Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


April 17, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Here is an article that is a MUST READ! I have not been able to track down Robert Fisk's email - and doubt in any case that I would be able to run it as a ZGram since, chances are, the Independent holds the copyright.

Therefore, I do what I seldom do - I will give you the first paragraph to spark your interest, followed by the URL to go and download it yourself.

Title: Telling the truth about Israel | Robert Fisk

The Independent | April 17, 2001

What if we had supported the apartheid regime of South Africa against the majority black population? What if we had lauded the South African white leadership as "hard-line warriors" rather than racists? What if we had explained the shooting of 56 black protesters at Sharpeville as an understandable "security crackdown" by the South African police. And described black children shot by the police as an act of "child sacrifice" by their parents? What if we had called upon the "terrorist" ANC leadership to "control their own people".

Thought for the Day:

"7 or 8 out of 10 times I switch to Deutsche Welle [ the most popular German broadcast }, there is some very healthy looking 'holocaust survivor' lamenting about past times or some 'documentary' on Auschwitz or Johannes Rau [ German President ] making some statement about how ashamed he is.

"What could be more boring than a TV channel which is running the same sequel over and over and over again?"
(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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