Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


August 5, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Again, we have a stunning article that shows how fear has gripped the Jewish state. We intersperse with comments:

Ha'aretz | July 31, 2001

The bastards changed the rules | Yoel Marcus

The world used to admire Israel. Our ability to set up a modern state while under all-out attack by Arab states was considered amazing. "The long arm" of Israel, of which we were once so proud, reached everywhere.


For the umpteenth time: The "Holocaust" was the shield and sword which was used to accomplish all this - while a perturbed, war-weary world, besotted and numbed by Holocaust horror propaganda, cut Jewish terrorists far too much slack!


("The long arm of Israel") reached Entebbe in Uganda to rescue hostages, and it reached inside Beirut - once to blow up the airport, and another time to eliminate three Arafat's aides. It plucked Adolph Eichmann out of Argentina, reached the nuclear reactor in Iraq and Abu Jihad's villa in Tunis.


All punishable crimes and war crimes! Good that there are so many bragging, self-confessing books on all these "heroic", nay, criminal activities and acts! They will all serve as incontrovertible evidence in the court cases to come!


("The long arm of Israel") reached each and every one of the planners and executors of the Munich Olympics Massacre. It reached all the way to the Suez Canal in the Six Day War - an operation studied in military colleges the world over to this day.


Al Capone's exploits are also taught in police colleges and criminal justice courses.


The world loved this strong and righteous Israel and it was fun to travel the world and proudly admit "yes, we're from Israel." Who would have believed that the day would come when a prime minister of Israel would have a threat hanging over his head of being put on trial for "crimes against humanity?"


When one reads today's mail from all parts of the world, one realizes very quickly that the love affair with things Israeli - or Jewish, for that matter - is over! It's history! The bride has woken up to the groom's darker side.


Suddenly, Israel is faced with a new situation that echoes Spiro Agnew's famous moan: "The bastards changed the rules and didn't tell me." All those wonderful things we did in the past are now not only forbidden, but retroactively punishable.


That must be how all those SS men must have felt after the war. What bastards changed the rules? Israel and Diaspora Jews all over the world brought about these changes to get at their defeated enemies. Now they will be caught and judged by these very same "changed laws". Some people call that sweet justice!


International war crimes trials are supposed to create a new culture of toeing a legal line of protecting people from their leaders, of preserving human rights and punishing the violators even if they acted purely out of the security interests of their countries.


That's exactly what will be done to Sharon and others! The Palestinians and all the other countries and people so glibly enumerated in the first three paragraphs need to be protected from the leaders of Israel and their underlings' criminal acts initiated by criminal minds, mostly terrorists who became generals and prime ministers.


If other countries pass laws like the Belgian one, allowing foreigners, including heads of state, to be tried for crimes against humanity, we could end up with the "bad guys" - terrorists and anarchists - remaining free to act while those protecting their countries would be considered war criminals.

The German leaders and military men were prosecuted in Nuremberg and all over postwar Europe for fighting armed terrorists, often Jewish communists in civilian garb in Partisan and Resistance groups. Let's see how Israeli officers and generals will like it to justify their actions!


The controversy in Denmark over the appointment of Carmi Gillon as ambassador, because of his past role as head of the Shin Bet, is evidence of a cloud of madness, confusion and hypocrisy in Europe as it tries to formulate a new righteous world.


It's not a "cloud of madness, confusion or hypocrasy"! The hypocrisy is on the Jewish side. It is no secret to the cats how Israelis/Jews have always operated under a double standard. "Jews were always right"? Logic is being applied for the first time because the blinkers have come off. Criminal behavior is the problem - not "confusion".


If Sharon is liable for events from 20 years ago, and for which he already paid a price here, why is Arafat the darling of Europe instead of under arrest and on trial - his hands are bloody for the past 36 years and he supported the invasion of Kuwait.


Israel kidnapped Euchmann for things he allegedly did 20 years before. Israel tried John Demjanjuk for things he allegedly did 40 years ago. Jewish "activists" and O.S.I. personnel are hounding people who allegedly did things 60 years ago. These precedents are now part of the record and will become the standard. There will be trials of Israelis and Jews for the next 50 years under these precedents for crimes committed in Palestine and elsewhere right now. Today!


Why shouldn't presidents, secretaries of state and chiefs of staff from America be put on trial for massacres in Vietnam, Iraq and Libya? And what about Fidel Castro, who used torture to eliminate thousands of his opponents? Why isn't Denmark raising hell and high water over the way the Chinese trample human rights? And what about the ambassadors already in Copenhagen? Are they all perfect, representing pure countries?


Good points, Mr. Marcus! Very good points! Those very same thoughts have occurred to a lot of other people - mainly Germans.


Righteousness is a matter of geography, politics, interests and the new legal system, combined with Europe's double standards, could end up being a serious annoyance for Israel. Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein identified the danger early on, in the days of the Barak administration.


"Annoyance" is speaking euphemistically. The double standard was foisted on Europe by the Allied conquerors and their Jewish-inspired Nuremberg double-standard-kangaroo-courts, where the Allies, especially the Soviets, were judgign German leaders for crimes they were committing at the very time all over Eastern Europe in their brutal Gulag system. No Allied leaders or soldiers were charged for Allied war crimes. There you have your double standard - 55 years old!


At one of the cabinet meetings he warned about changes in the international community's legal values and the new dangers we could face. "It was so sudden, that we didn't understand what he was trying to say and what it had to do with us," says Yossi Sarid. Now it looks like we're candidates for the accused bench.


It took the advent of the Revisionist movement to expose the Holocaust as a fraud - to make European intellectuals and political leaders realize that all that empathy and sympathy Israel got was due to calculated, deliberate fraud.


The 50 years of history of aggression and terror against Israel simply don't interest Europe, which regards us as the last occupying power in a world with no more occupations. In their eyes, we're ruling another people.


Had Israel not declared itself a state obtained through terror, but had Jews lived like any other law-abiding minority, there would be no terror to direct against a state. You can't displace people, steal their land and then not expect a reaction. Did the native people of Africa, Asia, India not rise against their colonial invaders? Did native Americans not fight against the settlers stealing their land?


By this twisted logic, the horror and terror against us will be considered legitimate, while our defensive action, from investigating attacks to eliminating terrorists or striking back at the source of fire, will be considered oppressing another people and a crime against humanity, so everyone involved is liable for legal action.


Did the Germans in Russia, in France, in the Balkans and did the Rhodesian Whites not have the same arguments that were not granted them? Why should it be granted Jewish land grabbers and invaders?


The righteousness and hypocrisy in the European community may be at play, but it's growing legal claws and the government will have to take the new situation into account. Israelis can take a lot, but the leaders of the nation and their loyal servants will never be able to put up with some awful decree that prevents them from traveling abroad.


The Jewish position is and has been the position of hypocrites with a double standard - one rule for Jews permitting crimes to be committed with impunity, and another standard for their enemies, being punished often for no crimes committed.

It is not righteousness or hypocrisy - it is purely logical thinking and judicial systems finally bestirring themselves to apply laws equally, without regard to special exemptions or special pleading, just because the criminals are Jewish!

Jews made a fetish of equality - now they will have to live with it.

(Source: )

Thought for the Day:

"With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost."

(William Lloyd Garrison)

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