Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


June 15, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Upfront: A breaking story...

Several people have asked me if it is true that Fred Leuchter, the execution expert whose investigative work was crucial in demolishing the Holocaust Lie, will take part in a Revisionist Conference in Washington. If so, it means, Fred has come out of retirement, which is quite a development.

I have had at least one source confirm that this is true. Fred is the hero of the Errol Morris film, "Mr. Death - The Rise and Fall of Fred Leuchter."

This conference is being broadcast over the Internet, replete with pictures. You may go to and decide for yourself just what's what.

On another note:

Here is Part II of the Introduction of the 1995 book on Revisionism published in Turkey I promised you yesterday:


The Two Faces of Israel

We may now turn to our actual topic. The Middle East has been our century's most troublesome region, and Israel has been at the center of its troubles. Israel is the only state that forces an entire nation to live under occupation. When Israel conquered most of Palestine in 1948, some of the Palestinians were forced to live under its control, some were expelled, and some "exterminated." In 1967, Israel occupied the remainder of Palestine, also invading Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, and occupying parts of several of those countries for many years. Israel is notorious for the "state terror" it has inflicted on the inhabitants of the occupied territories. Israel also contributes to the tyrannizing of people in other regions of the world. The Jewish state, the fourth most powerful militarily on earth, has supported oppressive dictators, and repressive regimes throughout the third world. The Israelis have sold them arms, trained their armies, and instructed their secret police. Bloody dictators such as Pinochet, Idi Amin, Bokassa, Mobutu, Marcos, and Noriega were all close allies of Israel. In short, Israel's hands are covered with blood. The Jewish state, which has been the target of more U.N. resolutions (every one of which it has disregarded) than any other nation, is seen by many as aggressive, tyrannical, and arrogant.

Yet Israel has a different face. Or, more precisely, Israel usually presents a different image, that of a refuge for victims of oppression and injustice. For many in the Western world, this is the face of Israel. According to this image, Israel has been and remains the only safe haven for Jews. It was founded by Jews who had escaped the Nazi genocide. "The Nazis killed six million Jews — that must never happen again." This mentality, expressed in the slogan "Never again!," is skillfully exploited by the Israelis, who use it to conceal their own foul deeds. It is used to justify Israel's policies of occupation and state terror: "Israel needs to insure its security lest another Holocaust take place."

Israel may not be criticized. All who challenge the historicity of the Holocaust are labeled neo-Nazis. Many Western politicians, journalists, authors, and academics have been silenced by this technique. In the United States especially, criticizing Israeli policies equates with being a Nazi.

For the state of Israel, the Holocaust is always on the agenda, and is presented as the leading justification for its existence. Every foreign president or prime minister who visits Israel for the first time is brought to Yad Vashem, Israel's national museum and memorial to the Holocaust. The Israeli writer Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi explains: "A visit to Yad Vashem is the opening ritual of every state visit to Israel — usually the first stop en route from the airport to a hotel in Jerusalem. The aim of this ritual is to express Israel's relation to the Holocaust, to present the country as the haven for survivors and as the answer to the insecurity of Jewish existence in the Diaspora. A second aim is to induce the appropriate feelings of guilt in the visitor."(1) In short, Israel tries to conceal that it is a criminal state by pretending it is a home for the oppressed. Nevertheless, it is clear to us that Israel is a criminal state.

We then face an important question. How can Israel be both a criminal state and a state of and for the victims of Nazi cruelty? If the Israelis really survived an attempt to exterminate them, then how can they have been exterminating the Palestinians for decades? It may be useful to recall the rule mentioned above: If a power tries to use propaganda or historical pretexts in order to justify unfair, unlawful policies, then it is very likely that the historical arguments it advances are false.

Introduction to the Holocaust Myth

If you were to take a close look at the newspapers published in January 1995 in Turkey, you would come away with a very interesting impression. News about the Jewish genocide in the Second World War appeared very frequently in the popular press. Certain publications devoted entire pages to the subject. Others serialized articles about the Holocaust. Without a doubt the operation carried out in the Turkish press was just one phase of a global media campaign. The world press lavished extensive coverage on the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the "liberation" of the Auschwitz concentration camp; the Turkish media took part as well. The media's extraordinary sensitivity to the Holocaust is not, of course, limited to the fiftieth anniversary of Auschwitz. Almost anything and everything to do with the Holocaust is the focus of constant attention in the Western media.

