Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


April 22, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Just as many of us predicted, extreme psychological force and even the threat of physical force were applied to a group of writers in Jordan who wanted to discuss the censorship moves against a worldwide group of Revisionists that had their conference in Beirut aborted last month, courtesy of the powerful Zionist Lobby.

Now the censorship wave has spread. So has awareness of just what is at stake if Revisionists ever gain a legitimate platform and and succeed in awakening global awareness of what they have found - the "Holy Hoax" that keeps two cash cow countries, Germany and the US, permitting themselves to be milked to keep the money flowing so Israel can keep on torturing, abusing and even killing Palestinians.

For Revisionism's findings to be of any use at all to the resistance movement in the Arab countries, their leadership will have to understand that the supply lines - which run on well-oiled guilt about the Holocaust in those two Christian countries - will have to be cut off. That only happens via responsible and careful outreach education in Western Christian countries letting people know there were never any gassings and there was never industrial type genocide of Jews in concentration camps.

This press release reached me late last night - and this morning it is already all over cyberspace.

For those of you who haven't seen it:


Jordan: The Story of the Forum that WILL Happen

"Today he [Edward Walker, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State] travels to Jordan, where intellectuals are planning to hold a holocaust denial conference on Sunday."

(The Independent, April 20, 2001)

Amman, Jordan

April 21, ˛2001

Part I: The Jordanian Government forced today another "postponement" for a forum titled "Revisionist Historians and the Cancelled Conference in Beirut" that was supposed to take place April 8 the first time, and April 22 the second time.

The Minister of Culture, Mr. Mahmoud Al Kayed, called most of the members of the board of the Jordanian Writers Association (JWA) repeatedly today, and exerted extreme pressure. Some of those called were reportedly told that "it's better for the JWA to postpone the Forum on its own, than to have it postponed by force", and that "trying to hold the Forum anyway will result in measures that will guarantee its complete cancellation forever".

On the other hand, a few pseudo-leftists and defeatists in the JWA volunteered themselves to voice the government's line for the postponement of the Forum. Eventually, a majority of the members of the board of the JWA obliged with the government's demand to postpone, according to JWA president Fakhri Qawar. Thus, the Forum on Revisionist Historians that was scheduled for tomorrow evening, Sunday, April 22, 2001, in the offices of the JWA, will not take place in that particular time and place.

Part II: But, this is not the end of the story. In fact, Zionists may have our hands shackled in the chains of the Arab regimes, but it is only when you give up in your heart and mind, that Zionists win, and we are just warming up still.

This is what happened today. The oppressive measures of the Jordanian Government moved the whole battlefield into the domain of braver generals. Thus, upon receiving [until that point] unconfirmed news of the forced postponement of the Forum of the JWA yet again, Laith Shubeilat, the eye of the tiger, announced after consulting with members of the board of the Association against Zionism and Racism (AZAR) which he heads, that AZAR will be proud to host the twice-postponed JWA Forum on Revisionist Historians at a date to be agreed upon by AZAR"s board when the forced postponement is ascertained.

Laith Shubeilat of course is the distinguished Jordanian Arab opposition leader who has risen to the occasion more than once before where others faltered. This time he was speaking to a packed hall at the offices of the Association against Zionism and Racism (AZAR) on the occasion of Prisoners Day. AZAR was hosting an event to honor Jordanian prisoner Ahmad Daqamseh. Members of his family were honored on his behalf. One of the wounded of the Intifada, currently receiving medical treatment in Amman, was also honored. He gave a speech from the heart in which he condemned all Arab regimes (with the exception of Iraq), and in which he urged the Arab masses to move. It was at the end of that event that Laith Shubeilat rose up to make his timely announcement about the willingness of AZAR to host the forum of the Jordanian Writers Association should the news about its postponement turn out to be true.

Now, the board of AZAR will meet to set the new date for the Forum, and we will keep you posted, as usual. And neither Laith Shubeilat nor the members of the AZAR are the kind to bow under pressure over the phone!

The forces of Zionist evil will NOT win. The Forum will take place sooner or later, somewhere, whether Zionists and their supporters like or not.

Again, we urge all those who support the suffocation of free speech rights for revisionist historians and dissident Arab intellectuals to reconsider their positions. Plus, if historical revisionism were not so dangerous to Zionism, why all this hassle over a local forum discussing it in Amman?! At any rate, if you don't want to stand by your natural allies, at least don't stand against their right to practice free speech..

Ibrahim Alloush

Media Coordinator and elected member of the board of AZAR : )


Thought for the Day:

"I am a pessimistic bird, but I still sing."

(Dr. Robert Faurisson at the 13th International Revisionist Conference, May 2000)

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