Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


May 1, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Here is a self-explanatory letter from France's foremost Revisionist, Dr. Robert Faurisson, to Fabyola Badawi at


Date : Sat, 28 Apr 2001

Object : Answers to your three questions

Dear Fabyola, those are my answers to your three questions :

1/One can understand Rafik Hariri, the Lebanese Prime Minister. His country's national debt amounts today to $24 billion for a population of four million. Moreover, he could not reasonably allow, right next to the State of Israel, what I call "the poor man's atomic bomb" to explode. This bomb perfected by the revisionists, kills no one but, if set off on the international scene, it may, through a succession of chain reactions, lead to a steady disintegration of the "Holocaust" imposture. The said imposture permitted the creation of Israel and is both the sword and the shield of that state. The leaders of all states on the planet need big money and thus must get on and stay on good terms with the Jews. The Jews, ever groaning and threatening, know how to make themselves feared. They can, at will, cut off your supplies, launch a boycott, have an embargo imposed on you. In the present international situation, no leader can tolerate the holding of a revisionist conference in his country. But, if ever the situation in Palestine gets totally dramatic, simple people will no more accept the prudent behaviour of their leaders and, in that exceptional case, those leaders might decide to use "the poor man's atomic bomb". Already, on April 24, in Tehran Mr. Khamenei began to contest the "Holocaust", which means that he denounced the kosher version of World War II. The US State Department was incensed, which tends to show that revisionism is most dangerous for Zionism and the Almighty Dollar.

2/ It is impossible to hold a revisionist conference in the Western World because revisionism is forbidden by law in most of our countries. In France, we have a special law that was demanded in June 1986 by Chief Rabbi René-Samuel Sirat and Jewish historians such as Pierre Vidal-Naquet. The law was published on July 14 1990. A revisionist is liable to one month to one year in jail, to a fine of 2 000 to 300 000 F and to other punishments. He will lose his job, he will be beaten up, etc. The day before yesterday, Serge Thion who recently was fired from the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), was detained by the police for 24 hours and will be sued. Now, since the Jews keep saying in their propaganda that revisionists, that they call "deniers", are nothing but a bunch of racists and nazis, you should know that S.Thion is a historian and a sociologist known for his battle against racism. In the 60s he published a famous book entitled "Le Pouvoir pâle" (The Pale Power) ; it was against apartheid in South Africa. The founder of "Holocaust" Revisionism was Paul Rassinier (1906-1967), a French who was in the Résistance against the Germans. He was arrested, deported in two different concentration camps and, once back in France, he was the first to express doubts about the alleged "gas chambers", the alleged "genocide of the Jews" and the alleged "Six Million" figure of Jews who allegedly died at the hand of Hitler. Later on, he clearly said that those three lies were one and the same imposture. The paradox is that the only country on earth were you could hold, with great precautions, a revisionist conference, are the USA, thanks to the guarantee of free speech provided by the First Amendment ; currently the American Jews are trying their best to have that guarantee cancelled for the revisionists.

3/ Those fourteen Arab intellectuals are entitled to their own view of the Jewish "Holocaust". So why should we not be entitled to our own view ? There precisely was in March an antirevisionist conference in Lebanon with precisely P. Vidal-Naquet. So why not a conference in the same country, a conference held by people persecuted by this man and his acolytes ? I am pretty sure those fourteen intellectuals know nothing precise about our arguments which are physical, chemical, historical and documentary. As a former University professor, I would enjoy testing their knowledge of the topic. Let me ask them one question, only one thing that I have been asking for years and years without getting any answer from P. Vidal-Naquet and his ilk : " Show me or draw me a so-called Nazi gas chamber !" Those people dare to accuse Germany of having built and used those extraordinary slaughterhouses for Jews. I have repeatedly showed that it was a technical impossibility and never they were able to answer my arguments. For more on that very topic (which constitutes the core of the Big Imposture) and for few other topics of the same kind, see the lecture I was due to give at the Beirut conference on March 31. Someone is going to put it out in Arabic in a matter of a couple of weeks. I'll keep you posted.

Our revisionist publications happen to be the stones of our own Intifada, the revisionist Intifada. We are as poor as the children of Palestine but as powerful as they are.

Best wishes. Professor Robert Faurisson, 72, married, 3 children, 5 grand-children, living in Vichy (centre of France), 28 April 2001.

Dear Fabyola, please, acknowledge receipt. Thank you !

[Mrs F. Badawi is a journalist of Al Watan in Paris ; she acknowledged receipt on April 30]

Thought for the Day:

"Well when it boils down to it, revisionism is the only thing that matters!"

(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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