June 24, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

How far we have come since January when we first had the cyberspace stand-off over some mighty weighty Zundel documents that we were shoveling onto the Zundelsite in preparation of taking on the Nizkorites-who, since, have practically become irrelevant in what is going on world-wide! These days, they mostly archive.

Sometimes I just sit back and think: "My God! Ernst did all that?"

It seems surreal-that, and a lot of other things that happened. This tale is not yet over. In fact, it has barely begun.

The stage has been set. The curtain is up, and the players are out in the open-good against bad, light versus dark. It will be Shakespearean drama-maybe before this century is out. Then maybe Revelations will come true, and my good friend, Lorraine, she of the Seventh Day Adventist fold, will say: "See? And you never let yourself be rescued and redeemed."

To recap briefly:

When I met Ernst, less than two years ago and realized just who he was and that he was, in essence, going solo against a monstrous foe of world-wide brawn and means, and when I recognized his argument had substance; I said to him: "Well, now there's two of us."

Right after Christmas, it was essentially just me and my computer in a small, rented room with all my doors wide open-and in my back no more than a brave, somewhat quirky resolution that, marshaling my writing skills, I would help one lone, stubborn German focus his lifelong argument that what was called the "Holocaust' was little more than holoschlock-in other words, a hoax.

At that time, my own revisionist commitment was mild. In the back of my mind, I had always known that much of the atrocity propaganda of World War II was little more than that-propaganda!-but I had certainly no great investment in the cause. It did not touch me where I lived. I personally had never hurt a Jew; I had no vivid recollection that a Jew had ever caused me harm directly; my putting myself and my writing skills behind the revisionist argument via the Zundelsite-then little more than just a web page baby-was just a gut reaction to find out for myself if it was true what my own German granny always said: That lies had skimpy legs.

Just as I could not clearly remember when I had first bought into the idea that there had been a "Holocaust," so I could not remember clearly when I first had some serious doubts about the whole schlamassel. I think it clearly came to me when Ernst once said: "This is extortion. Plain and simple. Extortion on a global scale. The state of Israel has been built on extortion. The world will shudder when people finally find out."

It was a gradual thing. It was a cumulative thing. And my own personal involvement in this whole enterprise we then still called the "Holocaust debate" with Nizkor was more in the nature of wanting to clarify matters in incremental ways than wanting to set the world straight in political terms.

To a certain degree, I still feel that way. For me, there's little personally to be gained. When all this is over, and I am still around, I hope to go to the Riviera to recline in the sunshine and marvel: "Remember when? It was like poking innocently into a hornet's nest and unleashing a shower of stingers."

What made the difference for me, and popped my eyes wide open, was the sheer viciousness of the reaction to what we were trying to do. It wasn't just the Nizkorites, although they played a role in teaching me the shoddy tactics of the opposition by ". . . going after a mosquito with a cannon." World-wide, a vile, ferocious and what seemed to be coordinated witch hunt was unleashed to quash the Revisionist voice on the Net-a witch hunt out of all proportion to what we were trying to do!

Now, many countries are involved in massive ways in making sure that their awakening, freedom-thirsting people, the leadership elites of tomorrow, will not have access to the Net and information there available-and what is almost laughable is that this still goes in the guise of that dilapidated pretext-"pornography."

Pornography my foot!

Just look around you! Have you ever seen so many Holocaust memorials pop up with such desperate speed, so many "hate laws" passed, so many publishers intimidated, so many judges genuflect, so many people being Brandoized-this in the wake of hundreds of thousands of ears pricked up to those five words, to that first Zundel question: "Did Six Million Really Die?"

Did Six Million Really Die?

Try asking. See what happens!

I remember the first time I summarized the nature of this worldwide discharge for one of my favorite censorship busters-a young man who, at first, was talking flippantly of me and those who speak my language, but who has since become my friend. I'll call him Jeff.

"Well, listen, Jeff," said Ingrid, "this isn't about smut. This is about a huge extortion racket."

And Jeff said something like "Hey, wait a minute! Wait a minute! Listen! Don't take yourself so seriously. Today it's this; tomorrow, that! It doesn't mean a thing! I've been around this argument a long time. There's always someone somewhere who wants to eff around with freedom of speech and assembly."

These days, Jeff doesn't think that way. He has become one pensive, thoughtful fellow.

First-hand, he has experienced what it means to traipse onto real Mafia turf in all his youthful innocence. There have been threats to his career. There has been personal vilification and professional character assassination. A few of those he thought were his good friends have shown real claws. Still others are fumbling, as he still does, with the enormity of what has barely been revealed.

I think the most significant outcome since January has been the fact that a hitherto "invisible" enemy has been flushed out of his lair and right onto the super-highway. People now know what interests, what lobbies, what operators, what "Centers of Tolerance"-in summary, just who it is that wants to stifle the Revisionist voice on the net. And that is probably the most significant development that has developed since January of this year.

There is no more pretense. There's no more chance to hide behind such yelps as "racists!" and other unflattering smears.

Just recently, I saw the following, which makes me laugh-yet also makes me sad, for it bespeaks a certain timid Western spirit. Said one of the censorship busters, referring to larger dimensions pertaining to Freedom of Speech:

". . . though perhaps in the future, netizens may make an argument that obscenity as a concept is fundamentally flawed, is based on a revisionist view of history and First Amendment jurisprudence, and is ultimately inapplicable and inappropriate for cyberspace."

Translated, it means: "Well, durnit! Ernst Zündel was right after all!"

You bet your shiniest dime!


Thought for the Day:

"When a fellow says, "It ain't the money but the principle of the thing-it's the money!"

("Kin Hubbard")


Comments? E-Mail: irimland@cts.com

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