May 25, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Many of my letters came in response to a previous ZGram that had commented on a reader's perception that we ought not to be so blatantly "anti-Semitic" because it weakens our credibility and effectiveness.

Since I am interested in strengthening our credibility and effectiveness, I am open to a pacifist approach. In fact, one of my readers from our gracious South has taken time and thought and has already kind of sketched out a "ground plan" I like an awful lot. It has good common sense and logic. He has a special affinity for the word "Saxon" where I would use "Gentile," but that's a technicality-a general principle applies.

I call his plan the "Tit-for-Tat Approach":

This is a list that needs to be expanded. This is fair play. The same rules for everyone. This should be agreeable and make everyone happy. Give and take.

The Jews, Arabs, Japanese, Chinese, and blacks are generally separatists. Many practice their separatism. We think that that they have every right to do so - if Gentiles have that same right, too. . .

I like this strategy, and I would like to write an article around it for the hard copy media. Any additional ideas?

Please submit them posthaste to your good California scribe.


Thought for the Day:

"Education is the instruction of the intellect in the laws of Nature."

(Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825-1895)

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