment folder" automatically, and since I didn't know that they were even there, had there been a raid on smut at Ingrid's office, imagine what would have been found! Again, this is analogous of someone planting kiddie porn in your garage and then alerting the police. . . )

And just minutes ago I received word that 10 other accounts have been attacked with listserve bombardment similarly to what was done to us. This certainly appears to be a coordinated effort.

What does all this mean? For us, for now - unpleasant work! Luckily, most of these listserves, apparently, have a "verification" system in place, which means that they will cancel automatically if an authenticated "subscribe" request is not sent as a follow-up.

I want all my friends to know that, being the compulsive German that I am, you WILL receive your ZGram daily UNLESS there is massive electronic sabotage and enemy interference.

What else? Our very courageous Australian friends have decided to take on the Talmud legally as a viciously anti-Christian document that needs to be put under public scrutiny for the harm that it does to their fellow man. And high time, too. What's in those books against the Christian world is horrid! The outcome will be interesting. (An interesting glimpse here: The infamous Canadian Hate Laws specifically exempt religious expression - which tells you who the authors were!)

On many other fronts, reaction from our readership world-wide is altogether in our favor. Especially gratifying are letters from exchange students from countries everywhere. Youth has its ears pricked up.

I think it is very hard for someone not on the Net to appreciate how profoundly the world is now changing, thanks to the marvel of the Internet. When I think of my own unawareness of the nature and the tactics of the enemy even as recently as three years ago, I can only shake my head at myself. To say I walked through life with ethnic blinders on my eyes is putting it benignly.

The atmosphere is crackling - that's all that I can say!

The May issue of the Adelaide Institute put it well:

". . . We see a new world view emerging - one that has those obsessed with controlling people's lives in a frenzy. These enemies of freedom of speech are currently devising and implementing plans to take away (our) hard-won freedom. Are we going to sit back and do nothing?

If we did, we would be mad. . ."

Another friend wrote this, which I am bringing in a shortened version:

" . . . Man your battle stations! The second wave is coming! A new assault upon the electronic freedom highway has been launched by the forces of evil and censorship.

This coordinated offensive against the net is designed to assault positions of truth which have been prepped for this attack by passage of "hate laws" - their hate, their laws.

Each of you is expected to defend his cybernet position to the last electron. No compromise, no surrender.

We are a band of electronic brothers, fighting for our information which we gained by honest endeavor. . . "

So we have. So we have. All of us - with our money, our time, our brains and our principles. Some of us, with our blood. It's our dominion, our property. Truth is not up for grabs.

You heard it from the Zundelsite!


Thought for the Day:

"The tyrant dies, and his rule ends. The martyr dies, and his rule begins."

(Soren Kierkegaard, 1813-1855)

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