Most likely you first encountered the Holocaust in movies dealing with the Second World War. The theme of Holocaust movies, most of them made by Hollywood, is always the same: The Nazis hated the Jews, and believed that the salvation of the Aryan race depended on exterminating them. According to this version, the Nazis slaughtered some six million Jews in concentration camps and elsewhere, most of them in gas chambers, without regard to age or sex. It was the most brutal genocide in history. That's the message from Hollywood, presented very professionally. Many millions of people have been convinced by the propaganda, and assume that the genocide so depicted was a concrete, indisputable historical fact. They haven't the slightest doubt as to the Nazis' hatred of the Jews. They have been persuaded that the Jewish Holocaust is fact — by Jewish falsehoods. (It is well known that Jews exercise a powerful influence on the Western media, and that Jews own many media enterprises outright, particularly in America.)

At this point, an important question arises: "What does researching the actual facts on Nazi-Zionist relations and the Holocaust reveal?" Investigating the facts uncovers information that strongly contradicts the usual Holocaust distortions. For instance, the book Zionism in the Age of Dictators, written by Lenni Brenner, an American Jew, is full of important revelations. One of them is the Ankara Document, which discloses an offer by the Stern Gang — a guerrilla group fighting for a Jewish state in Palestine — to collaborate with Nazi Germany against the British in 1941.(2) Yet the official history tells us that the Nazis stepped up their anti-Jewish measures with the onset of the Second World War, and began deporting Jews in German-occupied areas to the concentration camps, which were, we are told, actually death camps. The "Final Solution" — the mass extermination of the Jews — is supposed to have been decided on in 1941. Yet, during that same year, the Zionist Stern Gang offered to collaborate with the Nazis.

Even more interesting, one of the three leaders of the Stern Gang who made that offer was Yitzhak Shamir. Shamir later served as Israel's foreign minister, then prime minister, in the Likud government between 1977-1992. Zionists were eager to collaborate with the Nazis while the Nazis were organizing the genocide of the Jews. Doesn't that seem peculiar?

The fact is that there are many more such seeming contradictions. The information that we treat in detail in the following pages will make clear that the relationship between the Stern Gang and the Nazis is just the tip of an iceberg: There was a great deal more collaboration between the Nazis, who wanted to make Germany, indeed, all Europe, Judenrein, or free from Jews, and the Zionists, who wanted to resettle those Jews from Europe to Palestine. This is historical fact, accepted as such by Brenner, the anti- Zionist Jewish journalist, and Hannah Arendt, a famous Jewish intellectual. How, then, can we explain the "Holocaust"? One of two parties in collaboration suddenly exterminates the other. Does that make sense? Of course not. We seem faced with one of the most inexplicable, incomprehensible, and irrational phenomena of history. If we investigate the historical processes that underlie the Holocaust claim, we can find some answers. The first, and most important, question we should ask is whether there actually was a Holocaust, because what we know about that supposed event is largely derived from the concerted propaganda of the Jews and the state of Israel. Because we are aware that propaganda can be false, the Holocaust question needs to be re-examined based on factual historical sources.

There now arises another striking fact: Although we are exposed to the media's Holocaust claims every day, hundreds of historians and researchers in the nations of the West argue that there was no systematic extermination of the Jews during the Second World War. These "revisionists" have demonstrated that certain "evidence" for the alleged homicidal gas chambers was fabricated after the war. In fact, the revisionists have presented strong evidence that these gas chambers, which are at the core of the Holocaust claim, never existed. The proponents of the extermination thesis, on the other hand, offer what, on closer analysis, is only flimsy evidence. Much of it is forged or falsified. For example, the alleged gas chamber in the crematorium of the headquarters section of the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp is exhibited as a homicidal gas chamber today. Yet the building and the "gas chamber" were altered to their present state, which tourists are told is the original condition, only after the war. We shall deal with other such postwar deceptions in other concentration camps, and similar examples elsewhere, in detail in the chapters that follow. In short, with the Holocaust story we are confronted by a very fishy version of history. This "history" is a hoax, devised by the state of Israel and its Western collaborators to veil Israel's illicit policies, and to justify its sordid actions. When the actual historical facts are exposed, the history of Israel and Zionism stands revealed as even more corrupt ever suspected.

Let us now explore this shameful history together.


Thought for the Day: "Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come." (Victor Hugo)

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