May 28, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Time and again, we get requests from uninformed parties in media to comment on some aspect of what is perceived as Ernst Zundel's "skin head followers."

No assumption could be more erroneous. It is time to retire that image.

I will simply juxtapose two letters we recently received in response to asking ZGRam readers to write letters commenting on just how Zundel's message is perceived. As all my readers know, by now, the Canadian Government, in its efforts to deny Ernst citizenship so as to deport him to Germany and thereby silence him, is trying to charge "violence" allegedly expressed or implied in his writings:

Here is the first letter, with name and full address given:

"This is an advance copy of my letter to you regarding violence. If you still need this, I will send it shortly.

I work over 70 hours per week and it is difficult to find time to get it notarized. If it is of any benefit, I will mail it ASAP and another copy later, notarized.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter at the request of Mr. Ernst Zundel. The content is strictly my own.

I have been reading Mr. Zundel's material for about 8 years. In this time I have never read even a hint of violence or hatred directed at any political, social, racial, or religious group. Much of the material I read from Mr. Zundel debunks commonly held and rarely critically examined WWII holocaust beliefs.

As a result of reading this material, I was motivated to make a further study of the holocaust from a variety of other sources. This study has enriched my life and I am grateful to Ernst and others who have suffered for the sake of intellectual freedom.

Mr. Zundel is on a mission of peace and truth. He is a pacifist, exactly as he claims. I remember a prominent thread in his writings about wanting to effect healing between people separated by the effects of WWII.

I have never felt hatred nor considered violence toward any group prior to, during, or after reading any printed or Internet material published by Mr. Zundel.

Mr. Zundel has never advocated hate or violence in the past or present and there is no indication whatsoever that he intends to do so in the future.

I pray for the blessings of Jesus upon Mr. Zundel and the civic leaders who are ultimately responsible for his fate.

I respectfully urge you to find in Mr. Zundel's favor, and to do whatever you can to help him achieve his goal of Canadian Citizenship. To further the freedom of expression and tolerance of less popular views is to strengthen the diversity of a nation.

The views expressed herein are my sincerely held beliefs."

Here is the second letter, misspelling intact, signed "CyberKnght":

"Dear Prime Minister:

I detest Ernst Zundel and all that he stands for. Whether with guns or with words, when a person seeks to perpetrate violence and genocide, they must be stopped.

Keep up the good work and punnish Ernst Zundel."

No need to point out which writer most closely fits the image of "skin head."


Thought for the Day:

"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal: well-meaning but without understanding."


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