Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


May 14, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Upfront, in this morning's Revisionist Week in Review where I talked of Richard Wagner:

Oooops! Of course I meant "composer" and not "computer"! It tells you how tired I was!

Three items today: One for the Arab gippers, one for your ammo file to use as Letters to the editor, and one of a hearty laugh.

First item sent by Dr. Ibrahim Alloush:


Subject: Forum in Amman a Big Success

The forum in Amman on Revisionist Historians was a big success tonite.

Elements of the police and the secret service attended but didn't interfere in the proceedings. People were overflowing into the street.

Satellite stations had cameras there and videotaped the whole thing. People were generally very sympathetic to our cause.

There was a resolution by those present to condemn the fourteen Arab intellectuals who signed the letter calling on the Lebanese government to cancel the revisionist conference in Beirut. There was also another suggestion to establish an Arab Committee of Historical Revisionism. There will be pamphlets published on the matter as well. In the time allotted to me, I presented Dr. Faurisson's paper that was supposed to be presented in the conference in Beirut. Both Hayat Atiyeh and I emphasized that as important as Garaudy's contribution was in popularizing revisionism in the Arab and Muslim Worlds, his contributions stopped there.

We introduced the audience to Ahmed Rami, for those who wanted an Arab Muslim figure of revisionism, as well as some of the other major figures of historical revisionism.

Overall, tonite was a great success, a step in the right direction, which will hopefully be followed by other similar steps.


Second Item:

One of our top revisionist researchers sent us this thought- provoking statistic about how busy German officials are to put out all the intellectual brush fires of people dissatisfied with the lies they are ordered to believe:

"Germany today: 73,954 Criminal prosecutions because of "Thought Crimes" during the last seven years"

Third item:

Strange are the times in which we live! Not for nothing do they say that a picture is worth a thousand words. I offer you a handful to make you rich in mirth. I absolutely urge you to go and see for yourself!

Have yourself a sunny day today!

Thought for the Day:

"God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it."

(Daniel Webster)

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