Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


September 10, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Ian Macdonald, a Canadian columnist par excellence and former Canadian diplomat, has brilliantly summarized another "...what if..."

This brief but poignant Letter to the Editor of the Canadian National Post is for non-ostriches only - ostriches are welcome to take themselves to the sands of the Sinai Desert:


When Lord Janner, with your cooperation, exposed the issue raised at the Durban Conference of "What if Hitler had won?" ( NP, Sept. 4, p.1.) no doubt he hoped to evoke shivers of horror among his audience. Inadvertently, however, he provided useful food for thought.

If Germany had won, arguably the world would now be a much better and safer place. And the "what if" is not as far fetched as Allied and Zionist propagandists would have us believe. Germany certainly would have won if Britain and France and eventually America had acted in their own obvious best interests and remained neutral or even entered the war on Germany's side, a not-so-implausible "what if" given that the immensely popular pro-German Prince of Wales would have been King had it not been for the fateful intervention of Wallis Warfield Simpson (described as a "god-send" by the pro-war lobby) . As King, Edward VIII could have kept war-weary Britain from declaring war on Germany and, following German success on the Eastern Front against the hated Stalin dictatorship, could have brought Britain into a NATO-style alliance of anti-communist European nations (as took place in any case a few years later). In such circumstances, a grateful, friendly Germany could have guaranteed the integrity and survival of the British Empire, which Hitler much admired.

What if then our German ally had liberated the Soviet Union and reconstituted its components as semi-autonomous states under German hegemony. Certainly, the Stalinist threat to freedom would then have been eliminated for the foreseeable future. Had events followed such a favourable course - almost a certainty had the ambitious American divorcee not come on the scene - the outlook for Western Civilization would now be decidedly less ominous than is now the case. Control of our destiny would have remained securely in our own hands.

Had Britain not been hoodwinked into war by Germany's vengeful enemies, there would have been no World War, tens of millions of lives would have been spared, priceless European architecture would not have been destroyed, Europe would have been united under German leadership, international communism would have become a footnote in history, trillions of dollars and man-hours could have been used for the betterment of mankind, the environment would have been protected, the communist occupation of eastern Europe and the Cold War would have been forestalled (along with the Korean and Vietnamese wars and Communist-sponsored revolutions elsewhere), Six Million or more Jews would have been happily and harmlessly ensconced in a tropical paradise, there would have been peace and justice in the Middle East, China would have evolved along Taiwanese lines under capitalism, sharing with Japan and the Colonial powers influence over S.E. Asia; there would be no UN meddling, no Third World turmoil, no "refugee" migrations, no racism campaigns, no deprivation of freedom in the name of "human rights", no "lost" generations and above all, there would have been no subversion and corruption of Western society and the democratic political process by a cunning and treacherous alien minority.

It does not speak well for Establishment historians and journalists that they refuse to address squarely what is probably the most crucial and perplexing issue of our time, namely, the real purpose of WWII and why politicians (notably Churchill and Roosevelt) knowingly acted and continue to act against their countries' best interests. Significantly, honest, unbiased historians who have studied and attempted to discuss these issues have been viciously denounced as "Anti-Semites", or worse and their findings viciously suppressed. Definitely food for thought.


Thought for the Day:

"Regardless of one's opinion on who started the war between Germany and Russia, no on ever thanked Germany for trying."

(A Giwer Gem)

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